In a few hours, Final Fantasy XIV’s Tokyo FanFest will be held, showing off more of the upcoming Yawn – sorry, Dawntrail expansion. Here’s a list of ten(ish) changes I hope come to the game. I’m well aware that these are liable to never come to fruition, but where there is hope there is a chance.
#anime #gaming #finalfantasy
I make all of the music you hear on the channel.
I may have misspoken about “In From the Cold”—it appears that the easier difficulties of the quest were made easier, but the quest itself wasn’t nerfed.
You’re all still babies, though.
It's crazy how giving legitimate critisms of the game will get you crucified by the FFXIV community, just look at the like/dislike ratio. I can't think of any other MMO community that does this.
Healing used to be incredible fun back in Stormblood and earlier. Scholar especially had two offset DoTs to maintain, a DoT spreader, and an insta cast but global gcd melee range move. They took all that away because people complained that it was too hard to DPS and heal.
It's what made me stop playing healer after maining Sch for six years and swap to tank.
What's your next wow video topic? 😀 Love your content man but def prefer wow over ffxiv
tbh i think a lot of these are meh or super unneeded in general. ill go through why in order.
1: new player experience i agree with mostly, a super mini preview of what the job looks like at say…. level 50 would be good though i will say from another perspective this has to constantly be updated with every rework and expansion as jobs change over the years. you also cant really throw them into a mini instance with a training dummy at level 30, 50, ect because…. they are new players how tf are they gonna know if they like dot management on bard, fast paced monk, healing in general or other things. the char creator is fine too, more would be good but by god i hate having the amount of options that things like black desert gives, simple people want simple presets and it makes it easier overall. As
2: story is fine (btw timestamps would be nice or longer sections to find so people can revisit), this might be a hot take but i am so tired of people being "tired of reading" if you dont wanna read skip, the story is good (yes even ARR even though its not the best, at worst its mid) and although voice acting is nice i find it horrible when there is the shift from one VA to another and it throws the whole thing off when you could just…. read the darn thing and use you imagination. Now the difficulty I will absolutely give full marks on, the game is so easy and uninspired at the moment that I feel people will be more bored by the easy slow burn then hard fights followed by intrigue.
3: three is where i feel you are starting to be a little contradictory in a sense. you want the new player experience to be good and enjoyable but then also want tutorials, which are arguably the worst forms of any content to be updated and put out there for players to do more difficult content. guildhests are extremely outdated yes, and honestly removing them would be okay and not even missed aside the few achievements, but what the game really needs in more midcore content centered around what people consider normal gameplay. normal raids and alliance raids used to sorta accomplish this but over time they became so braindead easy that midcore is gone and shifted more towards group deep dungeons and adventuring forays. updating guildhests or even making a new system similar but fresher would happen and turn away more players than invite or teach. a question i also have is where to place them, at the start? level 16? 30?
4: before i get into the point there is also hunts which is overworld and i would hugely argue that is the main overworld content in ffxiv, gathering and fates as well but hunts is the main piece. fates they also updated in SHB and EW but it kind of flopped due to lack of community interested and uninteresting battle design. battle leves themselves are…… okay. ive done a few and they honestly just seem like personalized fates and nothing more. Yes they could build upon it but I don't see much value. A counter point is bring more of what bozja offered or even Eureka into the overworld. While I want adven forays more than anything the overworld could absolutely benefit from some of the systems of Bozja in particular being the CE system. Killing specific monster in zone also could net a rare Fate/CE/NM as well while player harvest materials in the world. A side note to this as well, SE should incentivize people more to kill monster for mats like in the case of FFXII system where killing the same monster nets higher mats, more mats, and unique mats.
5: Dungeons have higher difficulty is something that already exists in the for of Variant, Criterion, and Savage Criterion. However I know you are talking about specifically the MSQ dungeons so going off those….. its a really good idea on paper. The problem is how its implemented. If it is like unreals then its another system that comes and goes which is fine but also has massive FOMO. If its a constant system how will it work? Do you have savage tiers for all dungeons? Do they go in rou's? Are there more rewards? There is a ton of issues on how it would be placed in the world and further divides the player base further detracting away from the normal rous and making them honestly even more boring. Instead of a slider honestly I think the set difficulty just needs raising and for dungeons to be faster in general. Also less cinematics is good on average then more, but thats another note for the general game.
6: I literally see nothing wrong with these changes. Gearing up is honestly slow and painful if you wanna do high tier content. It isnt really neeeeeeeeeeded for the majority of the player base but honestly this one is a solid change and hurts no one in my opinion.
7: So this is where I have the biggest disagreeance I think….The gear for normal content is fine, but with a caveat. Bozja and Eureka. What you are looking for is Bozja and Eureka. While the gear upgrades themselves are strictly vertical what I think you are wanting is more a change in static jobs functions. The actions from the two above zones provide such a huge amount of customization that you get 100% what you want in this section. Want to make a black mage with the self sustain of WAR in normal combat? You can do that. Want a WAR that has a 15 second CD on inner release? You can do that. Want DRK to have 30 straight seconds of edge of shadow? You can do that. Want a healer to do as much damage as a DPS. YOU CAN DO THAT. The normal gameplay is extremely balanced because thats what people want in normal gameplay, you want the weird sh*t? Go to the side content that people general don't like. Bozja, Eureka, Blue mage are all good options to start in weird and fun overpowered gameplay.
Honorables: Hunts contradicts your previous statement of wanting to feel overpowered then saying hunts are boring as hell. And while yes, yes they are. At the start of expac go on some DT A ranks and S ranks and youll have a lot more fun c: at least for a bit like a normal raid encounter.
Other honorables were all meh or just good. Char customization I touched earlier but its fine, I dont want 50000 sliders thanks but thats just me.
8: YES THIS RIGHT HERE PLEASE GOD YES. I have literally nothing else to say other than I have fun on healer only when I dont wanna think or doing criterion with friends on it. Every other time if fecking boring and needs change. So yeah, another super solid ask.
Conclusion: I like to provide another opinion outside of "yes i agree or no i dont" on these so although its a bit of a read I hope it gives a shed of something more. None of these were really bad changes I would say but I dont think all of them were good aside 6 and 8. Good video though and glad to see you want the game to go places and get better c:
more Gameplay in the story… Sounds like a wet dream. And yet my FC mates are suprised im a story skipper XD
Sometime you just have to accept that there are casual player that are doing MSQ thats why they added difficulty setting for MSQ instance and they are not making the story quest hard and will never do so thats what the two biggest MMORPG since the start
the savage loot lockout is not "one item per instance" but rather "one chance to roll per instance" you could be super loot gremlin and win all 4 accessories from P9s this coming tuesday. you could be maximum loot gremlin and win the head, hands, and foots coffers, and the tomestone and the augment from P10s, FIVE WHOLE ITEMS, in one clear, on one tuesday.
the flipside of that is that the other 7 players all rolled and they all got nothing. you could be one of those 7 players. odds are pretty good youve been in this situation where you didnt win anything. unfortunate. come back next week to roll again.
however i dont really agree that gearing up is too slow or painful, even considering the lockouts and tome caps. my savage static isnt world first racing, we didnt clear p12s until november, almost 6 months after the tier had started. it took us 3 weeks just to clear p9s. i have full BIS for every job now, except the weapons. ill get Manderville weapons by the end of the month.
if gearing up is too slow for you, try getting into more hardcore statics that clear the tier the week it starts. getting all your reclears every single week, youll get enough coffers and books, youll be fully decked out for every job before the alliance raid patch is out, youll just need to keep capping tomes, week after week.
I think my biggest disappointment with Endwalker, aside from the current state of healers, was the lack of any sort of relic weapon grind. I was excited since this was my first expansion to actually play endgame from the beginning. Finished the MSQ in like 3 days and was ready to run raids and all that. Which, was great for a while. But then the relic weapons released and you just buy them with tomes. I was looking forward to diving into something like Eureka or Bozja, which I never got to do while they were current.
I hope this doesn't become a trend.
Based take, player want to play a game, not read a game. Too bad that they only listen to JP community feedback.
1. Half of these wishlist items are completely unrealistic with how the game is designed.
2. I agree about the gearing, but disagree about how to fix it. The reason it is abysmal is because the loot from savage is handed out via RNG, and is limited to where not everyone in the raid can have a piece of loot. The easy fix would be to make the loot personal, while reducing it to 1 coffer of player choice + 1 upgrade juice. The infrastructure for personal loot already exists in the game via Baldesion Arsenal and Bozja/Zadnor, so it would be easy for SE to make this change. The tome cap shouldn't be completely gone, but it should definitely be increased to at least 750/week. This would drastically reduce the grind. We need this first before asking them to make the loot role-based.
3. Healers have been simplified this way because the players asked for it to be that way, and because the players that like it that way far outnumber the players that want it to be more complex again, you will never get a community consensus for it. I personally think wanting it to be more complex is just ungrateful. Astrologian is the most complex of the healers right now and I rarely ever see someone actually be able to play it correctly. It is so rare that I have only seen it twice in the past 2 years of savage. Please stop asking for this. You are asking for savage to take even longer in party finder if you do. I do not want another week where it takes 6 days to get my reclear of the 2nd fight of the tier. You, and everyone on board with that, clearly doesn't respect peoples' time in this game, or even have that in mind when making this request of Square Enix.
No thanks. I like being a controller using scrub lol
the moment they nerfed 'into the cold' they took away the purpose of that part of the story, though it was still a 1 shot clear, the struggle to do it was really fun it made you realise what you are without your WoL.
dungeons should be harder when you are not playing with trusts and alliance raids should not be locked if the gear is crap, either remove the ilvl and stats or make it raid equivalent and have the ally raids go back to Ivalice pre nerf, i miss those raids.
I think the only thing worse than your opinions about the MSQ needing to be arbitrarily hard or your glam
what if there were two modes, novel mode for the turbocasual plotwatchers, and game mode for those who want to actually play, novel mode would autoplay dungeons, trials, and raids for the player in cutscene mode and they watch dialogue and action, but would have to hand prog the instances in msq order to unlock queueing for them and would be ineligible for any instance's loot if instances are run from novel mode ( for example, as if one were to story skip, they would not be able to run the endgame dungeon right away until they play the basegame dungeons in msq order first )
i agree with arr needing better voice acting, character creation being mid, and that there are people who whine too much. also fully agree with adding sliders for story duties.
however, all of your takes on difficulty are garbage. the design philosophy since shb has been stated to be, and very clearly is, to make jobs more approachable to casual players while making the fights themselves more difficult. you are complaining about the game being too easy while at the same time have never cleared a savage tier nor any ultimates. if you want a challenge, do the hard content. you are also complaining about healers being too easy while only playing what is widely considered to be the easiest. you are advocating for more player opt-in difficulty, while not taking part in any of the content in which there is opt-in difficulty.
gearing is absolutely not perfect, but you are advocating for gearing to be faster and easier, which is terrible for the lifespan and health of a game. destiny 2 is the perfect example of what happens when you make getting everything too quick and too simple.
at the end of the day this is just a ragebait channel, so i'm just feeding into the engagement, but on the off chance you are serious, just want to give you a reality check.
And this reminds me why I'm glad that players aren't in charge of development.
guildhests.. exist. like, thas it really, they just exist. dunno if anyone does them for dailies, i did a few times but i dunno if its worth it their piss ease even a caveman could do them.
Healers are surprisingly fun in my experience, but ye, sage seems pretty ass. Like it cant be the collective players are bad at using sage, so it has to be that the class is mid. aesthetically sage is dope af, which is why ppl wanna play it. but its not as good as any other healer it seems
Nah that quest in endwalker is terrible not because it is hard, but because it is boring. same with every quest that makes you play another character with 3 buttons.
Sounds like you'd be happier playing World of Warcraft.
I want my gear to matter in PVP.
I play WOW. Gear matters. It's a massive performance boost to be BIS from the raid and then go wreck shit in BGs because I have twice the HP and DMG as some plebs in greens or blues.
Now? Unless I get in on a dogpile, I get no kills (and no one kills me without blowing an LB). Lame as shit. You have to run with a murderball to get any performance, and with it a hope of winning. Bad PVP design. (Hint: All good PVP is based around 1v1 and scaled up from there.)
While I do find healing to be enjoyable, I can definitely see why people get bored with it. I do want healers to get more than a couple of dps buttons, maybe some kind of combo or proc system that can then be used as a healing resource. Granted, Sage does have that going with its shields to a point but it's not very meaningful when spamming Dosis is the same damage in a lot of cases. Feel like that's not something they're really going to prioritize though. The game hasn't really taken big risks with it's gameplay formula since the 2.0 launch and I don't see that changing unless it becomes a necessity to keep people playing.
very brave video, there are still enough warriors of light out there who will blast you for asking a giant company for better
great video, keep up the good fight
I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly
They haven't said they are embarking on another 10 year arc, btw.
The complaint about the story instance having to disband the party seems a little silly and the technical side to implementing party in a story heavy instance tuned for a single player seems unnecessary considering how jank ARR is and the dev time required to rework that spaghetti.
While I agree with the necessity of guildhests and hall of the novice rework. But I think you forget that savage raiding in general is a VAST MINORITY of the people who play this game.
The game is a single player setting final fantasy game first and an MMO second. Or at least from how the dev team has treated the game since the olden days of Heavensward and when PLD couldn't block magic damage lmao
Hi I'm an FFXIV boomer that saw how the synergy in raiding nearly killed the game and having it more "skill based" for stuff outside of people who want to pursue that avenue in savage and ultimates will kill it.
The new player is a lot less skilled than you would think and that's ok. We got people like my father in law playing the game through trusts and occasionally partying up with us. He will 100% need the echo buff for "in from the cold" when he gets there since ff14s story failure states are some of the most convoluted I've seen in terms of them trying new things with the engine.
Even thancred's instance in Endwalker is not hard… But for some long time players I've seen criticize it as "a knockoff metal gear experience" and I can't really say anything against that. Difficulty isn't the solution. And an attitude of "people are babies and can't handle failure states" when there is more nuance to it is a little disingenuous. And no I'm not babying the new player father in law… The man grinded through old school RuneScape and EverQuest. I'm just saying that there is no need to say "man people are babies for complaining having difficulty in their solo instances" when there's nothing to prove there. The tension being given to the story context is enough. It's meant to make you feel bad and it accomplished that for the majority of people. It just happen to do it's job too well for some portions of the playerbase.
I completely agree about the tome limit being low AND the savage lockout per role.
The common vibe I feel for this list is you're not satisfied with the skill of the general playerbase with the dungeon comment? Kind of like a preparatory phase for more difficult content. I want more of that a la criterion but I do not want it forced on to the general playerbase. You want enemies to be dangerous to chase down as you mentioned. While I respect that want… I don't want the Stormblood on content Eureka experience. People CONSISTENTLY said how overtuned that crap was on shout and other avenues.
As for healers, it's weird because the philosophy of the game has changed over the years. Min ilvl coils FORCED you to gcd heal because of how much the boss hits. With a simpler kit and how much missing a single cure 1 would kill the tank, you had something to do to optimize how much damage you put out.
weird take on hating on causal and ppl who do not seek a challange you know the 85% of modern mmorpg players . the endwalker duty sucked becuase it had not guide or a clear way to follow .most of the player dont care for hardcore content aka extreme /savage /ultimates i know raiders CANT UNDERSTAND THAT. you want to ruin the game for most ppl beucase you dont like the game being easy well buddy msq story driven part should never be difficult since the ppl who like that difficult are a irellevant minorty so stop speaking for the playerbase while being a hardcore player and and acting like oyur opinion would be good for the players .for more difficult dungs you have variants . your entire video is about the 5 % raider and the minor 10 to 12% midcore player not the VAST MAYORITY OF PLAYER you offer jack shit for the 85% of causal in fact all you suggest for dung would ruin the content for the vast mayority of players ,dung are easy, extreme trail,and variant dung are micore and raids (not including normal and alliance ) are hardcore .as for the gear part that fine pp lwho wanna lv more jobs at once should be given the choice. AS for healer no fuck no healer ruined dungs for ages(raider healers mostly) they refuse ot heal only ot dps and make tanks get stressful evertime . it feel like you jsut want wow but in ffxiv that all at this point one must ask why not switch to it .
Disagree with almost all of this video, but whatever. I do agree that the MSQ needs to add more actual gameplay. In the end, it doesn't even sound like you enjoy this, so maybe play something else?
For me, the most needed change is the separation of raids (savage, ex,ulti) from MSQ. Let MSQ be that chill visual novel, but don't force players interested in raids to do it. It's like forcing a shooting fan to play a farming simulator so they can keep playing their favorite mode.
Some of the things you say make sense. Like gear buffs. One thing i always see is that the developers don’t mind if people take a break from the game.
I have been playing since heavensward (back when SMN Earth egi was a tank)and i also played WoW since burning crusade. I think we need to accept that these are two games made by different companies that have a different philosophy and understand that FF14 is made by Japanese Company and the gaming philosophy is so different.
my favourite part of xiv critique videos is reading all the cope in comments