I’m going to start my first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV on 21st August (Monday). I hope some of you will join me on this adventure!
Will be streamed LIVE at https://www.twitch.tv/justruss
VODs will be uploaded here @justrussvods4865
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I hope some of you will consider joining me on my adventure!
VODs here: @justrussvods4865
Mark my words from a 10 year Veteran from Beta…you have alot…I mean alot…to the point of contention, of content to run. If you get into the game, you will not be bored for at least months if not years to come to catch up!
The algorithm says hello, also welcome to Eorzea!
Just remember, there's a lot bad eggs in our community that will try to passively pressure you into playing the game their way, or seek some form of constant validation from you that xiv is better than wow or that it's the best game on god's green earth (for some reason).
I'm saying it as someone who's been in the XIV community for 6 years, do NOT give in to the FF andys, do not cultivate that side of the audience. I've seen how it goes, multiple times.
Welcome to 14, just note that the combat in the game will feel slow to begin with. Your basic kit and rotation will balance out later on when you get OGCD's to weave between your skills, so stick with it and it will only get better
Welcome to FFXIV, hope you enjoy yourself, will tune in for msq and ask if you need any information
Welcome to the FF XIV fam❤
Have never seen you before as well, but now I will follow your ff14 journey with pleasure! Have fun🎉
Yes try other games and not just FFXIV. Happy gaming!! xD
I hope you enjoy. Just a note…
While the fanbase of 'our' game is generally nice, it still has its bad seeds, but most important is that a LOT of people often come visit streaming/videos of FFXIV in a sense of reliving something they've done over vicariously through the streamer/video poster.
They can get kindof pushy wanting you to make the same choices/dialogue picks/experience THEY had.
My biggest recommendations on this are as follows:
The story IS worth your time, despite the base game trying to convince you otherwise. Try not to skip it all.
People will watch mostly for the story, and as a result you'll likely see more viewers near the end of the base game and during first expansion onwards.
New feeding grounds!! 🧛♂🧛♂🧛♂🧛♂🧛♂
I mean… Welcome!
Welcome Warrior of Light may you ever walk in the light of the Crystal. Enjoy your journey take your time and a warm welcome from all Warriors of Light around the world.
New Sprouts, yeaaaah! Never seen a video of you but i hope you have a great time in Eorzea!
Good on you, you recognised that you weren't having fun and made a choice to do something about it.
I do wish to warn you as the MMO veteran you appear to be: FFXIV will start you at the absolute basics, and will feel very slow at the beginning. Our GCD is 2.5 seconds, and the vast majority of content is locked behind the MSQ story.
My advice to you: Treat this game like an RPG that controls like an MMO. Take your time, and take breaks. Pick a class that looks cool or that you like the mechanics of, or even if the town you start in interests you: there is no penalty to job switching. Don't feel obliged to do every single quest in an area before moving on, there are intentially too many and are meant for leveling other classes or if you feel like exploring small aide-stories. Stick to quest markers frames by a meteor symbol or ones with a Plus symbol to unlock more story or features.
FFXIV is about the journey, not the destination. It starts of at a sedate pace, but you will climb a mountain of storytelling and mechanics and uncover the best story told by a videogame and will be offered some fiendishly difficult remixes of boss fights. I hope you enjoy your time in Eorzea.
I played WOW for 9 years but started to get bored. I switched to FFXIV 2 years ago and fell in love with the story and the characters. There's so much to do in this game that I often find my head spinning trying to figure out what to spend my limited time on. I hope you enjoy it!
love watching new players experience the MSQ. looking forward to joining along!
Y’all are too nice in the comments 😭 I’m trying my best to read and reply to them all ❤
Never seen your channel before. But welcome to eorzea. I switched over from wow to ffxiv about 2 years ago and havent really looked back. Granted i was a bit more casual player than you (m+ never went past 15, and only raided until i got aotc).
Ffxiv is gonna be more of a story. I had to change my mindset from the level grind to max and juat kind of take along the ride of the story. Its a long one but it was fun. And theres a lot of side stuff along the way to take breaks from the msq and enjoy. And the endgame raids i think are pretty fun and challenging.
Ill definitely have to see your journey, i like to see peoples perspectives coming from wow like i did.
Welcome to Eorzea new fellow adventurer 😀 hope you enjoy yourself! 😀 i will be following your adventures at least on here!
Welcome to Eorzea Warrior of Light! Enjoy your journey and embrace the story! Another sprout wooooo!
Have fun. Hope you enjoy it.
Hi, I saw this video on my recommendations page. I'm excited to see where it takes you and will try to remember I followed you! Welcome to Eorzea!
Good luck making the journey all the way to Endwalker.
The algorithm recommended this vid. No idea who you are, yet, but ill subscribe to see how your journey goes. Glhf
I hope you enjoy your journey man! As many will tell you, the start of the MSQ starts a bit slow, but really picks up pace as you move into the expansions (also you JUST need to do the MSQ as you level, you can skip most other quests). I really hope you have the chance to try some extreme trials on your way up – figuring them out blind (at minimum ilvl) would be great content and a fun challenge!
I personally just swapped back from WoW to FF, there are perks to both, but the great thing about FF is how (once you’re done with the MSQ) easily you can jump in and out without having to catch up from scratch. Also being able to play all types of different alts on one character is incredible.
new sub 🙋♀️
Welcome & looking forward to your leveling journey 🌱
You're going to try something new, but FF14 is a WoW clone. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed but the devs weren't joking when they said they used WoW as their inspiration.
If you can get past this, I think you'll really like it. I'll def watch you play. I personally play GW2 but I had a ton of fun in FF14.
Welcome to ffxiv! Hope you enjoy it!
We’re glad to have you. Just keep in mind that FF14 is heavily focused on story; you’ll be spending a lot of time – especially in A Realm Reborn – reading quest dialogue. My advice: go at your own pace. No need to rush.
I’m so happy trust me it’s very good 😄
ARR is slow but it’s the foundation of it all. You may want to pay attention what is going on around it. in post-patch and onward, It will be more excitement contents you can imagine.
You may want to watch Jocat about “how he love ff14” (i can’t remember title but it’s very long video) it may have some spoiler but it worth if you really like to get some information from “high to low hype, given up turn to love the game”
Enjoy the world Eoazea
New sub, looking forward to seeing you and so glad to have you in FF14. Best piece of advice, take your time, enjoy the ride! Hopefully I can retake a trip again through you.
Perfect time to come in as we move into the next patch cycle next year! Maybe you'll be in the server queues come this time next year. Have fun with it