FFXIV: Dawntrail Job Action Trailer – My Reactions /Thoughts

Job action trailer :

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#FFXIV #Meoni #dawntrail

Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


28 thoughts on “FFXIV: Dawntrail Job Action Trailer – My Reactions /Thoughts”

  1. I could be wrong about this, but would appear that with Monk, they've shifted the focus away from maintaining buffs and timers to going all in on the stance and combo mixups. You use your starter combo (Dragon Kick, Twin Snakes, Demolish) to buff the other combo (Bootshine, True Strike, Demolish).

    So you start by using your buff combo, then your damage combo. So far so good. However, if you look at the new guage underneath the master's gauge (The top hud item on the right), you'll notice that each time you use your buff combo, all the dots underneath the master's guage fill up, granting you a certain number of charges for your damage combo (1 Dragon kick = 1 red/Opo-Opo charge, 1 Twin snakes = 2 purple/Raptor charges, and 1 Demolish = 3 green/Couerl charges, corresponding with the stances those charges are associated with). Each time you use a damage combo move, you lose a charge, and when you run out of the charge for each stance, you have to use the respective buff move for that stance.

    This means that you'll be constantly mixing up your button inputs. You'll be using a different combo string each go around. This explanation might be a bit confusing, but in essence, this is the way your three hit combos will flow:

    First combo:
    Dragon Kick (Grants 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    Twin Snakes (Grants 2 Raptor stance charge)
    Demolish (Grants 3 Coeurl stance charge)

    Second combo:
    Bootshine (Subtracts 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    True Strike (Subracts 1 Raptor stance charge)
    Snap Punch (Subtracts 1 Coeurl stance charge)

    Third combo:
    Dragon Kick (Grants 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    True Strike (Subracts 1 Raptor stance charge)
    Snap Punch (Subtracts 1 Coeurl stance charge)

    Fourth combo:
    Bootshine(Subtracts 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    Twin Snakes (Grants 2 Raptor stance charge)
    Snap Punch (Subtracts 1 Coeurl stance charge)

    Fifth combo:
    Dragon Kick (Grants 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    True Strike (Subracts 1 Raptor stance charge)
    Demolish (Grants 3 Coeurl stance charge)

    Sixth combo:
    Bootshine (Subtracts 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    True Strike (Subracts 1 Raptor stance charge)
    Snap Punch (Subtracts 1 Coeurl stance charge)

    Seventh combo:
    Dragon Kick (Grants 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    Twin Snakes (Grants 2 Raptor stance charge)
    Snap Punch (Subtracts 1 Coeurl stance charge)

    Eighth combo:
    Bootshine(Subtracts 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    True Strike (Subracts 1 Raptor stance charge)
    Snap Punch(Subtracts 1 Coeurl stance charge)

    Ninth Combo:
    Dragon Kick (Grants 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    True Strike (Subracts 1 Raptor stance charge)
    Demolish (Grants 3 Coeurl stance charge)

    Tenth Combo:
    Bootshine (Subtracts 1 Opo-Opo stance charge)
    Twin Snakes (Grants 2 Raptor stance charge)
    Snap Punch (Subtracts 1 Coeurl stance charge)

    And on and on it goes until it finally loops back to the beginning combo. In between that, you'll be weaving your Perfect Balance, Riddle of Fire, Forbidden Chakra, and a few new abilities in. As for speed, I don't know if they're taking away Monk's speed, but I think they were just letting the animations play out before moving on to the next one.

    I don't know for certain that this is how DT Monk will work, but I have a feeling the "always need to think about what you're doing" part of Monk isn't going away entirely.

    TL;DR No more timers, it's all about combo mixups, weaving, and stance shifting now.

    EDIT: Fixed up some grammar/sentence mistakes.

  2. As a drg main im kinda glad we didnt get a full rework. The job has always played pretty well. It seems they want more of the jobs to have a huge opener bursts now. Also no juggling eyes anymore. Will just have to see once the expac drops.

  3. I'm going to have to disagree with summoner. As a summoner main from way back when FF4 was still FF2, I feel this is the first time I am completely disappointed in summoner. Another bahamut was the last thing I wanted.

  4. I'm happy for the card change cause honestly I was worried it was going to either be a worse form of what we have now or gone entirely. But now I'll not have to fight RNG for the right card and some of the old beneficial buffs aside from Balance's dps buff come back, it's a good day amongst the stars in my globe. Also congrats to sch on their magical girl transformation by the by XD.

  5. I've mained monk since the 1.0, it looks pretty good, i think the doom posted are similar to black mage and people don't want the homogenization to happen. Looks like they are getting rid of buffs and dots and making it more combo centered from what they have said about it.
    Personally i think it looks good but dam if Viper isn't tempting me into switching. I love the fast move jobs.

  6. It's really odd to me how much I hear "I'm not sure if I'm gonna play x job" as I'm a player that plays every job and can't see ANY reason not to level them all. Jobs are content to me, so like, why not play all the content there is?

  7. I've been playing XIV since 2016 and for the first time ever I'm honestly feeling rather disappointed and skeptical about all this. The trailer and the dev comments after weren't inspiring, and downright a bummer for some things. As a Summoner main I wanted to pull my hair out with all this nonsense. I love this game but I'm not feeling really excited coming into this expansion still.

  8. I think overall the healers had a strong showing in this trailer! You can see the starts of branching differentiation between the individual healers and I am a big fan of that. Hopefully they keep on that path!

  9. As a MCH main, I'm pretty satisfied. I thought the circular saw that was in the benchmark was going to be a drill upgrade, but here we're seeing drill, bioblaster, air anchor, chain saw, and autocrossbow all in play, so it's a new button rather than an upgrade to something existing. Sure, flamethrower is still there, and I have thoughts on a better way to use it, but if it gets number adjustments that makes it worth it, I'll be happy about it.

    There's also a lot else that looks good. Sage, my healer of choice looks like the same but more, and this is fine. Gunbreaker having a new combo to follow a CD, also looks fun.
    Going to be 100ing everything anyways, so there's a lot to look forward to.

  10. AST killed me.. HW and SB were so good then it went down hill.
    MNK looks good despite people thinking it will go slower or the drift is off I disagree I think it has potential just have to see whats up with it.
    BRD is something Im looking closely at and excited for it looks more music focused ands less arrow focused and even an actual fusion of it

  11. Well having the card do things besides buff damage for ast i think gives is more identity and it makes less rng heavy too with the seals and just the throwing of one card after another

  12. I look forward to AST, BLM and MNK so much which I find so amusing because those are the three people are dooming about the most. I love the look of the changes for them. Hyped for other jobs too, glad my rpr rotation stays much the same. It's satisfying as is.

  13. That comment/decision about them saving the bigger changes for 8.0 actually upsets me. If they already have plans for how they can make the jobs better than they are now, then it should be a priority to implement those changes ASAP. Why hold off on something like this?

  14. I wish they’d have the pets for summoner actually do something. I miss when I could have my summon fight along side me. Dots being removed isn’t so bad though. Once I level summoner up I won’t be touching it again 😢

  15. AST is the only healer I really play at all and I have no real issues with the changes. It's not the change I would have made to the card system but it doesn't necessarily seem bad and I'm waiting for more information. If I would have changed anything about the job it would be to consolidate some of it's healing tools that do relatively similar things.
    As a caster main, though, I'm pretty disappointed in SMN. RDM will always be my top job, and Picto actually is going to compete with BLM as my secondary in the role.. but SMN is definitely at the bottom of the pile. No real additions at all and just a reskin of Bahamut tacked on. Heck, if they really really really felt they needed to have a laser firing major summon added they could have just used Alexander.

  16. Bard kinda only looked like one new attk and a few upgrades to old ones. The purple orb attk is definitely an upgrade to a really old attk. Monk I only saw the jump up and swiping downward as kinda new

  17. As much as I would have liked a NEW new summon, I'm okay with Solar Bahamut. I'm also REALLY hoping that they hear all of our feedback and let us keep Resurrection, since as a summoner I like being able to help give the healers a hand if they need it. Plus, and I'm definitely biased here, I'm really glad we still have Carbuncle since he's my favorite summon in the series. I was hoping they'd give him a little more to do in battle than just giving us a shield, though (I kept thinking about a variation of Avatar's Favor from FFXI that could work, but who knows).

    I'll wait and see when the media tour happens though; we only have so much information at the moment and you never know!


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