Inspired by:
#animation #ff14 #ffxiv
I love how this is a viral trend short video. Our WoL is content creator 😂 crunch crunch crunch
Just be happy he didn't put them into his urethra.
Hey Bene, do you think we can get a skit of Meteor and the "green Miqo'te healer" talking about the "Canon" from Spider-Verse. But the canon being about Haurchefant and what all the WoL go through 😅
This is the level of idiocy my WoL strives for
Wait till the WoL meet the ultimate gigantic crystal of all that is Hydaelyn in the next expansion 😂 a millenia of licking… Wait… Too late… Zenos already devoured her before the final showdown.. 😂😂😂
And in the next video: Toilet (Savage)
you make the best shit 😂
The fact that Elidibus didn't even try to stop him until he got to Azem's crystal is so fucking funny.
His next bathroom break is gonna be the new Ultimate
Apparently the soul stones of the Eldar taste wondurfully
I'm fuckin' CACKLING.
"If not food then why food shaped?" – WOL gremlin running around Amaurot
Freaking lost it at Ardbert mouthing "wtf" omfg I'm howling 😂😂😂
Doesn't this dude know if you eat glowy rocks you become a dragon??
Either that or die of radiation poisoning.
Peak Azem.
Jokes on you – by consuming the Ascian Candy, I will become the next Hokage.
Why look like Jolly Rancher if cant eat 🙁
Ardbert keeping the WoL in check.
Love how the Amaurotines just stare with what appears to be a look of astonishment. But really, it's how they look by default.
And somehow, Hythlodaeus feels like he's thinking "lol. lmao."
0:46 That got me, awesome vid 👏
The thumbnail made me think of a certain scene in BG3 that I just experienced last night, lol. Thank you for this, I cackled the whole way through! 😹
i now have new canon for my WoL
"You ate the only hope, what do you have to say for yourself?"
The first thing I thought of was chewing on the Xen crystal and then he did it
WHERE do you come up with these WONDERFUL ideas? lol
Ffs Azem… not again…
Emet Selch said to remember that they once lived. This can be considered one such method.
Thank you Ardbert
imagine all the spirit who had vore fetish!
Gonna turn out like Koltin doing that.
Hyths face be like O_O but honestly, comedy gold
Hire bro SE
oh god the crunching was brutal
Pray return the Passing Stones.
The blank hythlodaeus stare is killin me
And thats why Ardbert is the true hero of this addon…
Everyone deals with being sundered in their own way, trying to fill the holes.
Hythlodaeus gives Michael Bluth "I don't know what I expected" vibes when the WoL eats the Azem crystal.
Don't think i didn't hear that cat Luna with the crumching audio