[FF14 – Post-Shadowbringers] 🌱Sprout's First – 5.3🌱 Part 3

ITS TIME FOR THE FIVE POINT THREE EXPERIENCE (everyone has been hyping this up, if I’m disappointed I’m going to punch Lyse)

The overall plan is this: play to 5.3 quests, then stop MSQing to go back to the story-relevant raids and things I didn’t complete from HW onwards, in prep for Endwalker!

Why lalafell? Miqo’te are required to have tails, I do not have a tail.

Backseating Rules:
1. Please do not give advice on the game without being asked (unless it’s VERY VERY OBSCURE and would require a guide to find/do in the first place, even then – Ask first!)
2. If I get stuck, I usually prefer to figure it out. I will ask clearly when I want outside help, then it’s your time to shine!
3. Making gameplay suggestions falls under “backseating”, if you’re not sure – ask first!

♡ MERCH COLLAB! – https://ohmonah.shop/en-ca/collections/girl_dm_
♡ Twitch! – https://www.twitch.tv/girl_dm_
♡ Twitter! – https://twitter.com/girl_dm_
♡ Tiktok! – https://www.tiktok.com/@girl_dm_?lang=en

3D model: https://twitter.com/PiPuProductions
Thumbnail art: seikoo_caffeine

2D model:

Outfit Concepts:

#girldm #vtuber #greenhair #ff14 #shadowbringers #ffxivshadowbringers #ffxiv


1 thought on “[FF14 – Post-Shadowbringers] 🌱Sprout's First – 5.3🌱 Part 3”

  1. A 1430 calories/day target for maintaining a healthy weight?!?!
    I'm not doubting or questioning you. Just shocked.
    My metabolism is so fast that if I eat less than 2000 calories per meal at 3 meals/day, I will start dropping weight.


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