#FFXIV #WoW #GW2 **Shout out to FetchGamesLive for my screen shot!** Does @Asmongold TV like FFXIV’s glamour system better than WoW’s transmog system? You Decide! Also, would you like to keep seeing reactions like this, and would you participate in an Asmongold Glamour Contest? Don’t forget to try Guild Wars 2 as well! https://bit.ly/XandriiGW2
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consdier glamor upgrade to WoWs transmog, but Lesser to Gw2s Armor and weaon Tmog/customization.
I wish that GW2 dye systems had to be done at a set location similar to FF feel like it gives more of an rpg feel to it.
I'm with, as a person that mostly plays female chars, I hate helmets with a passion.
Ff14s is the worst compared to WoW and GW2. Plus dying practically near anything in gw2 puts it that cut above.
The music is actually what won me over from WoW to FFXIV. I even remember how it happened. I stepped into Limsa Lominsa and was immediately enchanted by the music. It's the soundtrack to every pirate/swashbuckling fantasy I ever had as a kid. I stuck around doing random sprout shit and lost track of time…then the night music played.
Day AND night city music?!! Even better, it was a LEITMOTIF–all the awesomeness of the pirate fantasy, but slower and more sentimental.
I love the music in WoW. I still do, but I honestly feel like FFXIV executes their music better, from day and night versions of city themes, to mounts that actually have their own music (I swear to God, my knees got weak when I heard the FFXIV remix of the FFVI overworld music when you use the MagiTek mount), to the boss themes. They REALLY understand music as a means to enhance story.
I think even more than he is enjoying XIV is that he's trying to make a point to blizzard to fix their shit. It's kind of a sociopathic approach, but at least he's doing something new and sending a message to the world (blizz included) that wow seems like a waste of time for a lot of people.
FYI he has said that he is working with people in the XIV community to setup a Glamour contest
I must say, that from three games i actively played (WOW, GW2, FF14), wow transmog is most dissapointing. It is not lucking in numbers, but the look of the pieces is actualy horrible. For every good looking set in wow is like 60 bad ones, im not gona even start about the boots in that game, they are embarasing. FF14 have hands down the best looking sets with lots of cool details, but GW2 have actualy better dye system.
RNG grinding grinds my gears. I'll wear lvl 1 clown armor before doing that kind of grind. I did love the wardrobe system in LOTR.
I start to watch more of his videos after he plays FF14 lol He is interesting<3
I like the aesthetic of ff the best, but gw2 and wow's actual SYSTEMS are superior.
I always wanted a glamour plate per job, but ff struggles a lot with memory issues.
As I stated in your stream today, he is more about Tansmog than the gear grind. He brings it up in on of his reaction videos to the WoW Mythic Raider to FFXIV raider.
Oh he has also been streaming on his Zack Rawr Twitch after hours at times.
New player in FF14. I miss GW2 system so much! LOL
I hate 99% of the helms. I like seeing my face. GW2 has the the best dye system that I've seen.
the literall god
That axe will take some time ^^
Holy shit your boring to watch,
I lasted, like, a whole like, omg a whole like, 3 minutes.
I think if final fantasy proves anything about Asmongold content, it's that when the primary game you stream can be played 90% of the time without paying attention, yeah, you're gonna try to find things to do to make your stream more interesting, which was reaction content for him. When the game is fun and interesting, however, playing the game and your reaction to that becomes more the content than reacting to videos.
Oh fuck he wants the zodiac weapon
its at this time , he learned , The True Endgame…..is Glamour.
1:30 May I suggest you try the main, live version of RuneScape proper (unofficially known as 'RuneScape 3')? It's extremely underrated for several historical reasons having to do with content creators transferring en masse to Old-School several years ago and taking virtually all of their communities with them; however, as someone who's being playing from much before the split I'm deeply convinced normal RuneScape is the best of the two and actually my favourite amongst all MMOs, and it definitely deserves some love, and is a very unique experience. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
As for music, RuneScape holds the Guinness record for the most tracks of music in any game ever (it was 1,323 last time I checked), and although much of the music is very simple and unimpressive due to the limited engine the game had some years ago, much of it has also been reworked and flesh out in lovely forms.
Any way, watch Josh Strife Hayes' or the Salt Factory's videos on 'RuneScape 3' if you're curious.
I'm slightly happy that Vieras don't have to wear helmets :>
There is a video on Asmongold's channel about farming Throne of the Four Winds for the mount. That was the first time I remember watching him years ago.
The advantage that WoW has is the way Transmog remembers gear you no longer have. The disadvantage is that so many older items use such low-res textures.
FFXIV plates are fantastic but I really hope they get increased to at least one per job.
I haven't tried GW2's yet.
Repairing things to put them in the Glamour Dresser – Void Storage works the same way.
@XanBlast, can you please explain to Asmongold about Guild wars 2 and try and persuade him to give the game a shot, and not be so negative about it? Thank you
I actually laughed out loud when you said he might have had gear issues in molten core.
He only struggled with his transmog and mount farming. Loot wise he would just master loot whatever he wanted and turn the results into good content
He streamed the Odin kills on his second channel.
His second channel, he’s a lot more chill and camless, maybe because he’s tired and just chilling, but it’s definitely a quiet twitch streamer vibe on that one.
But on that one, literally EVERY time he killed Odin, his mouse instantly, without missing a beat, was right in that duty finder for Odin all over again.
But he’s a completionist. He said last night he would do all of the ARR raids(just finished Bahamut yesterday and began unlocking crystal tower) then he said after all of those, THEN he’ll do more story and do the same with the heavensward raids.
Not entirely unexpected from someone who farmed ENDLESSLY to get mounts in WoW, even in content he hated because he just wanted it all.
Glamour is endgame.
The systems are better in other games, but it doesn't matter.
There's so many options in 14, and dyes that it's just the best one.
And once you set up glamour plates, and use the dresser, it's better overall
Asmond reacts to Transmogs:
"All of his other stuff is just reactions."
ayyyy meta
How someone with good eyes and a brain can think WoW transmog are better looking than ffxiv LOL plz
20:27 her reaction xD