It’s an unfortunate reality we must accept but Asmongold is never coming back to FFXIV. It was a good run, Asmon played through some spicy parts of the FFXIV MSQ but all good things must come to an end. It’s time to move on and enjoy other things…unless there’s some kind of hope from a faraway place…?
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#Asmongold #FF14
I motion for the second folder's content to be revealed. Agree below:
This is A tier content
He had me in the first half. Then the second half dropped and it GOT WILD.
I mean beneath of it all, Asmon is a businessmen. He's gonna fish where there are biting. As much as I hate to admit it, FFXIV isn't great at capturing viewers other than veterans who have played it.
Damn, xeno would be proud on that beard chad
Who cares =)
This is S tier troll video Chad. Love it. lol
Well. Who knows. Whatever happens, we had the honor to watch you play. (And I still have to finish Endwalker)
Now that's what I call content lmao
The choice of music is topnotch.
EDIT: I see that the hair transplant did good for Asmon in the 2nd half.
As someone who plays on Aether DC I'm kinda glad to see my queues back to double digits and no rush to be labeled congested again.
Funny Strimmers UNITE 😼
ok doood
also ur character looks awesome wtf
perfect that his blizzard flash drive is dusty lmao
worst asmongold impression I've heard
Dam youre trying hard to be just like asmon . Be yourself
My balls can only be tickled so much
There it is
Just face it, him and rich milked you weebs for easy subs/donos. They dont like the game, why do you think they stalled that shit out so hard and never play anymore.
The FFXIV people are too well mannered for our boi Asmongold and his community. 😉 I liked him a lot more while he was playing Fourteen, he seemed to be much more humble and relaxed back then. But at the end of the day it's his choice and he's a clever businessman at first. I think his community expect him to play the trendy games before all else, so he will do that.
As someone that is so excited to see him play again, this video was like balm to my chafed, impatient soul. The Bald One shall ride Bold Gold once again.
PepeLaugh "Playing Lost Ark" PepeLaugh
Got damn that second half was amazing
Now we need an Asmon reacts to "Asmongold is NEVER Coming Back to FFXIV…"
14/10 editing
I'm not gonna lie… this is the best thing I've seen this week. Future Asmongold was an S-tier WTF moment, and I loved it LMAO!