5.3 Finale Reaction (Part 1) | FFXIV Shadowbringers

First time playthrough and reaction to FFXIV Shadowbringers 5.3!

We continue our efforts to return the Scions to the Source whilst dealing with the fallout of Elidibus. I hope you enjoy!

Shadowbringers 5.2 playthrough:

Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:

Shadowbringers Trailer Reaction:

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Intro & Recap 0:004:15
Speaking with Moren 4:1514:29
Riqi-Tio & the kids 14:2931:55
Elidibus 31:5542:03
Thancred faints 42:0346:26
Dawn’s Respite 46:2652:02
Sharlayan Bread 52:0258:15
Back at the Ocular 58:151:08:01
Checking in on Y’shtola 1:08:011:14:48
Faded Memories 1:14:481:40:21
Fourteen Crystals 1:40:211:58:33
Thoughts & Outro 1:58:332:01:01

#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv


11 thoughts on “5.3 Finale Reaction (Part 1) | FFXIV Shadowbringers”

  1. 13:30 Damnit man you almost made me choke on my fries.

    37:15 Remember when he did the same thing to Minfilia literally the first time we saw him in ARR?

    56:50 Welcome to Archon loaf. The third worst kind of bread in the world. Third only to Lahabread and <redacted>.

    1:10:10 I'd never considered that before, lol. All the side jobs Tataru was taking up to pass the time.

    1:16:40 Prepare to have your heart ripped out of your chest.

    1:56:40 Hythlo is Batman confirmed.

  2. Knowing everything and reliving these moments… Damn this was a fantastic patch. Half hour in and I’m crying again lol This patch will probably be one of my top 3 moments from this story arch. When you know everything there is to presently know, it just stabs your heart even more. There were so many beautiful moments. The writers, particularly Ishikawa, made damn sure we’re all masochists by now 😂😂


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