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Oh god no, Favor was one of the reasons i basically skipped HW gathering.
My number one wish? Please;;; let me upgrade my fishing off hand;;; it’s literally the only offhand that doesn’t have better versions anywhere and it keeps breaking so quickly;; please;;;
You will never get over the old times in HW, like me ;). Chance that we get back the gil making "favor nodes"…is ZERO. Sadly.
By the way: Gemmaster's Gown 3:32 … NQ craft … Shame on you! 😀
My wish is you giving me 100 million gils (I'm on chaos)
i would like less actions
Totally agree about making the master recipes expert crafts, this would help with making the gear more valuable and actually worth selling. The end-game crafting should be a way of testing a players knowledge of how to craft at max level, not just hitting a macro and your done. This is something I personally love about the Ishgardian Restoration, that content makes crafting something you have to actually engage with and pay attention to during the process and it's much more satisfying to get a finished product in the end. I liked how they made the Relic Tools expert recipes, on a slightly easier scale but it was a great introduction to anyone wanting to test how expert crafting works. Overall Ishgard Restoration is definitely a step back in the right direction for endgame crafting, they just need to apply it into normal crafting again.
I really missed stormblood crafting. I became a raider this expansion due to the lack of an end game system for crafters/gathers.
A good list that I find it hard to disagree with. The resplendent tools ought to have been off-hands really. In stead of competing with the relic they would have complemented it.
Having more things be expert recipes need not make everything terribly difficult or RNG in case people are worried: Lesser recipes can well within reach of normal crafters by tweaking the power and/or probability of the conditions. It should just make it less of a macro-fest since you'd have to respond to those conditions.
Favors were one of the worst ideas, in a long list of bad ideas Heavensward introduced that almost destroyed the game. Those days were called the dark times. Sorry not sorry. "I was there, Gandalf"
wtf why did Astral birch lumber cost so much back then?? lol
I want fishing log to let you search fish, and i want time and weather specific fish youve caught to tell u what time and weather they are available. I already caught it and ones that require the tome to get i already have the tome, just tell me in game when i can get it. also, itd be great if fish werent mostly useless. maybe 5 percent of the fish in the game are worth catching, this is a problem. A few rcipes need em worth making, and some desynth good, thats about it. A tacklebox for bait to not take up storage would be amazing too.
I like the sound of everything EXCEPT experts those are by far the worst thing they brought to crafting, there are far better ways they can better the crafting system than that garbage, back during heavensward most people complained about 5 minute craft rotations cause they sucked they were just too long, now people want 20 minute rotations lmao beyond bad. Bring back what specialist was supposed to be, you want to make crafting good incentives people being "omni" specialist, lock specialist changing to one change per expansion or at the least maybe every three months. allow specialist to craft an extra mat. lock specialist recipes to specialist only the entire expansion don't unlock them till the next expansion. making recipes take longer via making them experts would kill crafting not make it better. if they didn't want to lock specialist recipes, you could reduce or raise the required mats if you are or are not specialist. I'd take HW crafting over expert recipes any day.
Taking materials out of my retainers and putting them back when im done is super annoying…
Hi Ashe I was thinking in terms of fishers off-hand tool when u mentioned them, it is still at at a lower level as you also know and ofc the Miner/Botanist off-hand tools look like crap lol, thank you for sharing your hopes and wishes for the expansion to come regards Pip.
no please nooo! I hate the Favor system because of the RNG but I will admit it, it did make me lots and lots of gil at the time, and for me imo I'd get rid of the whole expert crafting system thing with all those rng conditions of pliant, centered and sturdy and bring back Heavensward crafting of Ingenuity and Hasty Touch.
Spearfishing offhand upgrades finally!
i never used the favor system so i can't say anything about it, but the rest of your wishes i agree! Specially the crafting from anywehre in the inventeory and the rewards of the Experts on the firmament! I love doing them but 500k on each class should have an special reward for each class! not just a mount (that has nothing to do with crafting btw) there would be 1 mount per craft and then 1 final mount!. 500k points in each class is a LOT OF work . We gey way better looking mounts for waaay less work.. This mount should be EPIC and imo is not.
Also agree a lot on the end gear being expert. that would put more value on the items and maybe stop bots a bit.
Master recipes being Expert recipes would be great, as long as they make them 100% skill based and get rid of the obscene amount of RNG involved with them now. Then they would be true end game crafting and not a case, of all your time and hard work being held to ransom by the roll of the dice.
I agree 100% with the offhand tools. I was really hoping when they were originally talking about adding new shiny tools after the skybuilders tools we were gonna get offhands, but sadly just ANOTHER set of mainhand tools 🙁
How many alt characters do you have?
AMEN on the automatic ingredient retrieval for crafting, omg it would be so amazing.
My biggest wish is they'd make it possible to pass things between alts
Heavensward was peak crafting for me
My wish…if you're a DoH, just finished a recipe and you switch to another DoH recipe… no need to back out, change class and go back in having to find the recipe again. Make the switch automatic. Makes multiple recipe crafts that much faster.