🐀 How to catch Charibenet in FFXIV 🌱

As of Patch 6.0, Charibenet’s strategy has become a lot more varied. Turning this Legendary Fish from a slog to catch into something pretty enjoyable. However, some people still spend tens of windows until they see a bite – only for it to slip away… here’s how to make that process a little less frustrating.

0:00 Intro & What to know ahead of time
0:15 Prep
1:13 Window Opens, Getting Intuition
2:30 Intuition Buff #2
3:05 Intuition Buff #3
3:17 Charibenet Catch

Fish: Charibenet
Location: Coerthas Western Highlands
Hole: Clearpool (X36.4, Y6.5)
Bait: Purse Web Spider (mooch)
Conditions: 0 – 3 during blizzards

📋Window Prep
Arrive EARLY to the Charibenet window. With Purse Web Spider, use Prize Catch (if you have it) and cast out. The goal of prep is to have FOUR or more Angler’s Art stacks going into the window. You get 1 Art stack per fish caught (so Double Hook can give up to 3-4 stacks!). Double Hook the first ! bite. More likely than not, it will be Ice Faerie. In some cases it’ll be Abalathian Smelt. If it is the latter, restart prep or just catch Ice Faeries one by one. Just make sure that after you catch your fourth, you use Identical Cast. (You can not use Identical Cast after catching a fish that was caught off an Identical Cast!). Once you have 4+ Angler’s Art Stacks, and you have Identical Casted your 4th Ice Faerie, use Prize Catch.

🐀Intuition Window
Just before midnight in game (ie: right before the window), cast out and catch the last Ice Faerie to trigger the 2 minute Fisher’s Intuition buff for Charibenet. Since we used Prize Catch before catching this final Ice Faerie, then it’s guarenteed to be large sized, and thus moochable with mooch. Mooch the ice faerie. Charibenet is a !!! bite – ignore all other bites to save time (just don’t attempt to hook them). If using Patience, you need PRECISION HOOKSET to catch Charibenet.

With bite luck, you can get 3-4 Mooches per Intuition window. I recommend not using Patience, Makeshift Bait, or Prize Catch during your second mooch attempt, and instead rely on Mooch II and mooch an average sized Ice Faerie. After Mooch II is on cooldown, then consider using Makeshift Bait, Patience, or Prize Catch. ALL of these work, just do whatever makes the most sense GP wise to ensure you get moochable Ice Faerie. In the video, I never used Make Shift Bait or Patience, and instead just relied on Prize Catch. I was Lv90, with 799 GP.

🛠Rebuilding Intuition
Rebuild Intuition just like during Prep: Use Prize Catch, Double Hook ! bites. If you get a smelt, then try and recover GP or just catch Ice Faerie one by one. You’ll have time for it! Ice Faerie bites more often than Abalathan Smelt, so you can roll the dice if you want on Double Hooks. Usually the earlier the bite, the more likely it is Faerie – but their bite times overlap heavily, so it’s always a dice roll.

Again, Charibenet is a !!! bite, and requires Precision Hookset if you’re attempting to catch it while using Patience.

Good luck and happy fishing!

💻Cast Timer Macro: https://pastebin.com/vvyciqJR
💬Want to chat with more fishers? Join the Fisherman’s Horizon Discord: https://discord.gg/fishcord
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9 thoughts on “🐀 How to catch Charibenet in FFXIV 🌱”

  1. This was my last fish for Big Fish title. My first bite made a mistake of using Powerful Hook, cost me one precious bite. Not until I start and catch all other legendary I finally caught it, the window is pretty common but the bite rate is awful.

  2. When you say "restart prep" upon catching a Smelt, what exactly do you mean? Like, if I double hook Ice Fairies, then double hook and get a Smelt, shouldn't I just keep going with the same plan until I get more Ice Fairies? Or are you saying to start over and reset the counter or something?

  3. My n'th window just failed with 3 Intuitons but 0 bite. Came here to see if I did anything wrong. I don't.
    But was in for a surprise when I saw that the bunny boy in your video was with me a few minutes ago.^^ Same server, same outfit. Wonder when I'll stop seeing them…^^

  4. Surprised to see so many people having trouble with this as well, I thought I was the only one to have this fish in their last 10.

    (In case you're curious, my Last 10 Hall of Fame consists of Aster Trivi, Duskfish, The Unconditional (got those 3), and the remaining Charibenet, Henodus Grandis, Lancetfish, Ealad Skaan, Cinder Surprise, Stethacanthus, Ruby Dragon.)

  5. If it weren't for this video I don't think I'd believe this fish exists. I've been going at this one since 3.55 and I haven't even seen the !!! bite show up once. One year I'll see it myself, one year.


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