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#FFXIV #Meoni #6.0
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“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
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Nah Necromancer was shot down when 5.3 was released.
New healer, gundam nu lol & going to space too
I actually want challenging new dungeons. not something I can run blindfolded on a daily basis >.>
Rads-At-Han remind anyone else of Bhujerba from FF12?
I'm just glad we are finally attacking Garlemald
We've been in the defensive since 1.0
The new PvP will be snowball fights
Necromancer is just going to be your typical boring anime-scythe character. Calling it.
Necromancer melee huh… was expecting a caster given how many melee dps we have already, but we'll have to see lol.
EDIT: Estinien has been, as far as I'm concerned, an honorary member of the Scions for a while now. Glad to see he features prominently in 6.0 and will finally be a true member of the team!
Wait were you a warlock in <ONE>?
neir automata's story line had a small part mentioned about humanity on the moon but you never physically went to the moon to see it for youyrselves, I wonder if the alliance raid will be neir raid on the moon.
Free Fan Fest and the Island? Great news!!
will this necromancer have a scythe for weapon? cus i would LOVE that
going to the moon wouldve been a great time to do a bravely default section.. am sad
Regarding the removal of belts: They need to come up with a plan for the Speed Belt – It has functionality in Eureka, and should be converted to a ring.
lol Sims 4 players been begging for a farming xpack forever and FFXIV just casually tosses it in like it's nothing. EA you're so goddamn lazy.
I think the melee dps is gonna be a reaper that uses a scythe- or something along those lines
So moon tribe sounds exciting. I hope the Lunarians will be making an appearance.
You woke up that early for FF?i just have to like n subscribe…i just bought the FFXIV for the first time today…been putting it off until i have time for adventure….now is the time…I CAN'T WAIT even to play base game!!
I’m more interesting in patch 6.1 which will be the start of a brand new story. Will it take place on the same continent? Will we go to a new one? Will this new story start back in old zones? So many questions.
So… Max Reebo is now in FF. Nice 😀
The alien beast tribe is probably going to be the aliens from Final Fantasy Mobius
I was hoping for an update of the graphics. Some textures are really mushy and outdated…
Hmm they said astro was going to be a pure healer, does that mean they are going to remove shields?!? I'm getting worried about ast now ☹
The new areas look pretty fun however I really dislike the idea of splitting the healers up and taking away astro's ability to switch healer types for filling purposes. you've already taken so much from astro do you really need to take more? Not hip on the barrier/pure healers at all. The sage looks fun but I hope it will be as mechanically fun as it looks and not simple, slow, or boring. Have hope for the best! Show us you know how to bring in the end Square.
The only interesting thing that they added for me, is the farming thing and the smaller scale pvp. Other than that its just you're typical money sink expansion.
Waiting for new information must be what drug addicts feel like.
Can we please make the dps chain for healers more complex?
uuuuuhhhhg melee again? i want a true long range class or a trap kind of class
Why is there Anima? Are the copying from WoW xD???
Everyone: Sage! Island sanctuary!
Me: Guys! There's a cat beside the black mage! Why is there a cat?! I want a cat now!
I'm sorry…
Shows a healer in trailer. Doesn’t show a new healer spell.
New class : Reaper 😀
If they remake the game again after endwalker its going to be insane
I didn't know about most of these things but they got me excited like a kid during xmas ❤
very excited for anima. ff10 was my first and still favorite game in the series, and i always thought anima was a super badass summon.