FFXIV: 6.0 Showcase Summary!

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#FFXIV #Meoni #6.0

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


34 thoughts on “FFXIV: 6.0 Showcase Summary!”

  1. Necromancer melee huh… was expecting a caster given how many melee dps we have already, but we'll have to see lol.

    EDIT: Estinien has been, as far as I'm concerned, an honorary member of the Scions for a while now. Glad to see he features prominently in 6.0 and will finally be a true member of the team!

  2. neir automata's story line had a small part mentioned about humanity on the moon but you never physically went to the moon to see it for youyrselves, I wonder if the alliance raid will be neir raid on the moon.

  3. You woke up that early for FF?i just have to like n subscribe…i just bought the FFXIV for the first time today…been putting it off until i have time for adventure….now is the time…I CAN'T WAIT even to play base game!!

  4. The new areas look pretty fun however I really dislike the idea of splitting the healers up and taking away astro's ability to switch healer types for filling purposes. you've already taken so much from astro do you really need to take more? Not hip on the barrier/pure healers at all. The sage looks fun but I hope it will be as mechanically fun as it looks and not simple, slow, or boring. Have hope for the best! Show us you know how to bring in the end Square.


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