In this video I react to the FFXIV Endwalker Launch Trailer! Let me know what you want to see next!
00:00 – 01:18 Intro
01:18 – 05:53 Reaction
05:53 – 13:07 Speculation/Analysis
13:07 – 13:42 Outro
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Dec. 7th my fellow cat girls!!!
Few things: Voice is Emet, Burning city is Amaurot which then switches to Thavnair (can see golden temple), Elephant thing is ome of the Magus Sister
If we gather crystals and pray hard enough, we can summon Dulia Chai Primal to avoid Alphi's Death Flag.
Sick shirt my man 😉 BITW Not long till we can experience this story now!
Spoiler theory of sorts if someone hasn't finished the MSQ yet:
Azem's ability was to summon allies to his from anywhere. Considering that WoL is 8/14 of Azem – I wonder if Ascians behind him is WoL summoning The Convocation to his side (we know Azem was close friends with Elidibus and Emet-Selch). Accepting himself being an Ascian and all that.
The red colored Ram Head monster at the end may be Zodiark
Dec 3rd is the start of early access if you pre-order EW.
'Warriors of light, are you prepared to meet the end?'
…I mean, physically maybe, but mentally I am not entirely sure I can EVER be! xD