Zepla expands on her Critique of FFXIV and reads YouTube/Reddit comments

Link to the video on the Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3fwXgcZvjQ&t=5s

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41 thoughts on “Zepla expands on her Critique of FFXIV and reads YouTube/Reddit comments”

  1. I like your idea of fate week! personally I'd like to see large scale fates become more of a thing and to make the world bosses more frequent and in more zones. world events or something and they can all drop a specific currency that you can exchange for stuff. I'd also really like it if the hunts could be integrated somehow. the system has been the same forever and it draws so many players it would be cool if hunts happened a little more frequently and spawned fates of their own. the world zones need to be bumbin and lively and we should also have little hidden chests that spawn for players that they can track down a la treasure maps but don't require a map so new players and vets alike can explore. you just stumble upon them. really gives more incentive to chill in the zone beyond farming nodes.

    weekly events could coincide with dailies and maybe bounties for the adventurer in need thing where sets of dungeons are chosen like in the moogle treasure trove so you can queue for extra rewards and you can farm them for that week. I don't want it to be the same as Chloe's book thing where its just a one time check off a list. I want to constantly have blood pumping into older content. the rewards and exchanges for critereon/varient dungeons of course need to update and offer new rewards every other patch or something and there should be decent incentive to try the savage version namely gear. if its savage difficulty there needs to be savage rewards. if this makes gearing too easy and the savage fights are easier who cares? wouldn't you like a more populated server?

    I also think they should increase the cap on the latest tomes to 600 or something like that Idk what number would be best.

    and lastly I think the materia system needs a change. I think they should function more like gems and sockets in ARPGs do. otherwise they just feel like 2 or 3 stats out of 10 that were supposed to be on your gear and the rest are traps. instead of giving cool bonuses like a random proc or shield or something. and these should be tough to obtain but collectible and everyone can get them so we have a collection of stuff to choose form. like I want my black mage to be an ice mage today and every umbral spell cast gives myself or a party memeber a shield and can slow mobs or something. a materia for scathe to turn it into a ogcd?

  2. Off the top of my head, these were the biggest issues for me this expansion (Not in any particular order):

    Lack of gold sinks. They mentioned a long while back that they wanted to give us more gold sinks in the game in the form of gold mounts. We've gotten two mounts this entire expansion, and to me, both of them are meh reskins with a little extra glitz. Give us something worth shooting for.

    Speaking of reskins, have you noticed how many reskins we got from dungeon/leveling gear? It's been like this for a few expansions now, and it's aggravating that they are doing reskins of reskins at this point. We need more (and BETTER) options. This is just a lazy effort.

    No Bozja/Eureka zone. The obvious, and probably the biggest issue. Having a MMO but being confined to only 4 to 8 people for all content in EW (Outside of hunt trains, PVP, and alliance raids) is really short sighted. Eureka wasn't loved at first, but they made significant changes, making Pyros and Hydatos especially fun. Bozja was a big improvement in a lot of ways with actions. The raids were great, duels were fun, and rolling around with your buddies was engaging. Skip to this expansion with Island Sanctuary, beyond the first week I have not heard one WORD about anyone's islands in my FC, nobody cares. This was not a fair trade in the slightest. In addition, we've lost a number of new armor sets because of this. We had the unique Eureka sets and +1 sets for Eureka. We got the Bozja gear, the FF12 character gear (Still waiting on Ashe, btw, SE.) and the Judge gear in ShB. EW has no equivalent, just 2 casual gear glams.

    Hildi quests being required for the relic. Again, this is lazy work, especially just tacking on "Get more mid grade tomes" for every step is incredibly lazy. This is why an exploration type zone (Or the world zones being utilized) should be standard issue with an expansion. Being able to do Bozja OR outside Fates was an excellent design choice for a few steps. We could FINALLY use Blue mage for something for our main job instead of being a complete gimmick. This is big time cost cutting.

    Lack of trial series. More cost cutting. The 4 fiends are in the MSQ, I love FF4 and I'm ok with their implementation, but we have nothing like the 4 lords or Weapon series. That's a lot of missing content.

    Weak PvP rewards. Anyone else bothered by this? Didn't they say we were going to be getting feast gear and old rewards in the first PvP revamp livestream? What happened to that? We've been getting HD models of old raid gear or current AF sets (Why was this a thing to begin with?!) I'd love to do more pvp if the rewards were better… They are especially weak this season.

    The Blackjack not having the World of Balance music. Hard pass.

    Shadow Wolf mount as a store mount. Greedy. This should have been a BLU or other achievement in game.

  3. Everything I'm enjoying in this game at the moment came out over two years ago. I am an achievement hunter and Endwalker ran out of casual stuff for me to chip away at fast. The relic grind was something I really looking forward to as the "big grind" for me to do throughout the year and instead, I have got half the weapons from doing all 2000 mentor roulettes. The fact that as I'm typing this I'm doing firmament crafting instead of figuring out how to do the next step of the relic is truly a shame because I'm tapping into a well of content that shouldn't be my main focus yet it is the only content I want to do. I have even held off the hunt grind for the final patch because I'm 90% certain they are going to repeat the same step again and crush any hopes of this grind being fun for me.

    The most fun I had during Shadowbringers was the week before EW launched and rushing through all the ShB relic steps including the 180 raids before the servers went down just so I could have the weapon done before launch.

  4. Thank you! I'm glad you're speaking up on this, frankly I'm a smol creator that does this genuinely for fun and it's been hard for me to even be inspired to make things. I genuinely, and I kid you not, have spent over 2 years working on a website alone alongside my content because I love this game so much… but the past few months have been very crushing to that passion and inspiration. I've been screaming into the void for months please give me something to do give me grippy meaty content I can really bite into and chew. (Aside from raids and I do stand by what I said, I want to PF UwU in the coming weeks.)

    Thank you again for taking the brunt of this, even viewing this videos comments is… well discouraging is the word I'll use but I hope you don't pay them too much mind some of these comments are… extreme.

  5. For me I actually don't miss the relic grinds, however I do think the currency used for this set is too narrowly attained to go for them, if they want them to use tomestones. It's also doubling down on an already coveted currency for alt jobs, so for a new player it has to feel like a mountain, and not particularly exciting a prospect to have to choose that much. In fact I think it weirdly goes against why they split tomestones in the first place. It really is also why it feels stale with the relic weapons imo, particularly in addition to below…

    I think a lot of feeling like you've activities steeply decline when you max out jobs. Now you might say this is natural but for me it was a huge drop in activity once I maxed the jobs and the beast tribes. I think those are amazing as long as you've got reason for everyday content, but… conversely, it's a big chunk that falls away.

  6. What you are asking for is SquareEnix to spend money on the game, and a global, publicly traded company will not spend more, but add more revenue streams. They will add NFT's to the game instead of content. They will alienate their fans and make it like hell to be in FFXIV. It is inevitable, because the industry is full of greedy assholes. I love this game, but I fear as I get older, cynicism is the only thing I can rely on.

  7. People have to learn to be real and criticize things they love. Just putting on blinders pretending nothing is wrong is actually the worst thing you can do. I am enjoying EW enough but I can see the shortcomings and flaws, I can say that the relics being tomestones was a mistake and badly hurt the variety of activities to tide us over between patches when there is no Eureka/Bozja equivalent and the Criterion and deep dungeons are fine but they aren't giving a reason for people to do them or anything out of the usual dailies.

    It's ok to say that, it's ok to say I don't like the direction they've gone with jobs, they're becoming homogenized, over simplified and ironically also too punishing because of the 2 minute buff window that I also think was a mistake and they should be trying to move away from the "hold everything and then buff and burst every 2 minutes on every job but maybe BLM sort of". That does not mean I hate the game, or I'm going to quit or I'm encouraging negativity. That's just stating our opinions and hopefully the devs and Yoshida can hear that feedback and course correct so the game doesn't go down a path that will make the game worse when it can be getting better.

  8. I’ve only been playing a year so I’ve got 10 years to catch up on
so I hadn’t noticed this but when you spell it out they really haven’t released shit for Endwalker lol. Just that godforsaken island. 😬

  9. To be fair they don't make games so people who are content creators as a full time job can have something new and fun to do all the time. There's a lot of of boring things people have to do in their job over and over again. If you make a game your job, eventually it's going to feel like a job.

  10. Why r u attacking our ❀❀❀ Game???? If You don't like it You Are free to play other games … & PLEASE don't encourage ppl to leave THE game just because YOU ARE BORED…

  11. I was really hoping this video would dig deeper into the problems with casual content, as promised in the previous video. Instead I felt like I got an hour of reading the YouTube and Reddit comments from the previous video.

  12. The levequest system and grand company ranks are just begging for updates. Add more quests, more unique rewards, and bring both systems up to date with current content.

  13. I think the devs are gearing the content more for casual players, bc honestly that's the largest chunk of players. I love to log on and play when I want, but I have 5 other games I also want to play, imagine being forced to do grindy content just bc they want you to spend more time in game. Honestly I am fine with how it is now. Yes, it was nice having to play all the time during COVID bc there was nothing to do… but now with how things are back to normal and there are actually a ton of good games out now, I would hate having to decide what to spend my valuable time on. I want to log on a few days out of the week for raiding and random stuff, and the rest to play the games I want.

  14. IMO it is selfish and unfair to the developers to pretend like you love everything about the game when you really don't. If the devs think that everyone loves the content they are getting you will get more of it. Trust me, it happened in wow so many times. What I see from FFXIV community, at least my FC, is almost like copium. Do not settle for less than you deserve, we pay for this product and this development team wants to make good content.

  15. I made a similar point on the previous vid, but I think this was what they meant by less intense patch cycle. This was a time of experimentation for the game/let the new writers get their feet wet and be ready for Dawntrail/give players time after the intensity of 6.0 to chill(maybe to much chilling lol). I think the fact that post patch content has been so light is why we are getting so much in dawntrail. Not as a reaction but so they had the time to dev it all out properly. We all acknowledged it at the time but people who play more frequently than me(I haven't had this issue personally since i never have time to login) are the ones being vocal.

  16. honostly seeing zepla talk about "this week is X another week Y" and so on made me remember the time i criticised the game and people i knew were like "nah bro youl its fine your just thinking that now" and how people now say "oh we are moving past the MUST DO X Y and Z in mmos now we dont need this is OUR GAME" like feels like they are just scared of doing something anything for people to chase cause they are to scared of the people that cant get it would just complain, my main issue with Endwalker above all else is that most of the content is basicly "Do this once and then forget about it" type of content not to mention the quality control completly tanked a new housing system they said was being tested since 5.1 and it came out in the shit state it did and little things like no ears on hrothgar hair really shows how little effort they put into things this time around.
    Eureka was probably the most i have ever put time into the game at first i was there for the mount but when i got it i was like "i actually loved that i wanna do it again" and i went on to lead some runs in the Eureka discord in EU it was great but now i log in and almost immediatly log off

  17. I'm now at a point where I have only things to do I don't like.
    Island? … Not into Farming-games
    Raiding? … I'm too bad for that sh*t
    Old Relics? … Again mindless grind
    Zones Like Eureka or Bozja? … I really don't like running from FATE to FATE for hours and hours … it's just pure boredom.
    Deep Dungeon? … Too bad to get past certain points.
    Crafting relics? … too boring and repetitive

    I just take a break and come back each patch to do the Patch quests. … And I'm fine with that. Love the game to bits. If I'd force myself to do all those things, I'd start hating the game.

  18. re what Zepla is saying at 24:18 with "some people will do that", what she is talking about is intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when you have a drive to do something and you dont need a reward to do it, while extrinsic motivation is you need something to make you do it. There's lots of study going into this currently (for obvious reasons, both profit driven and not) to figure out why us humans do some of the things we do. Its a VERY interesting topic for those of you who are curious about the human psyche and how your ego (not the chip on the shoulder kind, but the "who are you" ego) interact with these things.

  19. I think both Island Sanctuary and Variant Dungeons just need a few changes to be really good. For Island Sanctuary, I'm hopeful that they have plans to add more depth to it, such as running a vacation resort on the island, or adding player-to-player trading. For Variant Dungeons, they should add them as a new daily roulette option, with a randomly chosen path so players don't know which one they will get.

  20. I canceled my sub after the first couple weeks of the most recent raid tier. They really messed up with the relic weapon. With it being so easy they made it pointless for the gear motivated players to even care about this raid tier, as the best weapon will be a tome dump at the end of the relic weapon chain. As said gear motivated player, I see no point in doing the content after the first couple weeks when it will be more efficient to wait for the free bis weapon to drop and then learn and complete the fights with players that have been farming it for months. This works in reverse too, many raiders didn't bother with relic weapons because they were getting bis from the raids, and the relic weapon wasn't a big enough upgrade to warrant the grind for people wholly uninterested in the content. Those players are effected as well, because there is no grind deterring them, so they too are faced with the knowledge that the most efficient path is to wait for free bis to drop. The relic grind has been a mainstay for something new and different to do from the normal gameplay loop for the last two expansions, and suddenly they drop it. I'm pretty fine with being done with FFXIV at this point entirely if the next xpac doesn't have a bozja/eureka.

  21. The strength of FFXIV for me is that I enjoy my character and being in the FFXIV world, which helps make things enjoyable for longer even when the content is weaker. But I do feel like it's missing something. My personally biggest concern with FFXIV is how the open world feels static. In all aspects there simply isn't much going on or much of an enjoyable reason to be out in the world. Not just activities but even visually the world feels like it's missing something.. some energy to make it look like a living world. The graphics limitations up to now though may be playing a part in that.

    This could piggy back on the first thing, but second concern is indeed on needing new things for players to strive to do, outside of raids/dungeons and grinds. It has quite a few things but many of them have a limited player audience, so they still need more of them or a few more that target a broad player audience.

    They also tend not to go far enough when they introduce things like variant dungeons and island sanctuary and the deep dive dungeons. There's more they could do to make give those forms of gameplay much more depth and longevity for a wide range of players.

  22. i just wanted to add to my previous comment since the last one was already long, people need to remember that you need to buy the game, buy the expantions pay a monthly sub and it even has a cash shop and when they put out a patch that is dead within a week and tell you "alright cya in 4 months" thats really specially for a game that you need to pay a sub to play when other games offer almost as much if not more every patch they put out for completly free and thats something they need to consider "why would a player pay a sub and buy expantions and the game compared to this f2p game that offers all the content for free with just the cash shop"

  23. I just think that they wanted to add some small group content. Plus these new small contents take time to make from scratch. I will be more worried if it becomes a trend. In Wow they kept having a good expansion than a horrible one for a while. Now that they are not making it from scratch I feel that they will be able to get more stuff out. As long as this problems don't continue in Dawntrail I think it will be fine.

  24. As a long time player of FFXIV since 2.1 (and beta technically,) i have seen the expansion patch cycle repeat itself with quite a few deviations branching off. Eureka alone took hundreds of my hours. I can say i have had a really fun ride with FFXIV.
    Ive never been able to play the content i really want to. Savages and Ultimates. I want to feel that sense of accomplishment and sport that gear. But i never will. Ive tried getting recruited but my schedule never lines up. Ive tried recruiting, and the most progress ive made is completing up to Omega 12 wipe and quit. And thats with ilvl 530 or whatever max for ShB was.
    But I can never get in on current high end content. The schedule for these raids seems completely opposite to mine every time, and I'm over it tbh. 10pm on a weeknight? Sunday/Mon/Tue/Wed/Thur? Who makes up this stuff?
    The game is no longer worth the monthly price tag. And i love this game. I will follow the game to keep up on updates but I'm done paying for now. The housing system is predatory. Made to keep you subbed. And i lost my house to demolition for the 3rd time recently and thats when i decided to unsub after gathering my things from the housing NPC. Theres so many things they need to fix with this game and they never will. So thats that.

  25. i can understand zepla and most people's sentiment and i do feel that we need more content, but now, reverse that to yoshi P's perspective, made a new game and received quite well, he did what some people asked for in Island Sanctuary, then criterion dungeon which is also some people's request and also was in development. then i can understand the frustration of relic being too simple. though personally i prefer this way since i only have free time at weekends unlike beforehand.

    imagine being in Yoshi P's position.
    personally he should stick with what his plan his and unfortunately sometime have to shut the fuck up some of the whiners that ask for stuff. island Sanctuary is a nice addition but other half of the people dont care or even dislike it, same case with criterion dungeon.

    stick with what you want to make, and don't listen too much on people's request, these things will happen when you oblige too much of people's request

  26. is this why they expand the trial account thing are they thinking that one day it will be less player base into the game at least not deny the people a ff game all i think that my friend is continuing winning lol she's trial andy who refuse to upgrade her account

  27. Finally we’re talking about the criticism embargo the community has on everything FFXIV and Yoshi-P related. There’s a reason why people outside (and even inside) the FFXIV community are calling it the Cult of Yoshi-P; cult is a very accurate word. It’s like Scientology, you are not allowed to criticize anything FFXIV or Yoshi-P related lest you be attacked or gaslit viciously.
    Listen to your enemies because they are telling you a truth that your “friends” never will.

  28. When getting into FFXIV it seemed to be impressive with all the emotes and expressions the player characters could do, and as a new player there was a lot to explore in general, so that was refreshing. However, over time the game got more and more annoying by the slow pacing of the game and the combat that failed to be satisfying. Further, there was nothing to do, no equipment that was obtained felt like a noticeble improvement for the player character's performance, and this was also because all the inconsistent systems such as deep dungeons and Bozja where the player character is limited all the time by synchronizing and reliance on items. So, there is nothing to achieve when there are so many inconsistent systems with all sorts of temporary items. Then it is more desirable to do some daily quests where work can be done to upgrade equipment for the performance of the player character which is directly noticeble in outdoor content.

    While FFXIV might see stable subscriber numbers for a while now that it will be available on Xbox, eventually it will not be sustainable for what the game provides right now. The story of the game is also a hinder to most people to where they will quit early when playing the game, they are looking for an active game where their character is doing things like in WoW. If the story was truly as groundbreaking as it is claimed to be by FFXIV cultists then the subscriber numbers would back that up, however, it is clearly not. Also, the moment WoW ever gets updated character emotes/expressions and adds proper player housing it is unlikely that FFXIV will maintain its players as it really is the only thing it has going for it compared to other MMOs.

  29. I think a lot of the issue comes from multiple things. The patch cycle has been extended so there is more time between patches. I also think that people tend to feel some sort of "need" to get through things as fast as possible, and grind it out as fast as possible. Like the friend you mentioned that did all of the variant dungeons within hours. They could have done 1 or 2, moved to something else and come back later. Not saying your opinion is wrong, just saying there could be other factors that haven't been considered. Personally I've been playing more than I have in the past. And most of it has been post Endwalker stuff. Granted it's mostly BLU stuff. I've been having a lot of fun doing BLU logs with my FC and other low-man/solo BLU stuff. I think it's just a matter of what type of thing you like I guess, no wrong opinion. I personally hatted Eureka and Bozja. I LOVE the fact that Relic is just tomes now. I don't have to grind some bullcrap thing I hate to do the relic. I can just do the things I enjoy to get it. But again, it's just a matter of taste.

  30. Up to this day i wonder why they never worked more on FATES. Like actually creating a meaningful content around it. We need to get power from other places outside raids. FF 14 has one of the most beautiful worlds i've ever seen,… why not use it? The open world is literally DEAD 99% of the time….. only being alive every 2 years whenever theres a new expansion. wtf?

    Back in ARR and HW i used to grind relics alot. The world felt alive… people everywhere also grinding stuff. I HAD things to do outside raiding. Now? I play the game once every 4 months whenever a new patch comes out. 5 hours for the MSQ, an extra 2 for raids and its done. See ya next patch.

  31. I think your recognizing there are alot of dead threads of content that exist and continue to be created. It has become challenging if you want to go back and do old content because there are no people doing it anymore. They say things like they will scale content based on your party size, but it's not very fun to do the content with a few people.

    I think classes have been way too homogenized… a class like bard had so many lost opportunities. Summoner is also a class that has been slaughtered down to something that is way too simple and nothing unique anymore. FFXI summoner was such a better idea and more story to your class.

    Patches are way too formulaic and even though 5% of players actually engage in savage content.. all the work goes into giving savage and ultimate content rather than engaging MSQ content. There are so many chances to rework how MSQ works to be more creative engaging, but nothing is changing.

    Roullettes need a serious rework as it is stale and uncreative. VC dungeons are going in the right direction, but enough people don't seem to know about it or how it works. VC dungeons could also be inserted into the MSQ chain rather than being side content.

  32. It is actually really weird they dont have special spotlight events for content.
    Have a FATE week. Have a week where youre incentivized to do more Variant or DD. Maybe a PVP weekend.
    This isn't rocket science. Just use basic mechanics and rewards to get people to do content they might not do otherwise. Moogle Tomes already represent something like this.

  33. BICOLORED GEMS in the old zones to get crafting mats and gear, mount, music and stuff like that. Maybe even some relic vendor items too? As a Relic hoarder I would love to just go out and do FATEs and get a little extra on my relic grind besides unsyncing A9S mindlessly 😓😓😓

  34. They made a huge mistake with how the manderville weapons are just a story and tome farming. They needed to build out a new zone and objectives to keep people grouping up and having fun together.

  35. I never get a chance to catch your streams. The only content I’ve been exposed to you from is your YouTube channel. I appreciate your criticism and fresh approach towards the game. You’re entitled to share your feelings without the fear of backlash or repercussions. They are your feelings and you’re entitled to them and bottling them up doesn’t help anything. Keep bringing your sunshine and kind spirit to the community.

  36. Here is my take on the "state" of FFXIV at this point:

    1.) A new player/sprout is always welcomed and there are always people encouraging them. However, when a sprout makes it to a certain point: the are often "cast aside" if they decide to level a different way, try something new, or do some side content that is not part of the MSQ. There is a perception that all players should play FFXIV the same way. I speak from example with this. When I wanted to try the Sky Pirate quests and asked for "help" with forming the party: I was met with "its side content, just skip it." When politely asking if there was an issue with doing these: I was told to find someone else to do it with.

    2.) Along with number 1: there is an issue with FCs advertising "we will help players clear any content." Yet, many only help players clear content they view as relevant or important. If the FC doesn't view the content as "important" or what they feel is relevant: then a player that wants to experience that with their FC is left to figure out how to get it done on their own.

    3.) There is also an issue with players from other DCs traveling to another DC and then doing nothing. I have had friends express who say that Dynamis is too quiet or dead. Yet, too often: players DC travel to do content while not considering that there are actually players on Dynamis that want to play on that DC and not another. Also, I and a few others have been told that Dynamis is the "retirement community" of FFXIV. That people there are just there to have a better chance of getting a house and not really caring about playing the game. What?!? There have been MANY times I have signed in or teleported to Limsa to find that almost all the players have the Wanderer or Traveller status and those players are just standing there: not saying anything, not doing anything, and the majority of the time a simple "hello" is met with silence.

    4.) Along with number 3: I under why the DC travel was created; but, the way it is being used is (IMHO) not what they devs intended. Originally, the hype was "Yay!! I can go play with this friend on this world" or "Yay!! I can go see my friend's house on this world" or "I can go help a friend on this world level their character and experience FFXIV." However, now DC travel is used an avenue to see which "venue" can get the most people in it or which "in game band" can get the most listeners or which venue can get the most viewers on YouTube or Twitch. DC travel was not meant to bolster venue counts or reputation; but, encourage players to actively play FFXIV with other players: not to be the dead end for playing FFXIV.

    5.) Recently, another FFXIV YouTube streamer asked his audience if "streamer privilege" was real and he got mixed answers from yes, no, or maybe. Whether a YouTube or Twitch streamer off FFXIV wants to admit it or not: streamer privilege is real and a player engaging with a streamer on YouTube or Twitch are (9 times out of 10) doing it for the wrong reasons. Streamers who say it doesn't exist can find out very easily: make another character and not tell anyone you are a streamer and see just how fast or "smooth" your leveling experience and overall experience goes.

    6.) There is also a "backlash" about people who use Job Skips while playing through FFXIV. Yes: there are players who use those just to unlock certain things in the game and then just stop there. Yes: there are players who use those to solo as much content as possible and to experience the story at a much slower pace. Then, there are players who are possibly like myself… Who suffered a neurological "injury" that has caused them to be unable to remember why Binding Coils is relevant later in the game or why certain NPCs should feel more impactful; but, do not as one can't remember their place in the story. While I was personally able to remember the majority of the jobs I had always played in the past: much of the story up to EW was something I couldn't completely remember. As such, I decided to replay FFXIV from the beginning and to do as much as I possibly could do on my own. Yet, there are players who have belittled me for using a Job Skip to unlock another job such as Reaper or Dancer. There are many FFXIV players who make assumptions about others without asking or considering why. As for me personally, I don't care who does or does not use a Job Skip. As long as they are doing their part and doing their rotations to the best of their ability: I have no place to criticize as no one is perfect and all of us have clicked something or moved in the wrong direction at one point. It is not the Job Skip's fault: its just human nature that we all bung up some times. However, I do not appreciate or condone the attitude that all players who use Job Skips are bad players. While I do not consider myself to be a "master FFXIV" or OP in all things FFXIV: I also know that I do my best to make a few mistakes ask I can. As long as someone is genuinely trying and genuinely trying to get better in the job or role they are playing: whether they used a Job Skip or not is irrelevant and should not ever be treated or made to feel like "second class FFXIV players."

    7.) Lastly: I do not blame Zepla or anyone else for taking a break from FFXIV. It is easy to get burned out on anything online, be it a MMO or not.

    Yes, I know these are my own personal thoughts and feelings/experiences about FFXIV; but, they are real. Do I still love playing FFXIV? Yes!! Am I going to quit despite these or other challenges? No!! That being said: it would behoove the FFXIV as a whole to stop being so judgmental, rude, crass, quick tempered, and even abusive in some cases. No one takes the time to get to known anyone any more: this is multiplied in an MMO. Instead of finding out what someone else wants to accomplish or the reason why they are doing something they way they doing it: they are often stuffed in a box and forgotten. Then, when a player (like myself) finally says this isn't right or they way it should be or use to be: they are labelled as toxic or dramatic when all the while they just want to be understood and helped.


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