Yoshida Talks 7.0 Setup, Pandemonium, Island Sanctuary & More! – FFXIV JP Interview Roundup

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/wjvj19/yoshida_interview_on_62_new_info_on_main_story/

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30 thoughts on “Yoshida Talks 7.0 Setup, Pandemonium, Island Sanctuary & More! – FFXIV JP Interview Roundup”

  1. oh whoa you say the G in Scarmiglione? I always thought it was silent, scar-MEE-lee-ohn. The fiends had a very Italian flare to me. Cognazzo, Barbariccia, Rubicante. That's the first time I've heard a hard G in that.

  2. @4:00 And even Vauthry and Titania were not normal sin eaters by ANY stretch. Even among Lightwardens, they and Eden were the the only ones to show sentience. And in all 3 cases, they are unique circumstances, not merely a higher tier of sin eater. Whereas even middling Voidsent regularly speak and show intelligent action.
    Perhaps the lore explanation will be that the non-stagnancy of their aether means they are more inclined to have a sense of self and exercise individual will, if there even need to be a lore explanation. And actually every All Saints Eve event comes to mind as well.

  3. @11:20 Honestly, I feel like the easiest card solution is to keep the RNG, maybe ditch the rerolls, and make them party wide buffs.
    I feel like the part that a lot of people probably find frustrating or annoying in AST is you have to Draw the card, see what it is, if you want it, and then decide who to cast it on based on what it is…
    It might be more fun to just juggle Bard-like Dmg, Crit, DH buffs for the party. I think the "picking the 1 card target" layer is the part that's too much.

  4. I wished smn got the nin treatment… I hate what they did to smn in EW and can't help to feel lil resentment, especially since Yoshi p and the devs has said nothing about smn rework since release. It be nice to just hear their thoughts on how smn is being received by the community and their future plans for smn going forward. I still think 7.0 smn isn't going to get anything to make it feel more like a complete job with some complexity. They most likely just add Shiva, Levi, and Ramuh. Yes those be cool but knowing the devs they just be copies of the first three summons and offer nothing new to the job. You just be spamming your different color ruins with no real thought or decision making. Even the Demi's act pretty much the same. The only difference is Phoenix has a Regen…. At least in ShB baha and Phoenix felt different. Baha was your turret demi where you had to hard cast ruin 3 since ruin 4s was limited to 4 out the 8 GCDs and pho had the mini combo with FoF and BoP. I miss Phoenix's combo v.v

  5. @18:35 Yeah "enjoy casually" and "Anima Weapons" are NOT two things I would've put in the same sentence. How many hundreds of times did you need to clear floors Gordias for that step prior to nerfs? That's like calling the Hunt Train or Pterodon mounts "casual". lol
    I am sincerely hoping they're keeping a lot of the nerfed versions of Zodiac and Anima steps in mind, because the later nerfed stages of those are probably fair to call casual enough. Because I'm gonna have to get a pitchfork ready if I need a hundred Precision Pandemonium Bolts for something.

  6. Ugh, the Island Sanctuary stuff is such a bummer, I feel like most people would agree that the #1 issue within FFXIV is the lack of housing options. The change to free company wards opened up a few, but now we're right back where we were 3 weeks ago. 3 small houses each with roughly 500 bids. Bummer.

  7. I doubt at this point they'd want to add an open area for us to explore in the Void but I'm hoping we get some kind of solo duty or two throughout the rest of the 6.x patches. I really want to see a little bit more than just a handful of boss arenas.

  8. regarding AST at the rate we're going the 6 cards are all gonna end up like Eos/Selene where they went from having distinct gameplay elements to just purely being cosmetic, and then those AST players who lean on the side of extreme RNG being the AST job identity will get butthurt, the same way MNK players who thought greased lightning was part of MNK identity got butthurt

  9. I hope they have something interesting other than the void as the theme for the next expansion, the light/darkness and sin eater/voidspawn themes have already been represented well enough in Shadowbringers. Making ONE explorable zone like World of Darkness would be cool, but if they make it a whole expansion thing, it's gonna feel like retreading familiar territory rather than anything new. FF3 stuff has gotten perhaps more than its fair share of representation at this point

  10. Since the relics are based on HW and ARR, and I have ultimate style weapons for every job now, I'm just going to let them do themselves over time rather than going out of my way to grind. I can't imagine going back to ARF for tomestones anymore, and it would STILL be the best place to go for some kinds of tomes, so I really don't want to do it.
    I don't care how pretty it is… it's not worth the mental drain of spamming the exact same dungeon over and over and over again…

  11. was kinda hoping to see the ff4 fiends in the new raids along with some ff4 remixes tbh.. having them relegated to dungeon bosses again like the tower of babil/zot would bum me out
    i think im just craving remixes of the ff4 boss themes really

  12. Due to the problems with ward housing supply, Island Sanctuaries is a perfect opportunity to give all the players an instanced house. A lot of players wanted this, and they're going to be disappointed that this want wasn't fulfilled… despite Yoshi-P saying "not gonna happen" after he saw it appear in the initial announcement.

  13. I love how they mention that people shouldn't be scared by DRG and AST changes, but honestly, giving their track of changes with SMN and most recently with SAM, I wouldn't blame ANYONE who is scared for DRG/AST changes. But I do hope for the best and that they don't follow the SMN/SAM path.

  14. I'm fine with returning to the likes of the Anima grind, I just don't want them to revert to that level of grind. I think we can all accept that what worked in ARR and HW doesn't work now. Most people play multiple jobs and with there being so many jobs and so many relics to grind…to make them match the grind level of Zodiac and Anima is senseless.

  15. everyone talking about sephirot add phase.
    we did the fight on min-iLVL/ no echo and it was no problem at all. 1 tank takes all small adds, 1 tanks takes the big add. and dont kill them at the same time.
    we did struggle with the stuff that comes after, but add phase was never an issue O_o

  16. There is no point to a button on a healer that doesn't do what you need it to do when you hit it. The idea that astro has a button that MIGHT give you an AOE heal or MIGHT give you an AOE damage means that button can't figure into its needed place as an "oh shit" button. It doesn't exist, because it's not reliable. Kill the cards.

  17. They should give players a small plot on the island, or a hut with an apartment sized room, with a yard. Just so some housing things can be addressed.


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