The new 24 man Alliance Raid was just released in Patch 6.1 of Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker! In this brand new Alliance Raid titled Aglaia (First part of the Myths of The Realm raid series) Xeno and the squad challenge the 12 gods of the FFXIV universe. Thal’s balls to the healer who used benediction on Living Dead.
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#Xeno #FFXIV #Endwalker
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Background music by Sirius Beat
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"jigga chad" lol
Lmao that "mechanic test" on the Rhalgr's minion. Poor alliance xD
Damn, the raid aesthetics are gorgeous! And Azeyma looks just… dayum! Also gear looks awesome for glams (despite being YET another Greek looking armor/clothing).
BUT, ONE single simple thing: this raid is wa-a-a-y too freaking easy! Like, World of Darkness level easy. Yeah, you need to watch for some mechanics, but they are extremely obvious and have very generous time windows to resolve. Considering how strong tank self-sustain, Tankbusters slap like a wet noodle and all raid wide damage gets healed almost instantly. Also you can safely disrespect a good portion of mechanics and be completely fine.
(Thanks to this video, I learned, that on Byregot fight glowing blue knockback zone DO NOT instakills like in normal fights, but deals laughable 25k under vuln stack with no mitigations, less than a tankbuster).
I don't want savage level difficulty in Alliance, hell no. But, please, SE can we NOT have another Crystal Tower, that you can run while sleeping on your keyboard? I miss Ivalice raids launch days so freaking much… I
41:55 Now he gets Bene lmao
34:54 As a DRK main im crying tears of joy right now, how far we've come!
The first time i listened the frase: i lived cuz i am a dragoon lul
36:30 Thal's balls!
WHM pre Living Dead buff: putting Xenos in the grave
WHM after Living Dead buff: sets up Benediction targetting macro for Xenos specifically
How to be blacklisted by 23 people haha
Best alliance raid since Ivalice
I don't feel so bad now 😂😂
41:14 lol they dont know if you fail the ⚖️ its an alliance wipe lol watched friends wipe twice to it 😂 9999999 dmg is hard to live through lol
One of the Xeno moments ever
“Max already figured this out.”
This made my week.
weird seeing you play with people I used to know 😀
Good cideo xeems
That toxic ass smile after killing everyone
8:41 The egyptian bird god is horus if you were curious
I really hope we get more arenas like the fight with Rhalgr.
i love this raid
is xenos playing on eu ? and if he is why? i remember him playing NA