WoW Veteran's FIRST TIME Playing Final Fantasy 14! w/ Character Creation!

Final Fantasy 14 First Playthrough; FFXIV; FF14; Final Fantasy XIV

It’s HERE!!! FINALLY! After my FFXIV trailer reaction, I started my Final Fantasy 14 FIRST PLAYTHROUGH!! I immediately fell in love with the game and I hope y’all enjoy character creation and the beginnings of my FF14 journey!!

I am so so so excited to be playing Final Fantasy XIV! This game has been an absolute joy and I’m looking forward to bringing more FFXIV content to y’all, including more gameplay from my journey and of course FFXIV reactions! Like and subscribe for all updates as I bring my Final Fantasy 14 streams from twitch to YouTube! Currently I am making my way through the A Realm Reborn MSQ on Twitch, but I’m too hooked and excited to get to Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker!


00:00 – Opening Cinematic
04:50 – Character Creation
14:55 – Cinematic
17:03 – Hey You..
25:41 – Ul’Dah!

#ffxiv #finalfantasy14 #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv #firstplaythrough #reaction #react #shadowbringers #endwalker #stormblood #heavensward

WoW Veteran’s FIRST TIME Playing Final Fantasy 14 with Character Creation!


20 thoughts on “WoW Veteran's FIRST TIME Playing Final Fantasy 14! w/ Character Creation!”

  1. i also did the same thing some time ago. played wow for over a decade but made the switch when everyone was dumping wow. now i have a lvl 65 bard that i recently started playing again. ill be honest. after hitting 60 and finishing out the msq for the original ff14 was the reason a took a break. it is so tedious.

  2. Man. This gets me so desperate to play again. I've played the game since 2017 since I quit my job and started Uni I didn't quite have the money and time to continue playing and finishing endwalker. I gotta scrounch up some cash to myself some gametime. I really really wanna play xD

  3. 2 weeks late to this video… but on the off chance you see this reply… Welcome to one of the greatest stories ever told in MMO Form. A story ive lost nearly 13 years of my life to, with no regrets.

    FFXIV's story had a troubled start, a start those of us Legacy players (ie: we played in 1.0) know all to well. We're also the ones who'll break down into a wet puddle of tears whenever "Answers" plays in-game or even out of game. It's initial launch as FFXIV was so filled with just.. awful, game-play design elements and decisions (such as No 'market-place' to speak of, all trading having to be done face-to-face, no region chat, and 90% of items in game player crafted only, just to name a few), that the Dev's ultimately decided that what they 'had' was not sustainable.. so they literally destroyed the world (via the Calamity), both in-game and out, shut down the servers with a "we will be back" message, completely overhauled and rebuilt the game in just over 1 year, then "re-launched" with FFXIV ARR (A Realm Reborn… literally reborn).

    FFXIV's first and foremost a STORY game.. yes its an MMO, but as with all Final Fantasy games, its 'story' first, everything else, extra. ARR (2.0 as we call it), is almost entirely world-building, and setting the stage for everything else to come afterwards.. so give it some benefit of the doubt if you feel it is moving to slowly, or progress isnt as 'action packed' as you'd like. Think of ARR as Book 1 in a 7 book series (and 1.0 was essentially the prequal/pilot book)

    FFXIV's community is almost leagues above other MMO's. Yes, we DO have our few bad apples (all MMO-style games will).. but the extremely vast majority of the playerbase are overly-helpful to our "Sprouts" (ie: new players who literally have a little sprout icon next to their names in-game), and we will turn on a player being toxic to a sprout like a pack of starving wolves. And the Dev's are no different.. they will be MORE heavy-handed to someone being mean to a sprout, than they will an argument between two non-sprout players.

    Above all. hope you enjoy your trip down the Rabbit-Hole that is FFXIV. Be prepared to have a increase in viewership as well…. most of us FFXIV players are emotional-vampires.. we love watching new people go through the story again as we re-live our own experiences with it as we watch and tag along for the journey.


  4. You will love the the game expansion way more. They will add more better dialogue with audio. Amazing voice actors and more amazing fights bosses and dungeon raids are fun!

  5. So many laugh out loud moments just from the character creation. I'm so glad you popped up on my youtube feed! I can't wait to see more!

    Your first reaction to the twins in the carriage is exactly the same as mine was. I spent all of ARR calling them Snobby and Sulky instead of learning their names!

  6. You came up across my Youtube homepage, always nice to find another sprout that's just starting their adventure! Looking forward to catching your streams and reactions to the literal amusement park amount of content you have in front of you.

    Welcome to Eorzea!

  7. Trust me, you’ll love this game more than WoW. WoW seriously turns me off with everything it has, therefore I never played it. I’ve been subscribed to XIV since 1.0 early access and I’m a Legacy player who witnessed the end of 1.0 (plus I only pay $9.99 a month with up to 40 characters lol). I am a female Elezen named Hayley Westenra on the Excalibur server, and my main job is Ninja at Lv90; everything else is Lv80-90 for battle jobs, with crafting and gathering at Lv90.


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