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BGM:dova-syndrome https://dova-s.jp
SOUND: Otological https://otologic.jp/free/bgm/recent.html
#kougaon #ffxiv
Imagine paying for cruise chaser when best mount polar bear is free
As a free trial player I bought the mount but it should be earnable at least, and I bought the lunar whale mount but only because of my nostalgia for ff4 and I love that music, I buy emotes, mounts and glam, I did not pay for the game or subscription yet so In my mind I am supporting in that way for letting me play the game up until certain expansions, I don't play mmos so this is kind of new to me but I love the community and aura this game has so ill be soaking up this free trial at my slow pace and pay for it through mog station
The issue I see is when the store mounts are better designed then in-game mounts. As long as they start on par then it’s fine.
Personally I think adding it to the Online Store/MS is fine. I feel like people are just angry because of WHAT mount it is, and are trying to justify that anger by blaming the fact it's up for real world currency. It'd be very different if they were blasting ads for the cash shop in your face the whole time through in-game interfaces like SOME MMO's I've tried in the past, but the XIV Cash shop has always been VERY, VERY, **OPTIONAL**. Mounts are OPTIONAL. You get a chocobo for free and there's a 4-seater coming later down the road that's also available for free in the game. If you didn't complain about the Lunar Whale, the Chocobo Carriage, the Moogle, or the Fenrir Bike, why are you so salty NOW?
But it's account wide, meaning once you get it (either through giveaways or purchase) you HAVE it. FOREVER. On EVERY character you create.
A ton of people played the Alexander raids. The idea of locking something that most of the player base has wanted for ages behind single digit percent players (Ultimate clearers and top 100 Feast, etc.) would have upset just as many people, the difference is we wouldn't be griping about it like this. I legitimately do not understand the outrage- and I say this as someone who doesn't have 30 bucks to drop on the thing either.
I've known for a while that the online store revenue helps fund the game. Most of the game's revenue doesn't even go INTO the game, it goes into other games and the company as a whole. More money for the online store is a win for everyone.
Fans are generally okay with the cruise chaser mount. lol
I dont mind for cash mount being exist.
but my only complain is, why CRUISE CHASER?
they can make another cooler mount or cuter or anything for money.
also its more make sense if this from Faux Hollows or 5 million MGP mount, grind like crazy, lol
*also i finally got the mount and loved it
They announced a new PvP game mode, I figured it would be a reward for that.
I also feel like CC is too iconic to the game for a cash shop mount. Feels bad.
Never forget when the cruise chaser hit those towers 😢
Nope. Bought it 1 sec into the video
I just don't like stores in general for games. mog station is one of the dirtiest stores there is.
I've spent around $1500 on this game maintaining subscription and buying expansions. I just don't feel like they're should be $30 mounts and $25 school outfits. The old its optional argument is bullshit. Make it an optional achievement in game.
Would of been a good mount to slap in a reward for the Feast or something like that. PvP isn't that bad in FF, recent polls showed a huge percentage of players have never even tried PvP, slap something cool in there to bring the people in.
This is just my opinion, which is probably an unpopular one. Each to their own though.
I think people forget that SE is still a corporate entity. No matter how many good games (mostly 2 or 4) it has.
Imagine riding a store mount and think you're actually flexing? haha.
Who honestly still believes the money goes back into the game?
Like let's be real here, they can put 5% of it back into the game and still make the same claim.
Mogstation has been a thing since ARR, it would have paid for a datacenter in everyone's back yard at this point.
Y'all act like this is the first fucking mount in cash shop that showed up in the game when they've always existed just not in your face. And acting like it's the end of the world, acting like it's going the wow route is just sad considering they've always added mount periodically but it's never been on your face like it does in wow (it's not wow, stop that shitty cash shop mount comparison).
I bought this as soon as I could. Was waiting for fate for polar bear so went shopping. I have no regrets and love the music. The fact that it is a 2 person mount also helps as I can take my friend who is new and doesn't have flying unlocked in all zones yet to aether currents and quests and just makes life easier.
Why people mad about new mount put on sale? They didn't put knife at your neck and force you to buy.
They did not even say and promise the mount is a reward. Get your hope down for free things
the thing about store mounts is you cant flex to other people despite how cool it is because well you can just pay it.
i like the mount where it is hard to get and it is rare so I can flex that I got this rare mount.
Getting mad over a store mount is silly when the game itself is so good. WoW has store mounts with a tired game.
Man I REALLY want the black fat chocobo but rn I just cannot afford it cuz I lost my job to covid (fuck you) and the event ends at 24 august FUUUUCCKKKKKKK.
Adding sexy bosses as mounts will cause maaaany to open their wallets/cards. It reminds me of WoW and mount collectors. This is a sexy mount for sure, i'm sadly not into buying store mounts, even if they're on sale.
I personally never had issues with store mounts but I wish it was a Rival Wings reward instead. It would have been a good way for them to revive it since Rival Wings is pretty dead AND it would have made much more sense in my opinion.
Could as well be a MGP reward but greed prevails
After people watching WoW devs decide they can release garbage content and break even exploiting whales, it'd be nice if they came out and said 'Yo we know this sort of sucks but most of this money is going to get funneled back in A, B, and C' and I think they could have squashed most of the outrage.
I immediately bought it, rode around on it and actually got whispered hate because I was riding around on it… I haven't pulled it out since.
I love Cruise Chaser, Alex is my favorite tier raids ever and as someone who doesn't have a huge group of group of friends to actually play 14 with, (so no TEA clears) I was happy it came out on the shop. But now I feel self-conscious to even ride around on it. I don't want to anger people with it, I just want to enjoy it. :/ Hopefully other people's experiences have been different.
People were going to be mad no matter what they did with Cruise Chaser.
Sure I bought it instantly because the Alexander Raid series is what made me fall in love with the game and made me buy the full game, and to me the Alexander Raid series remains the best thing I've done in FF 14, but I do wish it was available ingame as an achievement mount or even a gil sink like the golden mounts.
It could've been a Rival Wings reward mount [Since you can play as a Cruise Chaser in that mode] for about 500 or 1000 wins, or requiring you to beat all the Ultimates [This way people don't complain about why TEA gets a mount but UWU and UCoB get nothing.] or pull something like the Blue Mage mount and require you to clear a bunch of Savage Raids with min item level and Echo off and other restrictions and whatnot.
Hell if they wanted to hold their load until Endwalker they could've put it alongside the apparent new PVP stuff they are working on to incentivize people to give it a try, or include the Dragonsong War Ultimate to the list of Ultimates to clear for the mount, or make Cruise Chaser the reward for clearing the super hard dungeon that comes with the relic weapon area [Similar to the Ozma and Cerberus mounts.]
Lots of ways they could've made it an achievement mount and given folks something to do be it now or in the future, but they chose the cash shop since they know it'll print them money, which given the amount of them I have seen, including my own Cruise Chaser, has already been quite a bit.
A missed opportunity for content with a mount that people absolutely would've grinded for.
I really have a hard time understanding the mentality of “If it’s in a hard raid, it’s dumb because I can’t do it”. This is an MMO… you are not guaranteed all content within that MMO without working for it. Those cool items are a way for others to distinguish themselves based on time investment or skill. If you can’t complete it, then that should be ok, or give you a push to go outside your comfort zone and try the content.
I bought it immediately lol, it’s awesome. Yeah it’s expensive but I also work, all I gotta do is not buy out food for 3 days and it equals out
I bought it.
How SE makes money:
Gains from Subs gets distributed from SE to different games. (Fun fact, Avengers game was mostly funded with FFXIV sub money)
All money earned from the Mog-Station stays in the bank for FFXIV to grow.
This kind of distribution makes me rather want to buy store mounts than sub to be honest. Cause Avengers game was a piece of trash and wasted money.
Even if they gave it to everyone for free, there’d be a group of people who’d be upset that we didn’t have to earn it and it’s “trash” because it’s a welfare mount. In summary, you can’t please everyone.
I'd rather it be in the cash shop than have it be fed to troglodyte feast players who are the most corrupt win trading clowns.