FFXIV Formulaic Content PROBLEM? [FFXIV 6.51]

FFXIV is Formulaic in it’s content delivery no doubt about that but is that really the problem that we’re facing? Let’s explore this!

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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV

0:00 FFXIV’s Formula is Stale
0:23 FFXIV being Formulaic isn’t the worst thing
1:30 Picking when to subscribe or not
2:29 Holidays
3:26 Content cadence
7:28 The formula’s input is flawed


18 thoughts on “FFXIV Formulaic Content PROBLEM? [FFXIV 6.51]”

  1. I'm a HUGE fan of power being in the hands of the player/consumer of a product! I think the formulaic design is great BUT it comes with some pain points like what we're experiencing right now for more casual approachable content.

  2. nice video but bro stop with every time you talk about game you keep talking about ONLY RAIDING.90% of the players arent even raiding ;-;. EW IS THE MOST CAUSAL FREINDLY EXPANTION TF . what you mean to say it doesnt have any MIDCORE CONTENT.CURRENT RELICS ARE THE MOST CAUSAL THEY EVER BEEN . Island santuary is the mot causal content ever before we never had causal content we had force midcore content that so call tryhards called casual , variant dungs arent casual,deep dung ether and nether are bozja and eureka they are pure midcore content .Casual do not fucking care for long term content it why we play other games and we arent 24/7 subbed .exporation zone are anti solo player and punishable if you die that anti causal. for casual island santuary is pure heaven TRUE CAUSAL HATE OR HAVE ZERO DESIRE TO DO CHALLANGING CONTENT play play to relax and have fun challanging content cant be relax otherwise it fails to be challanging the ppl you are AGAIN MISTAKING ARE MIDCORE PLAYERS .You may make a argument for the inbetween midcorr and causal the semi causal player for them but they are hapy with causal content and only do midcore content when done with causal content and dont want to unsub .to put is simple if oyu dont play ot relax and have fun you aint causal ,if oyu lay ot be challanged you aint casual ,if you grind for week for +10 hours you aint causal youare MIDCORE the so called perfect middle between hardcore and casual or at best and i hugely doubt you are semi causal . so pls stop using OUR name to justife wanting midcore content .

  3. This seems pretty reasonable, where the problem is less the patch cycle or even the rough outlines of the available content, and more what is done within them. There's a few other bits you don't mention that I'd call casual-accessible — I'd argue BLU is in a decent place (maybe /better/) as a casual player, even if that leaves a lot of titles on the table, simply because soloing 60-70 maps or running the more casual weekly BLU log stuff is usually not too bad — but they don't really change the calculus.

    A further issue's that what content /is/ available to casual players is a little repetitive and underrewarded. You bring up Variant Dungeons, and it's particularly frustrating there because there's so little reason to return to some pretty cool content even if the first boss had more variation by path; Eureka Orthos only helps to level alt jobs for a small level range and only after you've done roulettes; Khloe's kinda been updated for 6.x but even the most casual of casual players can fill out all of her bronze and most likely many of her silver awards by this late into a patch cycle; the relic crafting gear is a hefty time and material investment for some glows. Fall Guys is a nice new seasonal event, I guess? PvP is probably the most consistently rewarding and updated casual player option, and PVP really isn't for everybody.

    It's still a far way from the content droughts I've seen from other MMOs, and most casual players can still dip into 5.x stuff — I've been returning to Skysteel Scrips and Bozja, and trying to do Balthesdian Arsenal — but it definitely does feel like a missed opportunity. Casual players don't need a thousand hours of content to smash their faces against, as much as Bozja was a blast, but it'd definitely be easier to keep activity up in a casual player's FC with something specific to point toward.

  4. Being formulaic can be good in terms of consistency and dishing out good content. However in this case it's become a crutch in some instances where all it's doing is holding the game back from evolving in ways that would improve gameplay and appeal to players. Fear of straying too far from what has made it successful in the past is also the very thing causing it to stagnate with players. As the game's population continues to grow, so too must the game itself evolve and break free from routine. The developers are hard at work making changes, however not the right ones imo..

  5. The formula is a huge perc for me. I have a job and it helps me plan around releases of savage/ultimate. It allows me time to play other games too, and that's huge. Also on you point of criterion, just because you're not having loot rain from the sky doesn't mean it has no rewards. I made over 100m gil week 1 and had a blast with the unique mechanics. It's worth doing even if it's just for fun, the devs did great with the content.

  6. I think being formulaic is good as long as new things are being tested, for example the variant and criterion dungeons in this patch cycle. They're great and I hope we keep getting more of them.

  7. The problem with the "exploration zones" is that they aren't evergreen. They wither once they aren't current anymore and you can't complete the content without using external means. If they made something that could be plugged into the duty finder, then sure, but they haven't.

  8. The formula is completely the issue. Im sorry but businesses have to pivot ALL the time and its just part of doing business. I get it people will say that covid ruined a bunch of the production that was meant to happen now, but thats not really an excuse. PIVOT, like all good businesses do. They cannot on one hand say that they are the game with stable content yet just because something happens outside their schedule they just don't do certain things while continuing on to others. Subscription MMO's live and die by their brand, and their ability to build habits.

    In this expansion the quality has dipped pretty low, and content feels like its just being shit out minus some of the harder content. And as far as I've heard the ultra casual players arent even having fun anymore because Island Sanctuary just wasnt it. Subscription MMO's need to EARN our subs every month. It blows my mind that FF14 literally had all of those WOW refugees and instead of pivoting to then KEEP all of those players, they let the majority of them go. Im sorry but talk about a bad business decision. The game will still live and the people that are die hards for it will still pay their sub, but man of man if im the CEO at SE and I don't see all of those players come back next expansion I can only imagine what those board room meetings are going to sound like.


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