Diode steps outside his comfort zone, moving away from Azeroth and the Pokémon World to try Final Fantasy XIV for the first time ever. Is this the MMO experience we need in 2021? Is Final Fantasy XIV better than WoW?
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I would RECOMMEND that you just stick to MSQ when questing. There are blue side quests that usually unlock things so I recommend those as well. There are also class/job quests that you should do from time to time as it unlocks abilities.
There's so many things to enjoy in the game. I think it was designed to be not so "grindy" so you don't have to rush yourself to reach max level or end game. I personally took my sweet time in the game. No one will get on your shit if you just enjoy the game which ever way you want to.
Also, speaking of not getting on your shit, if you're new to a dungeon, immediately tell the people you enter a dungeon with, the community will explain anything that needs to be explained and will be completely patient with you.
BTW, to make things better about the GCD, later on there are off-GCD skills that you use between GCD skills. So you'll be attacking much more rapidly later on at higher levels.
There's limited voice acting in a realm reborn, usually in key scenes, but its true they added more in the patches to ARR and expansions. Welcome to Eorzea, hope you enjoy the journey man.
Ps, the earrings may be on by default, but if you dont like them later on you can unlock the aethestitian (Ffxiv equivalent of the barbershop in wow) to take them off.
You will also get a free fantasia (Equivalent of Wow's paid character race change.) once you finish a realm reborn, so if you find yourself not liking the lala, you can change things up or just recustomise him there.
pps, putting items on your hotbar is faster than using it from bags
Do the msq, job quest and the blue quest. Job quest are every 5 lvls, do them asap as they unlock job skills. The blue quest unlocks other classes, trades, other dungeons.
Welcome to Eorzea!
Your name isn't quite lore accurate, but waay closer than most. I give it an A- lol If you follow proper lala naming conventions you can tell the clan and gender by the name. But a creative personal name like yours is great too!
Yuyutai Zezetai – Dunesfolk lala on Siren.
Oh btw you picked up on something very interesting. Final fantasy tactics, 12, and 14 are from the same world.
How to play. Generally do the msq, job quests, and the blue marker quests which unlock other features and dungeons. You can generally leave side quests for your extra jobs unless you just want to learn more about a given area and the msq will usually keep you leveled enough to progress on its own.
This is a single player rpg with MMO features. So try to play it the way you would other final fantasies. Rather than other mmos.
And final note, I hope you enjoy the game!
Oh ps, spend a bit of time looking through the settings, key binds, and ui edit screen. Tons of option to make it feel just right for you. Doing it near some training dummies is best so you can test out targeting and combat etc.
you have a new webcam.. too bad the rubbish behind you is still old.
If you only did the main MSQ you would get enough exp to hit max level. Many MSQ rewards include good leveling gear, if you already have the item offered in the reward you can pick an alt item that can be sold for money. Side quests (round border yellow icon) are pretty much just for fun/world building, lil rewards. Blue quest icons with + are unlock quests, in general, do lots of those. More blue quests accessed from progressing MSQ. Blue quests unlock new features, locations, ect. Also, check back with class/job guild every 5 lvls. Lastly, combat very simple until lvl30-50, then feels great. They keep it simple since at lvl15 you start doing dungeons, thats alot to keep track of when first learning. Also, do hall of the novice at lvl15.
No need to do every side quest. In fact, if you try to do so, you might burn yourself out. Stick to the MSQ and Blue icon quests for the time being. You should only need to do MSQ to level your primary job. You do side quests and roulettes (when that feature is unlocked for you) to give you extra exp for any secondary jobs you want to level. And even then, the MSQ gives just enough exp to level about 2 main jobs to start, although it's probably easier to concentrate on just 1 for simplicity's sake. That being said, feel free to try all jobs. You can do every job (including crafting/gathering jobs) on a single character, no need for alts (unless you REALLY want to for RP reasons).
Welcome to FFXIV, and I hope you have lots of fun!
Yeah like 99% of people actually don't give a shit about lore accurate names, and it's mostly a meme. But there are a few weirdos out there who do care about it. I advise not getting too close to them. They might be dangerous.
The side quests are mostly optional little side stories, they don't give enough exp to be valuable and are not necessary at all. I completely recommend against doing the WoW thing of taking every single quest, there's too many and most of them won't give you anything. I recommend doing them here and there on lower level jobs later on when you want a little bit of side story. The MSQ will give you more than enough experience.
You chose the right race. Did you know, people who comes into FFXIV as a Lalafell tends to stay longer in FFXIV?
The MSQ is long enough to keep you busy, so some of the basics are:
-MSQ is your top 1 priority, everything is gated behind it and everything has a lore reason to exist.
-Blue+ quests will unlock new dungeons/jobs/features or continue class/job quests, so #2 priority.
-Keep up to date with your class/job quest, they unlock a new one every 5lvs, completing them will give you new skills to use in combat so they are super important.
-DPS meters don't exist in the game but you can install a third party tool to measure it, however this is only useful at endgame raiding. Parsing damage on MSQ dungeons and bosses is useless as the people going through it are new players without optimal gear. Also the developers have said that it is against TOS, but they know people use it, so the rule is, use it BUT don't mention it ingame or harass other players due to their low dps, keep it private or within your group of friends, if some random guy in your savage raid group is lacking DPS just correct what they are doing wrong or help with their rotation, there are console players that don't even have access to these tools, but I'm sure the raid leader will notice and point it out first.
Dude the skyrim intro killed me XDDDDD
Hmm well if you want to experience the most of the game in the shortest amount of time I'd suggest avoiding the Side Quests(yellow quests) and instead focus entierly on blue quests + MSQ.
I'd also recommend that you choose two jobs to focus on once you are able too travel between the major cities. Thing is that you will outlevel the content just by doing MSQ, so you are able to play two or three jobs while keeping up with the story just fine. Being able to switch jobs is a main feature of the game and It will keep things fresh while you progress trought the game.
The MSQ is the most important thing thou, most systems are locked behind progressing the story. The 2nd prioriy will be your job quests which are aviable every 5th level, since you unlock many of the jobs skills by quests in this game, similar too classic WoW.
MSQ= main story… side quests = more detailed world building…Blue quests with a + beside them unlock content IE, dungeons, raids, glamour etc..
Yeah, big thing is to do the MSQ, blue side quests (they unlock stuff) and your job quests that pop up every few levels (they give more abilities for your job). You'll still get a lot of xp from that alone so you can level up 2 or even 3 jobs at once if you want.
Also, the voice acting starts really getting more common the further along in the plot you go. Side quests generally don't get voice acting unless it's a major side quest like a blue quest that unlocks a raid for example.
Follow MSQ, do your class quests, do not do all side quests. Just the stories you are you are interested in. The sidequests are good for the firsts lvls like 1-5 but that's it
There was limited budget for ARR so there is limited voice acting. It picks up more with the first expansion, Heavensward, which you reach around level 50-60. A vast majority of your xp will be earned just doing MSQ and the job quests (every 5 levels, do them asap for equipment and abilities). Most of the other side quests are for the few gaps in level for the next MSQ and unlocking other features, and arent as important.
At level 15 and a certain point in the MSQ, a green icon will appear above Smith npcs (found in taverns, like the Drowning Wench). It is a quest line that teaches you the base mechanics and your role in a team (tank for you, or healer and dps for other classes). More importantly, finishing all exercises rewards you with good gear and a ring that grants +30% xp for jobs level 30 and below.
These are the basic to-do's early on. Aside from that, just don't feel rushed, get some cheap food from the npc merchant for a small stat and xp boost, and don't worry about putting materia on your gear until higher levels. Hope you enjoy Eorzea, new adventurer!
I also recommend checking out your options because you can custom your HUD layout. I've seen few change it to resemble WoWs and it has helped them.. give it a try!
Take your time, read the dialogue/quest text. Talk to npcs, it is more of a jrpg/final fantasy than an mmo. And its better than a final fantasy because you don't need to grind for level now as MSQ gives you enough xp to max level.
Follow the msq they told me….
Then I found omni crafting….
Yeah…msq happens for 4 hours once a week (like a TV episode)
Love the crafting.
It's everything I've always wanted.
Side Quests are inefficient to do however it's great world building and a lil supplemental exp for alts for your main the main story is mostly enough to get you to endgame
You can liberally do anything you like, although the MSQ can easily carry you to the end of the game by itself if you play on a single job. Which is good, since this is a Final Fantasy first and the main story is the highlight of the game in the first place, so definitely prioritise completing that above every other quest.
Thank you all for the support. It only goes to show that the Final Fantasy community really is as welcoming as people have said.
More adventures are coming this Wednesday and Friday with a week one "review" coming soon.
Tip for questing, unless it's MSQ which shows in top corner. If the icon isn't blue, do not do.
The earrings you have are just the starter equipment. You can switch them out later on.
the blue quests with a plus sign open new things so any time you see one of those you should do them, each job has its own quests and some unlock new abilities so you should to them as well from time to time. all the other side quest its up to you. for me I left them to level my alt jobs and from time to time I go clear the areas from any quests just to have a more clean view. but in the end its all up to what you want to do
regarding race you chose wisely. did you know there's a building you can only enter if you are a lalafel? because yoshi p loves the lalas and even his personal character is a lala
Welcome to FFXIV! I'm glad to see you're enjoying your time. Looking forward to more videos!
Hello! Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV, we hope you enjoy your time in Eorzea! As far as what you should probably focus on in terms of quests the best advice I can give is while doing your hunting log and main story quests try to pick up any of the quests with a + icon in the area if possible. Don’t try to do all the other quests beyond that as you’ll likely drive yourself insane with the sheer amount of them. They are great for getting exp on alternate jobs or to sometimes help with lore in the area if you want to learn more about an area or the people around it but that’s mainly where their focus lies. It’s a great game and I hope you enjoy playing it! ^^
Hahaha. Unless you go into a server that is heavy into role play, no one honestly cares what you name your character. As long as it's not something ToS will pick up you can have a silly name or whatever floats your boat.
Who ever told you all that about naming a Lalafel was full of shit. No one cares. The RP crowd isn't as big as they want you to believe, mostly they're on one server.
A few things to keep in mind as you play thru the ARR msq;
This is not an mmorpg, it's an rpgmmo. From the very beginning the devs have made it clear that this is Final Fantasy game first and an MMO second.
Yes, the msq in ARR drags at times, but there are several factors to this. First of all, it was made in less than 2 years, so it was a bit rushed and originally, the msq didn't give as much XP as it does now, so running around and exploring other aspects of the game was more encouraged and necessary. They also had to design it knowing that this was going to be a lot of people's first MMO. Because this is a main series FF title, a lot of FF fans play this as their first ever MMO. With that in mind, ARR as a whole was designed as a giant tutorial, slowly introducing you to basic MMO concepts. For experienced MMO players like us, this makes it feel like it's dragging, unnecessary, or boring at times, but after ARR most of this comes to an end.
Most importantly, have fun. You've got a long journey ahead of you and while it seems very far away, this isn't like WoW where you have to do it all 15 times with every alt, you only get to do all of this once, unless you choose to do it again. All jobs are available with one character and ones added in later expansions are added at higher levels.
All that said, don't fret taking the time to figure things out, this isn't WoW. We commend you for that here.
Welcome RO Eorzea.
To get a fuller experience of each zone, I recommend leveling two classes at the same time. That will stop the MSQ from rapidly overleveling you, give you a fuller understanding of different roles, and give you the opportunity to do sidequests to learn more about the world. If you’re in a rush or not as emotionally invested in a particular setting, you could skip them.
Also, streamers almost NEVER do this, but when NPCs move around, it means they have something new to say.
There are concurrent stories happening around you that you’ll miss if you only talk to quest NPCs.
The problem with ff14 is that it's literally wow with a better graphic. Same stupid gear progression system that gets destroyed every patch, same stupid rolls, same stupid character spec/build system, same payment model, same timesinks. There are mmos released 10 years ago that have far better systems and are still relevant.
cutcenes are all over the place some are just text others are voiced,some have text and are voiced.