WoW Player Tries FF14 Stormblood – FFXIV Stormblood Part 2

WoW Player Tries FF14- Stormblood Part 2
I’ve played WoW for over 15 years but given the state of WoW right now and the lack of content, some of my friends convinced me to try FF14. So I’ve been documenting my FF14 first impressions, showing my journey through FF14 and giving my feedback along the way.

Throughout I will be comparing FF14 to WoW and references the differences between the two. Obviously, I do have some bias, but I will try and keep an open mind all the way. This will contain spoilers for Stormblood and anything before.

I’d love to know your thoughts on Stormblood, especially the characters as I’m seeing a real divide between characters that I LOVE and some that I’m really struggling to care about! Overall thought FF14 Stormblood is looking to be a really fun and enjoyable experience!

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FF14 First Impressions Playthrough (ARR Complete):…
FFXIV First Impressions Playthrough (Heavensward Complete):…

0:00 Intro
2:00 Post Kugane Content
2:45 Shisui Dungeon
7:10 FFXIV Event WOW
12:35 The Stormblood Villians
15:30 Stormblood First Trial
17:00 Outro and First Impressions of Stormblood


42 thoughts on “WoW Player Tries FF14 Stormblood – FFXIV Stormblood Part 2”

  1. I really dislike Zenos as well….. he’s just to one note for me….. I appreciate villains whom I even in the smallest way am able to connect or sympathise with….

    Along the way you can really see why Yotsuyu is the way she is……. That’s what I think makes a good villain understandable motives… not just β€žI’m absolutely insane and nihilistic *evil laughter*” like Zenos

  2. Shame I don't have the link for a legendary post about Zenos, but if it would help think of him like this…

    When everything else in the world is dull and boring, without even a semblance of challenge, no wonder he's Fight-sexual towards the Warrior of Light. Goodness knows it returned color to his world! A hope for an actual challenge!

    ps. Totally HATE Zenos at the start… but…

  3. When it comes to Zenos, he really doesn't come together until later on. He may never grow on you, but time will tell. He's a hard character to talk about at this point without spoilers. We'll circle back around to him later.

  4. It's okay to not like Zenos. I think that's the point in SB, he's not really the main villain, if that makes sense. I can't say anymore without spoiling anything.
    Yotsuyu is a very interesting villain. Again I can't say anymore!
    Samurai is a great class! I loved the storyline!
    Pacing in SB was an issue, there's a reason ShB was well-received. With each expansion the devs take what were issues & rework it for the next one!
    You're almost to my favorite part of SB!!

  5. Yeah, as you seem to also have taken note of based on this video and the previous, one interesting thing with SB is that while in HW they went all in on storytelling (with SB then having some pacing issues here and there – though also of note is that the Heavensward story had similar slow oddly paced things, they just happened in ARR so they didn't feel like they affected the expansion's own pacing), whereas Stormblood is where they really honed in on the active playable content, refining the battle system and putting extra effort into duty design.
    Shadowbringers then is where they manage to do both.

    Zenos is a pretty divisive character. People either absolutely love him (or want to get in his pants), or find him an incredible bore – I'm of the latter camp, which is actually kinda weird as I usually really like the battle nut blood knight archetype, but Zenos somehow manages to be that without any of the fun I'd normally associate with it. Personal preference and all that.
    Yotsuyu's pretty good though

    What I love about the trial against Susanoo is that he just sounds like he's having so much fun when you fight him. There's no animosity or anything, he's just here to party.

  6. Hey Marty. Love your progress stories here. Its so great as a old FF player to see new blood enjoying the content. Sitting and listening to yoru struggles, your views and ideas and bringing a fresh set of eyes to the game I to love.
    So two things. 1. welcome to the game and I hope you enjoy it.
    2. You should do something called "Custom Deliveries" its for crafting, its weekly deliveries and the stories are soooo great. Especially the first low levels ones with the Zhloe Aliapoh. You will find that touching, fun and just wanting to keep going despite you have to get it in a weekly dosage. So fare there are 7 custom deliveries you can do and I suggest you give it a good look over.
    Enjoy the gaming πŸ™‚

  7. The Shisui dungeon was one of my favorites in Stormblood, especially early on, even if it wasn't the biggest of challenges. I loved the aesthetic, and the unique spin on certain mechanics in both the boss fights and a couple of spots in the rest of the dungeon.

    I do like to call it Sushi instead of Shisui, though. XD

    RE: FFXV event – Did you go back and do the very first Fate a couple more times to get more of those crates to turn in to the Ironworks person at Blackbrush for all the music scrolls? You said 'you get the music' but I wasn't sure if you were talking about the music scrolls or just the one that plays in the car.

    I will leave your opinion of Zenos to you when you see how he is as things progress, but I WILL say that Yotsuyu was by far the more satisfying character for me, personally.

    The Trials are all GREAT in Stormblood, though, at least in my opinion. Make sure you do the optional Side Story stuff you get access to a bit later in the MSQ after you complete the opening Stormblood story. There's a couple of really interesting dungeons and some great Trials involved. Something will happen and then Soroban will show back up and offer you a side-venture. No spoilers. :3

  8. It's pretty much non-controversial to not like Lyse, but most of it is overblown imo. She's an fine character with okish arc and conclusion, it's just a shame she got sidelined in her own expansion because writing team seems to favor both Far East Region and Alisaie (Which lead to her character, as well as her supposed rival Fedora, to be undercocked. And yes that's the choice of Spelling I picked for that character, I know she's Fordola).

  9. your not alone, Stormblood was a pretty dry expansion, was worse when it was current cuz there was no fancy carrot at the end that we knew of πŸ˜› it does pick up later tho luckily and goes from 50% excitement to 9999% excitement; Like ARR, just hang in there :p

  10. I don't want to get much in to details for Zenos and Yostuyu. But I can only agree to you an Zenos being… what he is…? xD

    If I go to details, I have to spoiler I few things, which I don't want to do. But to get my thought: You can compare Zenos to other villains we already got in this game. Like Gaius and Nidhogg. And both of them already had more depth in their backstory or characteristics than Zenos.

  11. The way Zenos is presented, always sitting and bored, make him … boring. But there's a reason to that. And if you will like that reason, and will be able to relate them to his story, then Zenos may became something really cool,. Personally, at the point you are in the game, Zenos is just another villain, stronger than WoL, stronger than any Empire folks, stronger than Garlean should be, which makes him interesting, if you are into lore. But… cold and ruthless Yotsuyu is always stealing the show xD

    There's actually a video of cosplay show, when one girl did Yotsuyu, and Yoshi P said to her "please step on me" xD πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  12. I am actually very similar to you with the ocean. There is this game called ABZU, whose purpose is just to be pretty and for it to be "a walking simulator" under the ocean. I was able to play for less than twenty minutes, even though the visuals were gorgeous and I knew that there was no danger to either me or the character in game. The moment the lighting started to get tad darker and anything larger than your average aquarium fish started showing up, I just noped out.

    Stormblood looks really cool! The aesthetics are more to my liking than what the second expansion was (although I really enjoy it, playing through it currently!) The bossfight against Susano-o looked fantastic and I can't wait to get to try it out myself!

  13. Alternate title: WoW player slowly learns how to pronounce Japanese words. πŸ˜› Kidding aside, I'm excited for you to see more of SB. Watching more people go through the story I'm realizing it is definitely more of a slow burn kind of like how ARR was. But there are some really great story points coming that will have you thinking: "Wait WHAT?!" Including elements building up Zenos as a villian. I really enjoyed Zenos and Yotsuyu in this expansion. I think you'll enjoy one of the new areas coming. ^_^ Hope I can catch your next stream! <3

  14. Zenos is perhaps the most divisive character in the game. Many people (like me) love him, and many others hate him. The thing is he’s a very simple character, so it really comes down to either wishing he was more complex or embracing him for what he is.

  15. I think Zenos is neat as a sideshow, but needs another more creative and intelligent villain to around. He jsut has no charisma. Though, to be honest, my issues with him are rooted in parts that turn up as the story goes on, so I'll mention that when you get there!

  16. Thalassophobia is a real thing! There's nothing wrong with that–the ocean is vast and dark. Also, THANK YOU. Many streamers think Zenos is OMG SUPER AMAZING, and I just…don't. Zenos overall is still a very controversial villain. Either you love him or you "hate" him (aka find him dull/boring). Here's hoping we both get a chance to change our minds later.

    The Susano fight is AMAZING, it's my favorite fight in the game. Did you notice how the music changes with each phase? I just basically love every part of how that fight goes. The EX version is even better!

    100% agree with your take on SB. It's much more mixed than HW. Where it's good, it's great. Where it's not good, it's very weak/tedious. It never becomes outright bad, unlike what some will say. But it feels unfocused and scattered.

  17. I'm pretty sure Shisui of the Violet Tides is required for MSQ. All in all there are fewer actual optional dungeons in Stormblood and Shadowbringers, at least until the end, post-expansion patches.

  18. Fun fact, Stormblood was the expansion in which they dropped Ps3 support- so that may be why it feel like the production value is so much higher. They were simply able to do more without having to worry about Ps3 limitations. It's not going to happen with Endwalker, as Ps5 supply is still so limited but I would not be surprised if the expansion after that they will drop Ps4 support and we see another big increase in what the devs are able to do with this game.

  19. Many don't like Zenos, so it's not rare. Personally I don't mind him. Read in a comment long ago that I agree with, that he's kind of like us, gamers. Seeking a way to kill time/boredom, looking for a new challenge, and new thrill. And once found one he's sticking to it.

  20. Regarding Zenos, it's totally not an unpopular opinion to not like him. I mean I don't either, he just lacks depth to me. Most of the people I know that like him began to like him after that Juicy Meme went around. But character-wise, I personally prefer Yotsuyu more than Zenos.

    Yotsuyu has depth, which you will see going forward in Stormblood, and she won me over with her story, and as a woman her story reached out to me better. While Zenos…I don't know, maybe it's just my age showing but I grew tired of villains of his model. Whenever he comes by on screen I roll my eyes ^^;;;;;

    Anyway it's great to listen to your thoughts about SB! Can't wait for the next video!

  21. I feel like SB zones are so well-made. It's a pity the pacing is so slow I almost lost interest during SB. I took a good month and half off MSQ to level my crafters to 50 πŸ˜‚

    The story is not bad but I feel that after HW and its large-scale narrative, the SB story is more like multiple mini stories that is somewhat tied to each other

    Hang in there Marty!


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