WoW Mythic Raider Tries To Understand ANOTHER FFXIV Boss!

Well, Mike’s first foray into FFXIV and its raiding went very well last time so Mike decided to bring in his old guildie Vappies to talk him through one of the Ultimate fights in FFXIV.

Vappies – –
Twitter: @Preachgaming
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38 thoughts on “WoW Mythic Raider Tries To Understand ANOTHER FFXIV Boss!”

  1. Loving this series! There's a lot of little things that are different between FF14 and WoW that aren't apparent if you aren't looking for them. I don't know how modern WoW is nowadays, but FF14's healers aren't expected to just sit around doing nothing but healing. Fitting DPS in between heals when people don't need topped off is very important. Stepping into the graphic of AoEs is another. As soon as the telegraph disappears, that area can safely be stepped into. Hope you do more of this series!

  2. I kinda wanna see your reaction to current content bosses because those involved Neir crossovers and Yoko Taro stuff; but that would mean getting geared up for… current content.

    Let's just say there's a boss that kills you by throwing Square Enix HQ at you

  3. i wished he watch a first kill video in the end when enrage happens the arena looks so good. but yeah uwu is very personal player forward rather than group and with rebalance and food the boss just melts

  4. what ive love about ffxiv raids compared to wow is that every mechanic you should get you get. darkvein is so boring just patchwork because lucky that i didnt get anything

  5. As someone who hasn't gotten to end-game content yet, I would love to see him try and figure out simpler raids/bosses where there aren't a dozen mechanics flying around everywhere and and every mistake is a wipe.

    Something like the Extreme Primals or Extreme Thordan, there's enough going on that it remains interesting but not so much all at once. I would love to see his reaction as Mike maybe overthinks things and is like "This is going to kill the party right?" when it's really just a tank buster or something.

    Just my two cents

  6. Pretty much FFXIV fights feel like a dance, everything always happens in the same order and timing and positioning is fairly strict so eventually you learn the dance. WoW fights are often more fluid in general, you have some aspects of that but not nearly to the same amount. If you look many guilds use completely different positioning and methods for kills. The order our guild uses for the council for example is completely different than the one a different group might use because our comp so we kill frida last and nik first which is not the standard strat.

    I actually find myself feeling that the music makes the Final fantasy fights feel more epic but I find the mechanics in WoW fights more interesting. Both are insanely good though. The biggest thing I prefer about FFXIV fights is the difference in trash, the WoW fights have way to much trash between fights making it even runs where you have perfected everything raids take way to long just because of the sheer amount of trash. FFXIV once you have things on farm everything feels way better.

  7. For the next one of these, you might want to look at Eden's Gate: Sepulcher (savage). It's a well planned out fight that introduces, remixes and expands on mechanics throughout it's duration.

  8. I would really like to see O11s. If you can get a group and convince them to sync it, that would be amazing. The looper phase and Pantokrater are so much fun, there's a couple of easy parts which could be understood from blind… And of course eScape being such an amazing boss theme.

  9. you should give either o12s, e8s or e12s a watch. they're down a difficulty tier compared to what you've been watching, but they're some of the hardest or most obtuse non ultimate fights in FF.

  10. Have your sins been forgiven today and forever?  Think about this.   The God of the bible,  the One True God made us to worship him, obey him, and enjoy him forever.   We break His laws daily by not putting Him first, not thanking Him like we should, we lie, we lust, we have sex before marriage, we dishonor our parents, we covet things other people have, we take God's name and use it in vain,  we use it in a low manner,  sometimes as a cuss word,  (God is holy and even His name is holy),  we don't love like we should, etc.  In doing so we're saying He's not a good provider,  He's a liar,  He's untrustworthy,  He's not worthy of praise.   All these things and more are counted against us.   The bible says God is the just judge of the world and one day He will settle the score for all the wrong we've done.  God is holy meaning He is righteous (morally perfect in thought, word,  and deed)  It also means He is set apart and higher than us.  God  being good, must punish all sin or wrong doing in the world.  This means that if you sin one time God will cast you in hell for eternity.   Because He is good and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin.  But there is good news.  2000 years ago Jesus the Son  of God came into this world and lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once)  and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed.   The bible says that if you will repent (confess and forsake your sins)  and trust in what Christ did on the cross (He took the wrath of God that was meant for you and I) then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all who believe for eternity.  Jesus died and on the third day He rose from the grave.  Get right with God today don't wait.  Once you die after that comes the judgement.  Hebrews 9:27 It's the most important thing you can do.   You must be born again John 3:7 If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross it shows that you've been born again or born spiritually.   Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like obeying him,  serving Him,  loving Him and others,  reading the bible, praying and going to church you will love to do those things because God changes your heart.   That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven.  Please think long about this and ask me any questions you have as this is the most important thing you can ever think of in your life.   An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping and gnashing of teeth)  or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases.   You decide.   Have a great day!

  11. There is visual audio setting you can put on that might help if you don't play with sound. I assume it's designed for ppl who can't hear / hard of hearing to be able to see audio cues.
    I want to test it later to see if it spikes with important cues, though I'm only on early content, so I'm not sure if it applies – I can only think of one point where the aoe maker only appears to let you know you are taking damage, not that there's enough time to get away, so I wonder if there's an audio cue or if it just has to be memorised. 🤔

  12. What freaks him out is that what you need to keep in mind is: The telegraphs are dangerous. The animations are not. XD If you stand in a telegraph before it goes off, you get hit, but if you move into the animation after the telegraph disappears, nothing happens.

  13. cant tell if wow is really in such a bad state all these content creators are transitioning to FFXIV , or if the player base for WOW is getting so small they are trying to capture some of the FFXIV base to compensate..

  14. so this is considered the easiest ultimate right? would be cool if you did the same thing for the one considered the hardest one to see how big the difference is:) great video! also the things like spell effects etc were annoying to me aswell but even just leveling up you get used to them for the most part and dont think of it:)


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