World of Warcraft Vs Final Fantasy XIV Which Game is For You?

Which Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker and World of Warcraft Dragonflight seemingly on top of the MMO genre, many people have …


5 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Vs Final Fantasy XIV Which Game is For You?”

  1. I like almost everything over WoW personally. But I recognize the strengths modern WoW has that FF doesn't have. Something that stuck to me was some people really do like having a hamsterwheel of content to keep them logged in. FF doesn't really do that… To me hamsterwheel content actually makes me not want to play. One thing some may not consider is the mostly unbroken open world warcraft has to explore. While I understand why FF14 is broken off into segments it was something a friend complained to me about which always stuck with me. That said when I play WoW I actually play on private servers TurtleWoW, Warmane … soon maybe Ascension. I just don't like how bloated yet at the same time empty Modern WoW feels.

    While some may say it's a pro to access all content whenever you want to like in WoW where as in FF14 you have to follow the msq and even quest chains for bonus content and yes that is a chore if all you want to do is access the content. I like that about FF because it makes it feel just as important to you the player as it was for everyone's first time so you always get the similar experience even as skills and numbers change over time. It's also nice to know you don't have to rush.

  2. One of the best and most accurate videos for wow-ff14 differences!! Nice job. Generally, if you are casual player and have limited time for video games, then FF14 might be for you. Wow is suited for more hardcore players. Especially in endgame, wow is much more time consuming game.

  3. Great video with good compassions. One thing I’d add in the accessibility portion is that to play WoW, with all the addons running with it you’re gonna need a PC that’s easily going to run u $2000+ for basic to mid settings (a LOT more if u want those max graphics with a good FPS) where FFXIV is also available on a PlayStation which is about $400 (and is also plug and play for the less tech savvy)… For an average consumer, FFXIV is far more accessible because of this imo.


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