Why I Am Enjoying FFXIV's Content Lull…

Quazii speaks freely about the liberating feeling of having the calm before the storm of a major FFXIV patch.

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49 thoughts on “Why I Am Enjoying FFXIV's Content Lull…”

  1. There is a lull right now? I''ve only cleared p1s and p2s with my static and I'm like 5 weeks of tomes away from buying my bis items, havent even touched crafting and gathering yet. Still got so much to do.

  2. Hey remember u sit in the seat of azem as so you're a traveller u need to take your journey through all the other games to expand your horizon and after those long long journey come and tell us all about your adventures

  3. I love FF and I like the Glam plates but I hate the restrictions on the glam dresser. IMO WoWs “glam dresser” (transmog) is much better. If you have ever picked it up you can transmog it. It isn’t restricted to 400 spots

  4. Totally agree. I am a casual in FF14 and havent logged in a bit because of life, but I really love the fact that I don't have to log in to feel that I need to quickly catch up. Love it.

  5. Everything you said was correct Quazii! I went hard playing 10 hours a day at the start of the expansion because I wanted to. Now I play 10 hours a week while mixing in lots of TV watching and other games because I log on to cap, raid, and socialize a little. And I don't feel guilty or bothered about it at all. It was actually so nice to stop playing after 5.3 and come back at 5.55 and truly feel like I didnt miss anything at all and getting tons of messages from people on my friends list and fc saying it was nice to see me again.

  6. I’m enjoying the down time to level all jobs in between my statics gathering to try and clear the savage raids. Almost got all jobs to level 50, hoping to get to level 60 soon!

  7. For 14 years I had a routine. I played WoW until I couldn't take the grind anymore, then I left. I always came back for each expansion, even if it sucked balls. Shadowlands was the first expansion I didn't go back for, though I probably would have if not for FFXIV.
    Good luck to everyone still playing WoW, I mean that. I hope Microsoft does you right and makes good changes to the game. Me? I'm an FF player now, and I'm never going back. There's still so much left to do in Eorzea.🙂

    Today is the start of the Hildibrand questline (ARR).😁

  8. As a Solo casual player who’s a TERA refugee it’s great that I don’t have to do the hardest content in the game to get better gear or be shat on by “upper tier players”. penta melded 580 crafted gear + 590 tombstone gear is more than enough for someone who avoids savage mode raids like the plague. On top of that FFXIV is the type of mmo I can just drop for a few days and hop on another game without the sense of feeling like I’ll fall behind.

  9. Content Lull. Meanwhile I am leveling Alt jobs, learning EX fights, working through the Bozja Southern Front storyline, Coils of Bahamut story, and preparing for Amina and Eureka.

  10. FFXIV has something for everyone. I have friends who are hard core raiders. I don’t like to raid, but I’m glad they are enjoying themselves. I, however, prefer casual gameplay such as gathering, crafting and creating glams. I even create glams for other players. I’m so glad everyone in this community is so chill and encourage taking a break to enjoy other games.

  11. Youre so right with the "Home"-feeling. I played since heavensward, but never did endgame content or any grind in ff xiv until now and I questioned myself, why do I play the game? Just for the story? It somehow clicked for me, that I was resubscribing every time because this World gave me a "Home"-Feeling to login to meet nice people and enjoy the great music. Its phanemonal how good the music fits into the world.

  12. So True. While I'm not a raider nor do I do any savage content, I totally get where you are coming from. I used to grind wow like it was a job and trying to keep all my alts current or get better gear, mounts, flying, etc, it was such a grind.

    With FFXIV, The entire game is so chill, no matter what content you enjoy doing most. I recently tried GW2 and while its an okay game, one thing sticks out that reminds me of wow, it's constantly trying to kill you.. ie: mobs with huge aggro radius that target you in groups of 3,5 or more, (or fall damage) then it punishes you for dying via in game currency which is really, really hard to get.

    FFXIV on the other hand, does not do this at all and its one of the biggest things I Love about it, whether I am exploring, questing, getting aether currents, gathering or w/e, I can easily take out monsters that aggro and am never overwhelmed by endless mobs of monsters every time I try to move forward 10 ilms.

    One thing you forgot to mention as far as side content in FFXIV, is the gold saucer with Chocobo racing and BREEDING YOUR OWN Racing Chocobo!!. (I haven't tried breeding) but the option is there. 😀

  13. I had a routine for 14 years: I played WoW until I couldn't take it any longer, then I quit. I always came back for each expansion, even if it sucked balls. Shadowlands was the first expansion I didn't go back for, though I probably would have if it hadn't been for FFXIV.

  14. From someone who is coming from wow and when raiding the current tier is used to bruteforce every system to upgrade your character, just to do the raid it feels soo good playing XIV i dont need to do anything i can log on raid nights log off after it play something else while still enjoying the raid instead of grinding 5 hours every day just to be able to do the raids…. and if i have interest in a different job i can just level that get the 580 gear get some materia and ready to go compared to switching class in wow god damn…. i dont even want to know how many hours that would take to be able to change your class and get it ready if its even possible to do that lol.

  15. I just recently started to feel like I didn't want to log in to XIV because I almost ran out of stuff to do, but in all honesty, I've been playing this game for 4 years non-stop and it still has content I want to do, I just don't feel like doing it right now and I'm taking a well deserved rest to come back a bit later.
    It's UNREAL the amount of stuff you have available to do in the game, and it's entirely up to you whether you want to tackle it or not.

  16. After finishing MSQ, I max out gatherers and some crafting jobs. Since I don't do savage, I'm leisurely leveling alt jobs on top of dailies, or spend time gposing. I don't plan to max everything asap because I look forward to beast tribes and it'll be a waste not to use the EXP those quests can provide. If there's nothing else, I just close the game and do other productive things irl. This lull period is also great for players who started EW later to slowly catch up before another big patch drops.

    Happy Lunar New Year, Quazii!

  17. Is anyone really done? Like BiS done? I just completed my right side and I do not foresee getting the left side and weapon set up until April/May. Maybe my static is just slow? I am enjoying it still but if anyone is done then take a break. It is highly encouraged.

  18. Still loving following the falafell chan journey! And you look so happy and carefree when talking about the game be it raiding progression pains or new glamour and time with friends! Going strong! <3

  19. One of my friends unsubbed due to health reasons and is glad he's not missing a whole lot.

    Raid has hit week 7 so now casuals are getting weapons which means new people into savages and ex's.

    Personally, I dont feel the need to log in for 5hrs every day. I can catch up in Genshin and play Pokemon and come into 14 for events and level a job

  20. I agree, but in my case I went in the path or being a FC leader and because of that I feel the necesity of being online everyday to see what I can help to other fc members.
    Right now I think my fc has a great and big comunity, it's really easy to do several activities with them, so I'm proud of it.
    But I think the above took some of my freedom, sometimes I just want to log in do my stuff and log out or not log in at all, but since I'm the leader I feel that I need to log in XD.
    Probably it's time to pass the torch but I love my fc so I still need to think about it.
    Nevertheless I'm able to play other games on weekends 🙂

  21. Coming from GW2 it feels weird hearing praises to glamour system. I still wait for the time where we have more than 1 dye channel on piece of gear.
    On the other hand I also played BDO and WoW so I know we don't have it all that bad either.

  22. FF14 allowed me to not only try other games, it also allowed me to have more time to actually learn a few new skills irl..

    Actually, FF14 does put a lot of effort in trying to get you to keep playing the game. Extremes, Savages, Ultimates, Fishing, PvP, Minigames in Gold Saucer, the upcoming Island Sanctuary, Eureka/Bozja, seasonal events are just some examples. What FF14 sets apart from the rest is that all of the content are timeless, meaning outside of trying to race to BiS in a gear cycle (which never really mattered outside of the raiding community and even then it is all about the parse runs), everything can be done at your own pace. And tbh the last thing I really want is to be forced into playing a game 24/7 just to upkeep a character.

    In short, FF14's philosophy in gameplay never was about artificial daily grind systems that no one cared about. If they don't have anymore to offer, they won't make it harder on you. It also helps the developers focus less on trying to make stupid engagement systems that just make customers angry, and keeps them focused in only one thing: make new things that entertain the crowd.

  23. Er, no, "most players" haven't complete Savage content, as SE admits only a small percentage of players do that level of content .. I know you're a raider who likely doesn't think of the majority who don't get to see it but that doesn't mean it's not the case

  24. I'm still working through ShB post-MSQ. I might be able to start Endwalker in — I don't know — a month or two at my current rate? No plans to find an FC or static, try Savage, or grind out relics, so I might just be "done" and ready to move on (after 1500 to 2000 hours!) whenever I wrap up the EW storyline and have all my jobs levelled.

  25. When the systems grind is basically mandatory to endgame like WOW, it's no wonder people get angry when they feel like their time is being wasted. They want to get stronger while stepping on the people who are trying their best, but maybe are still learning. In FFXIV, since those systems barely exist in relation to your characters power, time isn't seen as being wasted. Or if it is, it is to a lesser degree.

  26. Today in my guild's discord they were talking about opening their weekly vault in WoW and what they got. Nobody was happy. They either got items that would be good for a different class and not their main, they got items with junk stats, or they received a repeat from previous weeks that they do not need. It made me realize that the vault in WoW seems like a reward, but it is really no different from loot boxes in mobile games in that you are not guaranteed to get anything helpful. Loot boxes in mobile games are designed to appear as a reward, but to have a low chance of giving you great items based on other actions and this is pretty much how the weekly vault is designed as well.
    Meanwhile, in FFXIV, I have a mix of decent gear (upper 580) on my BLM from doing the normal raids and capping my weekly tomestones. I can pick what I want to upgrade. Some of the raid gear is up to chance, but I can roll on items I truly need and ignore the rest. I would probably be higher if I was not so nervous about trying savage using party finder. I understand WoW now wants to do something like this, but their system has only pushed myself and others like me away. I think it also contributes to the boosting because at least then someone knows they have a chance at a much higher iLVL item so the vault item is probably better regardless of secondary stats.

  27. Ff14 fixed my schedule so much i have no idea how I functioned playing WoW. I go to the gym, hang out with people, cook, clean, and spend time with my family. I enjoy taking pictures and getting minions. Also crafting and fishing with friends. It's super comfy

  28. I played Wizard101 for 10 years and I realized that, despite all the amazing voice acting in scenes and the epic storyline… the game mechanics don't work. I had to play three characters on multiple launchers for dungeons because anyone who I friended would bug the sh** out of me so I soloed everything with alts. FFXIV is not like that, you can't play multiple characters because one character can do everything and you can decide what healer what tank what DPS you want to be and then use a duty finder to wait for a party to let you in. Trying to solo dungeons is impossible because you would be leveled down to the encounter level and they would gang-bang you and kill you. I've rage-quit a few times but that was my own fault, it wasn't the fault of the others unless it was(a healer who spammed Cure 1 even though they have Bendiction).

    Wizard101 had loot boosters which cost me $200. I tried to play it again, start a new guy, but I did not feel the love I had when I started my Frugal Conjurer, Sierra FairyFriend. I have three characters on FFXIV – the first was supposed to be my main and the second was collecting relic weapons, but I think I like Kess more than Cisi. Call me a pervert but I think playing Kess wearing the Omega-F armor and some sexy boots was exciting. And spacing out big story plot points for two real life years allows me to work on relics because those things and farming FATEs for the final trophy are not going to happen overnight. And when I get tired, I can turn it off and play Binding of Isaac or Pokemon. 🙂


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