[FFXIV] This Best Way To Change Classes

discord: https://discord.gg/HQNkbqvNdc
Thank you to https://twitter.com/ryumaxx_ for art!
The Macro:
Just copy and paste this!
/macroicon 1 gearset
/gs change 1

/hudlayout 2

Zepla’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0buenOiW5Q

Garnet Divine’s post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/ezyiul/using_macros_i_created_a_simple_jobswitch_menu/

Music that isn’t FFXIV or specified is from:
BGM:dova-syndrome https://dova-s.jp
SOUND: Otological https://otologic.jp/free/bgm/recent.html

#kougaon #ffxiv


23 thoughts on “[FFXIV] This Best Way To Change Classes”

  1. Great to see creative uses of 14's UI system! Personally I like to use the "/hotbar copy" command to create a dynamic hotbar, that way I only need to give up 1 hotbar rather than 4. Just use a class such as GLA or CNJ as a sort of hotbar mule to copy from 😀

  2. You can get to a really in depth level of scrolling pop-up & down hot bars with just /hotbar display and then combining this new option of multiple HUD have a completely transformative macro system. Its worth spending some down time playing with it while you chat with your friends. Also. Back-up your macros incase a reinstall gets you!

  3. Instead of using the layouts (and still being forced to use 3-4 regular shared hotbars for this), you can also enable the XHB and use it for this. You can toggle it on and off with a single command, and also add page forward/back macros to cycle through all the 8 or so available XHBs that you can fill with whatever else you need (emotes, jobs, whatever), all without dedicating one layout just to the menu (which I vastly prefer because I use my layouts for different job types – larger enemy list somewhere I can see it more easily as a tank, party list right next to the skillbars for healer, that sort of thing).

  4. I see literally no reason to do this at all when you can just get some gear sets on a bar at like 50% or less size in a corner. Opening a menu literally just takes more time.
    Cleaner? Yeah, I guess? But way less accessible, too. I'd even argue that a random huge menu popping out of nowhere somehow manages to look less pleasing to the eye.

  5. Funny coincidence, I already have all my jobs set up in macros like this because I use a different HUD for AST that places card macros next to the players in the party list. I'll have to set this up and clear some clutter.


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