What we NEED to KNOW about FFXIV Endwalker
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What we NEED to KNOW about FFXIV Endwalker
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I think I speak for a lot of people when I ask… Blitzball?
for the circles: discord communities have won out for me, I don't only want to play FF XIV so its great to find a group of people to play all kinds of games with (whether you find that group through a FFXIV static or FC, a streamer's community, or friends/coworkers)
It used to be the intro was "Brian here" voiced by Brian, and "Chris here" voiced by Chris. Now that Brian introduces both of them, Chris is thrown off. You can tell he's waiting to say his line but doesn't do it. lol
Seems like the mobility could be a skill ceiling potential decision.
Reaper, monk dasshing out of enemy dmg late then returning. All tanks have the longer gap closer to return quicker and not break combo.
Could be interesting
You have squadrons for ARR and HW dungeons, which imo are better then Trust.
It was not Astro that moved in but Sage with its Icarus gap closing ability.
Something I would love to see is the ability to change glams in zones other than cities. Maybe not everywhere, but they could make it in any rest zone? It would be such a QoL!
The housing communities would be better if the wards were more active. Looking towards moving my FC to a FC only ward for an active ward in EW. Would be nice to have a linkshell or discord community for an "alliance" of FC's.
Phisical enterence to houseing should be available in city centers via a guard or something. I think that could invite more natural in and out of the houseing areas.
One thing I would personally like to know is how they will handle the new jobs quest wise. This is the first time we are getting new jobs where they will be leveling through a bracket where others got role quests instead of job quests. I would like to know if we will get job quest every couple levels like the new jobs in Shadowbringers, or will it just be the introduction quest and a lvl 80 quest.
I'm also curious with jobs getting more mobility generally across the board, is this a hint at future combat design within Endwalker.
As far as ability stacking is concerned, it seems like they have been moving in the direction of more conditional abilities changing existing ones (in my estimate). So less the Royal Authority combo is all on 1 button and more the new super sword combo replaces the Royal Authority combo when it is active (That is my hunch for how it will work). An current example would be how Raiden Thrust replaces True Thrust, or how Phoenix skills replace normal SMN skills briefly.
It is interesting seeing that GNB's Gnashing Fang combo is going into 1 button. Maybe they have a certain number of abilities they want each job to have, and once they exceed that cap is when they consider condensing combos? Maybe it is because Gnashing Fang is only every 30 sec that they are okay with it? If that's the case, maybe RDM's melee combo should be 1 button. I definitely want to hear what the dev team's thoughts on the combo system are going into Endwalker.
I use trusts for first runs because it's more immersing than a male rogaden in 2B leggings.
I think I'm falling in love with Summoner! I'm currently level 45. I'm not getting to worried about mastering the rotation because so much will change but judging by Yoshi P's demo of the job it looks like it could be a lot easier to play and more visually appealing.
Summoner looked to have a new gap closer with Ifrit, which is situational, but is something to think about when it comes to learning fights and when to summon Ifrit over the other primals.
1. I wanna heal dps not only tank and wide raid. Earthshaker final coil example
2. Crafted fantasia i think?? Or give 1 fantasia per expansion
3. Voice chat in raid or just dungeon i think but with mute option
4. I know this cannot be happen but i like to have 3 part combo with lowered potancy rather than high potency but only 1 button just make it interesting in healer
5. Mechanic that invole jump or force healer to use rescue
6. More variety on floor design not only circle or square
Personally I want to know how are they going to handle Relic Weapons. I know it is a bit early to aks for that but in all seriousness they need to tweak the weaposn so they can be worthy to clear content like Savage and Ultimate and get ther weapons and not just be another option for end game weapons… What i mean is to give them utility for content and such… And probably give them buff depending on what content you are
A question i would like addressed (though I can see why it wouldn't) has to do with the announcement a while back that Sony would integrate discord and the consoles. Being a mmo and inherently social, is ffxiv going to take any advantage of this or is too early to tell?
Possible spoiler warning
i'd like to know if they will do anything with Nero and Gius in Endwalker and if they'll be added to the trust system
I REALLY wish they would have added a role ability for tanks that pull mobs – like Holmgang in PvP, but not garbage on an insane CD. No damage tied to it – just pull in those PITA ranged mobs that don't move with packs. LoS is not always an option, and groups with ranged/casters often have more than one, so moving the group is also not always an option. Just something that could have great utility, and definitely a fun factor.
The only places I run into the same ppl in content has been for PF savage stuff and eureka
Whoa whoa whoa, enochian management is much easier endgame than leveling, especially if in 1800+ spell speed. People losing enochian are mainly in the leveling bracket to under 1800 ss. I'm sorry dude but I geared myself with 400 Rowena gear in Kugane and it was a nightmare to keep it up.
It's like Dragoon with eye of the dragoon before 78. I would pull bosses because I didn't want it to drop before I lost it, at level 78 they said 20secs sucks here's 30secs and suddenly everything worked.
Same with enochian.
DRG and BLM were the last two I leveled to 80 and they were nightmares until a trait between 70-80 made it work
noone cares about fellowships, we need help making FC's better, more intriguing, more ways to progress as a community in them.
This is my list of questions going into the Media Tour, especially after LL 66. I'd love it if you guys could answer all of them, but I understand that you probably won't have the time to get all of the info necessary to hit on all of these.
If you get a chance to interview YoshiP, I'd really like to get answers to at least one of these two questions on the record.
-Why does YoshiP hate engaging tank gameplay?
-Tanks have been incredibly simple to master in ShB and it doesn't look like the skill ceiling is getting any higher in EW. I can understand having a low skill floor, but the tanks in ShB have had an incredibly low skill ceiling that is mostly centered around doing damage. This has made tanks feel a lot more like blue dps than tanks. Why is this design not being done away with in favor of a more mitigation and enmity centered design?
Are tanks getting any changes to enmity generation? Even something as simple as taking the stance multiplier from 10 to 5 would be good for both the backend systems and tank enjoyment.
How are these new secondary effects on mitigation going to work?
Is DRK's Blood Weapon going to have the same stack system that Bunshin and Perfect Balance have and it sounds like Delirium and Inner Release are getting?
Is DRK's aoe combo (Unleash and Stalwart Soul) still Spells?
Is DRK going to have a bunch of procs in EW? It looked like they might have some procs in the job action trailer.
What's the deal with the new TBN looking thing?
Is anything changing with Storm's Eye on WAR, outside of the ability to apply it with AoE?
How is IR going to work? Is it going to affect oGCDs still? Is it going to effect GCDs other Fell Cleave? Is it a damage bonus or guaranteed Critical Direct Hits?
What's the cooldown of Upheaval now that it's not tied to beast gauge? Right now it's 30 seconds. Is it going to go up or down to complement IR going to 60 seconds?
Have there been any changes to Inner Chaos? Currently this is ability is very clunky because it makes using Infuriate during IR extremely bad. Did Inner Chaos lose it's guaranteed Critical Direct Hit component? Did Inner Chaos get its own button? Is it still a clunky mess that is going to make WAR mains sad for another two years?
Nascent Flash got an animation change. Did it get any functionality changes?
What happened to Raw Intuition?
How is PLD's Req window going to work? Are the swords going to be in the Req window or after it?
Is PLD losing any buttons? If so which ones?
Are there any changes to Sword Oath stacks?
How does the new Shelltron work?
Is GNB's new two cartridge spender an AoE?
Is Sonic Break still there? It wasn't in the Job Action trailer, but Bow Shock was. This has led to some wondering.
What's going on with that new Heart of Stone looking ability?
Outside of tanks, I do have a few questions.
How is that new super Midare for SAM going to work?
How are NIN's new Mudra related abilities going to work?
Is MNK still going to be a speedy boi or is Greased Lightning completely gone?
Is DRG getting AoE Disembowel?
Are any of the melees getting AoE at an early level in EW? First aoe abilities for melee jobs are currently at level 26 for MNK, level 40 for DRG, level 38 for NIN(or 35 if you count the mudra Katon), and level 26 for SAM.
What's the deal with the new BLM abilities? Are they upgrades or entirely new? Did the BLM leveling process get reworked even a little?
Can we get an entire video on the new SMN? It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun, and probably my top pick for new main job if tanks flop again. What I really want to see though is all of the tooltips and how some of the existing abilities that aren't tied to summons/egis are changing(looking at you fester!).
Did healers get any changes to their damage or is it still one nuke, one dot, and one aoe?
Did SCH finally get separated from ACN? Or will level 90 SCH come free with a level 90 SMN?
How much damage mitigation is on SCH's battle peloton? Is it enough to at least justify using it(~10%+) for non-troll purposes?
How are AST cards working in EW? It sounded like there were going to be changes to Div and cards, but I'm not entirely sure what is changing about them.
What are these new single target buffs that every healer is getting? Is it basically AST cards for everybody? Or is it something else?
Yoshi-p told during the live letter that the scholar speedboost ability is a defensive and the movement component is a + on the skill. He also added that it won't cumulate with the sprint
I've really enjoyed using my trust group, being able to run dungeons with out endangering others, really helps understanding the mechanics
I know it’s been asked at every media tour and has been brought up multiple times, but with the influx of players, explosion of popularity the game has received, I’d like to know if Yoshi P’s stance on harder dungeon modes has changed. Nothing like M+ of WoW but just a hard mode for dungeons where you can’t do wall to wall pulls
Wait wait wait HOUSE SAVAGE they releasing going need a lot of mobility to get those houses
I want to know if they would add Viera and Hrothgar to the Squadron. I want my bunny team. 🤔
We hold our belts up with magic 🗿
Yeah, like Chris, I'd like to know specifics of some combat stuff. I.E. are Scholars getting some tweaks to mana costs and healing potencies and/or cast speeds to change them up dramatically in performance which would explain why we only saw very little new stuff for the scholar in the job action trailer. But outside of that, I'd like to know more about noncombat related improvements and changes.
I don't have 85% of my fine motor skills since I broke my neck so I can't use a keyboard and mouse. So a controller is the only way to play well. I would love to be able to stack some of my abilities since I can only press certain buttons easily. I have to press one trigger button into my thigh with my one hand and then press the button for my ability with my other hand. So being able to stack the buttons that combo would make my life so much easier.
I want to see which abilities are considered magic damage without having to go into battle log.
I agree the ability to maybe even write a macro for controller players that lets you stack abilities would be amazing
I guess I personally wouldn't ask any question about jobs that I could answer for myself by simply playing the job at the media tour because that seems like a waste. Now if you've played the jobs already at the media tour and you have questions about why certain things are the way that they are then that's a completely different story.
My expectation regarding belts is that they won't be moving the stat allocation to other slots. That stat budget will be removed with the stat squish. I also expect it will be one less raid lockout to gear up.
When do they usually give out info for Blu? Is that more of a X.1 or X.2 patch? Also if i could ask about Blu will it be able to enter Eureka or Bozja? I think people love the job and want more to do with it. Relic grinding old content with an op character outside of fates would be some fun.
Make Fandaniel the 2nd primal or SE is stupid 😤
I just have a quick yes or no question that I would like to ask them. For the Diamond Weapon Sage drop, will we get the floating hands that shoot the lasers?
Nice vid. Cool on the ads though jesus