This is why I always commend dps during a dungeon. I used to be a reaper main until I realized I could never find a dungeon so I switched to warrior. Any dps I find has my respect for waiting for so long.
My tank buddy ask me a mnk main "what do you do on your ques when im not on" farm fates, craft start a family in real life, my child will be born before my dps que pops lol
Me watching as my que stays at #50 for ten mins
Oh this is me 24/7 but I fix it by doing tribal and other dailies in the mean time
How many OGs will notice… 😅
Depends on your data center
Then I became the tank friend 😢
This is why I always commend dps during a dungeon. I used to be a reaper main until I realized I could never find a dungeon so I switched to warrior. Any dps I find has my respect for waiting for so long.
My tank buddy ask me a mnk main "what do you do on your ques when im not on" farm fates, craft start a family in real life, my child will be born before my dps que pops lol
Healer strike
And this is why i work on writing my fics while the queue is running lol
Im a white mage main and i just picked up my first dps…..picto.
I dont even feel like leveling…..
it’s so bad but i push through regardless lmao
I'm the healer main in my FC, so when I'm leveling DPS, I feel this. Lol
#facts 😂😂
This is why as a warrior main i dont understand why my dps friends dont jump like a cheerleader when i ask if anyone wants to do content
That’s why I change to tank
This is the one thing i hate about being a Viper main,i swear i'm gonna be waiting until next expansion just for it to be Arum Vale
Sounds like Dynamis. Anyway, I've been on both ends of this, it's not do bad.
That's why I changed to a healer. Nobody deserves so many lines, go screw square.
I literally only did my island sanctuary back in EW because it was a mildly entertaining way to burn some time while I waited for DPS queues.