The Problem with FFXIV Hairstyles : A Message to Square Enix

Hello comrades.
It was finally time for me to release this video after two months of preparation : my complaint about the hairstyles of Final Fantasy XIV. I hope you’ll like it and that it will possibly make Square Enix react.
My informations are probably not 100% accurate, feel free to correct me in the comments!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on FFXIV hairstyles and your reaction to this video ! πŸ˜€

◾️ π–ˆπ–π–†π–•π–Žπ–™π–—π–Šπ–˜ / π–ˆπ–π–†π–•π–™π–Šπ–—π–˜ ◾️
0:00 Introduction
1:57 Hairstyles Added To The Game Through Years
15:35 Hairstyles Added To Base-Game
16:08 The Problem with New Races
16:55 6.3 Update and Non-Added Hairstyles
17:28 Mods & Clipping
19:42 Conclusion
21:34 Outro

◾️ π–‘π–Žπ–Šπ–“π–˜ / π–‘π–Žπ–“π–π–˜ ◾️
◽️ Β« Why I’m Quitting FFXIV Β» video :
◽️ FFXIV hairstyles up to patch 2.5 without Eternal Bond and Lightning Strikes hairstyles :
◽️ FFXIV All Hairstyles :
◽️ FFXIV All patches released :
◽️ NieR Automata A2 video :
◽️ Β« Alphinaud has PTSD Β» video :
◽️ Β« My Cat Had His Tail Shaved Β» video :
◽️ Β« FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn – A New Beginning Β» video :
◽️ Β« FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Trailer Β» video :
◽️ Ghost – Rats (Official Music Video) :
◽️ Β« Lost Ark – Artist Character Creation Β» video :
◽️ Lost Ark Character Customization Guide – How to Change Your Appearance :
◽️ Β« Lost Ark – Female Character Creation – Final CBT – PC – F2P – KR Β» video :
◽️ Β« All the Female Hairstyles Sims 4 Β»
Video :
◽️ Β« confused meme Β» video :
◽️ Β« Visual Effect – Harry Osborn Smile – Spiderman Β» video (image) :
◽️ Β« Harry Osborn Wink Β» video (sound) :
◽️ Naoki Yoshida’s opinion about third-party softwares :
◽️ Passe-Partout’s Fort Boyard’s song video :
◽️ Β« Confused Travolta – New Green Screen 1280Γ—720 Β» video :
◽️ Β« Elevator Music Β» sound :
◽️ FFXIV About third-party softwares :

◾️ π–’π–šπ–˜π–Žπ––π–šπ–Š / π–’π–šπ–˜π–Žπ–ˆ ◾️
Ice & Fire – King Canyon
We Cruisin’ – Otis McDonald
Can’t Hide – Otis McDonald
Mulholland – King Canyon
Silver Waves – TrackTribe
Anxiety – NEFFEX
Put It – TrackTribe

FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV c 2010-2021 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

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◽️ Instagram : // ffxiv screenshots and glamour

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◽️ Laptop / PC Portable HP OMEN 17-AN003NF (32 Go)
◽️ Headphone / Casque KLIM MANTIS
◽️ Microphone RODE NT-USB

◾️ π–’π–Šπ–˜ π–‘π–”π–Œπ–Žπ–ˆπ–Žπ–Šπ–‘π–˜ / π–’π–ž π–˜π–”π–‹π–™π–œπ–†π–—π–Šπ–˜ ◾️
◽️ NVIDIA GeForce Experience (logiciel de capture / capture software)
◽️ Adobe Premiere Pro (montage vidΓ©o / video montage)
◽️ Adobe Photoshop (montage photo / photo montage)


18 thoughts on “The Problem with FFXIV Hairstyles : A Message to Square Enix”

  1. As a male Elezen I'm annoyed to!!! I would really like other long hairstyles that I don't share with NPCs AND Ragna BlazBlue or Sol Guilty Gear like Spikey hair and it's very annoying only Au Ra get that kind of thing.

  2. me a male viera who wants short hair that doesnt look like k pop, emo boy or some kind of ishgadian noble but still covers the forhead ;_; but great video!

  3. I play a female elezen, and the hairstyle choices are just frustrating. They did not adjust the longer hairstyles to accommodate the longer necks that elezens have, so a lot of them just look really awkward. Not only that but like 4 of the hairstyles are just the same short style with barrettes in different places. The only ones I've found that I'm happy with are ponytails, but it would be nice to have more variety.

  4. I do think that whenever it comes to the hair in the game and just character customization entirely really square Enix, is just extremely lazy I’ve played other MMO’s had character customization that was far superior, and when it comes to the hair styles, it does seem like they’re too lazy to make long hair and the excuses they gave are always BS and everybody knows that it’s BS.

  5. The problem I see with not having long hair in FFXIV and the lack of physics on objects in the game simply gets extremely poorly done in the middle of combat because of the poor game engine. And the famous phrase "we don't do it because it will clip with the other items" is the biggest lie the whole game already clips it's just the unwillingness to do that because it doesn't generate profit for the game

  6. This is an important topic, Also something i came across the other day
    THERES NO HAIRSTYLES THAT COVER YOUR EYES! I would like to have a hairstyle
    that completely covers one, or both eyes but the only one that comes even close is rainmaker
    but it doesnt completely cover that eye.

  7. While I'd also love it if there were more long and/or wavy/glam-curled hairstyles, I can't deny that clipping is a legitimate issue here. I have the one medium-long, slightly-curly-at-the-bottom hairstyle that has bangs on my main (Mi'qote), and even with that one, sometimes it clips right through the high collars of coats/shirts and it looks AWFUL to me, to the point where I just won't wear those particular equipment/cosmetic pieces. Unless they change how their collision works for clothes and/or hair, which seems unlikely at this point in the life of the game, I don't see this really changing 😞 I'd love if it could, though, for sure.

    Edit – I see you covered clipping later, good πŸ™‚I am glad to see footage of modders having addressed this issue, that does at least mean it's possible then. I've not looked into these kinds of mods for personal use myself (best not to even investigate them so I'm not tempted), so it's nice to see some footage here.

  8. I love the game, but they could definitely stand to have more variety. Like Xenosys says, they need beards (mods let you create them). I would like more long hair options for female toons, and I would kill to have the ability to remove the permanent dark circles around the eyes of Highlander toons.

  9. What a beautiful accent!!!

    I am still waiting for Krile's hairstyle πŸ™
    Paid game, paid expansion, paid monthly subscription and no good hairstyles. Seems like the money this game makes is not going back into the game.

  10. I just want mature-looking hairstyles. So many are short & child-like. I want long, wavy hair that a goddess would have. I want a long woven braid that a female warrior might have in a fantasy setting. What we get instead are mullets, ugly short hairstyles & hairstyles fit for toddlers. Thank you for this video- I agree with just about everything mentioned & you do an excellent job on highlighting the glaring issues regarding the character creator & the races we play within FFXIV. They can do so much for other parts of the game, yet choose to ignore the very thing that we all see- our characters. There is a large hairstyle/ beard megathread on the FFXIV forums that a wonderful person made- Everyone who agrees with the contents of this video, should go post there to show their support & say they are tired of short & poorly done hairstyles.

  11. I know we have way too many short hairstyles but lets be honest, the only nice one is Form and Function, and it's still locked for Viera. I'd love more feminine short hair, less boyish ones.

    But of course, justice for those who want long hair! In terms of clipping I think that players/SE need to move on; EVERY.SINGLE.GAME. has clipping of some sort, that's just how it is. I'm not sure FFXIV even has the physics engine for more dynamic collision to deal with clipping anyway.

  12. Clipping wouldnt even be an issue: there are so many glams and armors, that wouldnt clip o.o And if they would, we have a haircutter (I wont write down that horror of a term…) right there waiting for us to solve the problem.

    Seriously, if I wasnt such a chicken, I would probably delve into modding ^^Β°

    20:15 — Not so sure about the contest… were those all participants or just (oh, its snowing outside o.O ) the winners? If it was just the winners, that chances are, there were several long hairstyles?

    When I started FF14, I was blown away by the amount of different hairstyles (and I played WoW and GW2 before that). It takes a while until you realise there's something missing. Out of funsies I started playing AION Classic (its actually fun? o.o ), and they have so many long hairstyles… and its from what? 2008? I'd like to give SE the benefit of the doubt… especially since they're currently working on the female Hrothgar (I believe πŸ˜€ ). We dont know, how big their designer team is (Yoshi-P once said, they need to hire more – but thats not just his decision: I work in a large company and work can only be done, if people do overtime – do we get new hires? Of course not -.- ), but given japanese work ethics, its save to assume, they already work overtime, too. Which of course doesnt excuse them for not adding simple NPC hairstyles… especially since Hilda's hairstyle isnt even that special: its a copy of what we already have, just with some braids at the side… and a fuller tail… … Myeah…

    I'm in general the one saying "stop complaining, they do what they can" or somesuch. I still say that… but yeah, its a sad business, especially when glamour and fashion are such a big deal.

  13. I didn’t think I’d enjoy learning the history of FFXIV’s hairstyles but I really did, this is a great video! Totally agree too, I’m so jealous of Viera hairstyles, but even then, they seem so heavy at the back, it would be really nice to see more detail at the front with fringes / plaits / bangs / quiffs / waves / dyeable accessories, etc. Fingers crossed for the next patch, as always πŸ₯΄


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