FFXIV – Blue Mage PVP, Ultimate & Treasure Hunts – Latest Yoshi-P Interview

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/v40aak/yoshida_interview_post_61_plans_to_expand/

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40 thoughts on “FFXIV – Blue Mage PVP, Ultimate & Treasure Hunts – Latest Yoshi-P Interview”

  1. I don't see any reason why they couldn't use Adventurer Plates at the start of a dungeon. We're stuck in the "loading" circle for a few seconds anyway and there's no reason we need to see that so just have the Adv Plates pop up during that time instead of seeing everyone standing around doing nothing.

  2. I don't think anyone would get burned out by an ultimate-savage-ultimate-savage release.

    What they would get burned out on is the dumb weekly limit this game has.

    Those who do it just to clear it once, will do it and that will be it. Those who only clear a savage once to say "i cleared" will not do it a 2nd time, and will probably never do/clear an ultimate.
    What causes burnout is the lack of content in between patches, and you're stuck grinding the weekly lockouts when you just want to be done with them but can't because of said weekly limit.

    Weekly lockouts is the bane of an mmo.
    "But if there's no limit people will finish everything in one day!"
    That is neither your nor my problem. If they want to, let them, what's the issue here?

  3. 3:34 I do really hope the newer treasure maps get some new features. I've done the grind for the "Invoker of Gods" title, which is 20 full clears of the lv 70 Roulette-Dungeon, which took roughly a thousand maps. Most of which were soloed as Bluemage. After doing that many…. it gets very, very repetitive. And sadly, none of the other map types are even remotely different. They are largely just reskins, with different fights, but the system is entirely identical. So yeah, I do like my maps, but for the love of god give me something new and fresh.

  4. With how many people are using plugins I don't want these fights much harder I think it's plenty hard for vanilla players. I don't want a difficulty increase caused by plugin users…

  5. They can't make portrait screens skippable or optional because people will inevitably get yelled at by Sir Swifto du Gottagofast to skip to save a precious 3 seconds on the dungeon run.

    What I think they need to do is make them appear like an overlay on your screen so it doesn't block chat or movement like it does in PvP. That way you can do your usual hellos and emotes while in the bubble while the portraits are popping on your screen, without it eating time. (In party finder only show them the first instance with that group.)

    Also revamp the commendation menu to show the portraits too. (For both PvE and PvP.) Seeing the portraits again next to the name would help me pick up the right person sometimes.

    But yeah they absolutely need to roll portraits into more content than just PvP if this is intended to be a new form of collectible. The PvP is great now, but FFXIV remains largely a PvE game so this feature is lost on a lot of people.

  6. Speaking of adventure plates in dungeons, I wouldn't really mind to see them at start, but the other option could be the screen where we can give commendations at the end (that would also solve the problem of people leaving before we can give comms)

  7. I still want blue mages in roulette. Let blue mages pick their roles before queing up. I've met a lot of healers who switched to blue mages to heal. your DMG is nerfed when you're on tank/healer stance.

  8. The plates will most likely appear at the four corners or top of the screen for two seconds before disappearing, alongside the barrier.
    "Hey, this your crew's glam." And then fades away immediately after.

    As for another Ultimate…Oof…Following Dragonsong is going to be tough. Not only difficult but fun challenge had an amazing story on top.
    Basically, while a bit crass to suggest, lower your expectations. It will still be good, just not as good.

  9. Hm. Adventure plates (or portions of it ala Persona skills crit evocations) showing during activation of party buffs (e.g. Divination, Tech Finish, Arcane Circle, etc. and showing the buff ability name) or in the case of BLM, Ley Lines to indicate a 'buffs please?' push. Wondering how it would work on a cluttered hotbars everywhere screen like mine though as it would be a bit visually intrusive.

    Or maybe plates showing during LB casts? 🤔

  10. I wish we can have actual open world content. The fate system is practically dead after an expansion’s launch, the hunt train is more a community commitment than a gameplay feature, and the treasure hunts are cool, but no one does them after the first couple weeks of a new patch, I still havnt seen the new treasure dungeon. WAY too much emphasis is put on to the endgame of extreme’s, savage’s and ultimates. That’s all instances content, I want to have a reason to interact with the world of final fantasy post story that makes it feel alive.

  11. I didn't like Aglaia. I think it was the least "Alliance" dependent series of fights out of all alliance raids. There was no real sense that you needed an alliance for it at all. It Felt like a big dungeon instead of an Alliance duty and I wish they would go deeper into team mechanics going forward.

  12. I can't really find any negativity in Y'Stola. I think even though other cat people are the same, they're not. She's just one of FFXIV's most beautiful works of art. I hope we can play along more with her as a periodic partner in game. Other than in raids or dungeons. Sid blue plus quest or 2 would be sweet. She's just cool. =) Ya… PVP? Not for me… no matter what. I prefer stories and quests.

  13. Glad for the Aglaia story writer with that given opportunity. The Pixie, Qitari and Dwarf's storyline in ShB was pretty well-done.
    BLU is too far lagging behind, this explains why it isn't so popular. Pop some of the latest tomestone in its dailies, then you will probably be seeing people in blue attires running around. Its existing state is not motivating the capped people to even switch to the class.


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