A lot of openers become weird when you try to really optimize them, but one stands out to me as particularly silly!
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Music Used:
FFXIV A Realm Reborn – Hall of the Novice
I know this video is a bit subjective, so what is the most ridiculous opener in your opinion? It could be wild in terms of planning, or extremely complex to perform! I just thought this paladin one was ridiculous to the point of being funny so I wanted to share it! ^^
This is partly why I’ll never play PLD.
Learning this activated my fight or flight tbh
I'm so glad PLD got braindead tbh, it was so annoying before
too bad yt shorts wasnt around back when warriors needed 70 seconds before pull to double pop infuriate
DNC is kinda funny – 15.5 seconds you start standard step, then do the 2 steps and… wait for the remaining 10 seconds. Then at 0.5 seconds pre-pull you can finish, as the attack takes time to propagate across the arena to the boss.
I realized this was an old video right when you said paladin. I used to do this opener and just hate the world for it.
Now it's 100% Dancer for the 45s opener
/ac “Fight or Flight”
/wait 2
/countdown 16
The Pf macro
That voice is infuriating.
can you please tell me the name of the piece you are using in the body slot for astrologian and also for ninja??? i’ve been looking for something that looks like those for a long time but i couldn’t find anything. only thing somewhat similar was cape of happiness but i don’t like the belt is has on it
As a paladin enjoyer I can confirm these are fake news
I'm curious as a paladin. Did this change or get updated yet?
Oh quit your whining because every class has ridiculous openings.
The Craziest Opener is Infinite Paradox on BLM literally 70 Spells Long all for the Movement.
The most ridiculous opener in FFXIV is from heavensward times and goes to the warrior 56 seconds pull timer it similar to you paladin opener check it out
Old smn.
i remember the HW warrior opener, talk about overkill…
I'm sorry paladins do what? You're just sitting there wasting a buff?
Thunderclap into Dragon Kick into Dragon Kick followed by a Dragon Kick which then goes into an infinite cycle of Dragon Kick until whatever you're fighting is dead.
I hate to be that guy but uhhh, you should use requiescat for only the confiteor combo (requescat boosts it’s damage potency)
Yall mfs need to quit this game and go work on science research, you clearly shouldn't be playing a video game if you're this committed to such a irrelevant thing
Learning 6.3 NIN Opener made learning every class too easy
Youre telling me you DONT look at pally rotations as a dance between magic spam and zero-brain sword buffs?
It's not subjective. It's ridiculous. If you are a player and you're leading with "Fight, or Flight," you need a mentor.
That action is for you to do dps in a short window.
Bruh brings up way past the pull timer on literally everyone but Ninja because ninja's actual opener is 30+inputs
So in your mind any job with a prepull is ridiculous?
my favorite opener: Walking up to the boss so it can teach you how to floor tank
Hah! That's nothing! Check out paradox black mage.
I dont really care to optimize every opener perfect everytime. I just have fun and play the game. to much stress going for perfection constantly . I get whatever the current end game content is you have to be perfect but the rest of the game not so much. I mean at least I haven't had any issues really lol
Yeah, for developers who wanted to build so much around a 2min burst window…they really messed up when to be optimal a job has to use an ability, stand around for 18 seconds, then start the fight just to make sure they get the most benefit, but you know….'Balance' and all that.
Back when SMN had a 2 minute opener 😂
it's not true anymore but back when you have to generate your Greased Lightning stacks, Shadowbringer monk had to litteraly be perfect on server tick to have a good opener with Anatman to get 1 Greased Lightning stack 0.1 sec after pressing the button , that was just impossible without a tool
Or even the tornadokick rotation at the end of SB was wild, you litteraly throw your Greased Lightning stack in the opener
Dancer using standard step 15 seconds before pull, potting at 2 seconds, having to dump 8-9 gcds into a 20 second window while also not weaving fan dances and not letting saber dance gague cap and also fitting standard step into all of that in the corner: 😶
Black mage lv90 il645 – swift cast to fire 1 😂 boom 💥
My favorite is messing around with friends as WAR and just opening with the mega front flip of doom to pull the boss. Absolute shit for damage, but style points are where it’s at!
I dont even worry about openers. So long as we have more than enough to clear then idc. Feels like it takes the fun out of the game for me. Hell these party buff window things feel like they take a lot out as well. I kind of wish they would do a rework on these somehow.
5.X SMN movement buffering carbuncle to buffer devotion 15 sec early.
And this is why I don't do openers…
Nope…crafting. rng excellent proc is brutal for my openers.
Name of soundtrack?
Meanwhile Dark Knights: RANDOM BULLSHIT GO!
This is dumb you don't have to play like this
Openers only matter if the fight is like 3min lol
Well that aged well lol
one time, i was practicing a gnb opener in bozja and clicked on the wrong hotbar; i gap closed and immediately hit superbolide followed by tank lb
my party was two zones away but they knew exactly what just happened
counter argument: triplecast flare flare flare swiftcast flare manafont flare