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Final Fantasy XIV: ENDWALKER Full Trailer Reaction
Let all that you do be done in love. – 1 Corinthians 16:14
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#FinalFantasyXIV #FinalFantasyEndwalker #FFXIV
Ohhh if you JUST started your FF14 journey than dont try to think to much about the moon (its a reaccuring theme and a very important place for the story) just keep that in mind x'D
I can't help but get even more excited for this expansion since this will hopefully give me a chance to play FFXIV with my little bro! X3
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If you just got into 14, your in for a long ride and a good story to.
You're a long ways from Endwalker if you just are starting out.
Keep in mind that A Realm Reborn (1-50) is a bit of a slog and has a lot of necessary world building, and everything after it is significantly better.
this is so exciting!
This trailer was jampacked with stuff that long time players pick up on
If you decide to play the game to catch up to Endwalker i'm sure you'll have those moments of realisation and it's gonna be awesome
You have no idea what's going on. Play from the start and enjoy the ride!
You remind me of what it would be like to play with one of my older siblings. Seriously play the entire story and you know the music themes in this trailer and the story behind it as well as the large creature on the moon that you saw.
Id like to note the ff14 community is probably one of the best out there. Now is a great time to get into it a free trial up to heavensward (1st expansion) and up to level 60. The story of 14 is amazing and only gets better. Endwalker is the finale to only the 'first arc' we have been told that 6.1 (post endwalker) starts a new arc entirely. Data center travel is coming in endwalker so no matter what server you choose youll be able to play with anyone in endwalker. (Also this trailer has heavensward, stormblood and shadowbringers theme songs in the music). Reaper: The void is where you get your powers and if you want to think about it reaper is a jojos character lol
"THIS PLACE" Sharlyan is super important to the story. It is where the twins are from and where their grandfather came from. They are vaunted scholars who care not for the world and stood by as Bahamut threatened to destroy the world.
As a player who started since 2.0 and never missed a subscription, Word Of Warning –
2.0-3.0 will be VERY slow. But once u get over the hump, its all downhill and get much better 🙂
Hope you get to try it and if you both do, Welcome To Eorzea 🙂
– Citizen of Balmung Server
This channel is super underrated 😀
Obligatory JoJo pose at the end XD
Though I would like to point out something. When the Ascians (Main antags in the game) summon their masks (Which are like… Kinda transparent and all over their faces) They move their hands slowly down from the top infront of their faces…. Similar to what the player was doing there in said pose.
Something to think about as you progress through the story.
Especially during the ShadowBringers expansion.