The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria Extreme Trial Guide | FFXIV

The Minstrel’s Ballad: Endsinger’s Aria
Extreme Trial Guide
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

This guide covers all of the main mechanics for Endwalker’s latest extreme trial, including tank busters, raidwides, telegraphed mechanics, Elenchos, fivehead, and more. Clips are reaper pov and are supported by diagrams to help with comprehension.

Feedback and constructive criticism welcome as always; I hope that you find this helpful!

Special thanks to my co-raiders for helping and consulting during preproduction.

Watch me hunt, level, raid, and grind live over at

0:00 Elegeia Unforgotten (Stars & Cleave)
1:00 Katasterismoi & Grip of Despair (Towers & Tethers)
1:35 Elenchos (Mid/Sides Safe)
2:04 Telos (Raidwide AoE)
2:07 Hubris (TB x2)
2:16 Eironeia (Healer Stacks)
2:39 Fatalism (Stars x2)
3:06 Twinsong’s Aporrhoia (Fivehead)
3:57 Theological Fatalism (Time Reverse)
4:23 How to Decode Theological Fatalism
5:11 Despair Unforgotten x3 (Memory Game)
5:51 Theological Fatalism II
6:15 Telomania (5x Raidwide AoE & Bleed)
6:30 Endsong’s Aporrhoia (Clone Ring AoEs)
7:25 Double Fatalism (Stars x4)
8:48 Enrage
8:58 Thanks for watching!


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