Reacting To Why I Quit FFXIV @Lokidum | Ginger Prime

Per request, was asked to share my thoughts on Why I Quit Final Fantasy XIV by @Lokidum so here is what I think as both a FFXIV vet, but also as a content creator and the impact that can have on the enjoyment of any MMORPG
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#gingerprime #reactionvideo #reaction

0:00 Introduction
2:57 Reaction
36:03 Thoughts
37:11 Outro


30 thoughts on “Reacting To Why I Quit FFXIV @Lokidum | Ginger Prime”

  1. The best part of the game is coming back after a long break when there is multiple story patches to do. Unless you're a savage raider, I always see myself going back doing old content . All you have to do is cap your weekly tomes at max level. I wish the endgame wasn't so simplified with no grind involved

  2. I started playing ffxiv back in 2015 and played consistently up until endwalker where I finally stepped away and unsubbed since the story finally had a conclusion as far as I am concerned lolz

  3. I quit FFXIV because it became a chore. Felt like a second job and just wasn't fun anymore. I played from 2.0 and quit a few months before Endwalker came out. I've felt absolutely zero desire to return for the end of the story either. First I quit raiding and that helped for a while since it became super stressful. I tried PvP and disliked it a lot. Then I quit even doing dungeons and the dailies and only crafted. Then after dealing with bots on the MB non-stop and how oppressive they are plus Square's inaction against them I finally had enough.

  4. Took a break myself. Issue I have as is with most mmo’s, it starts to feel like copy/paste content. Wish developers would try new things, instead of 4 new savage fights every major patch try something new. Mounts, almost everything is mount rewards, please try out new stuff, minor things like changing the color of spells/abilities would be great. Point is, take risks be creative!

  5. I'm actually really impressed with the guy. No hate thrown around in his video, was well spoken and concise all the way through, quite impressive for a 17 year old, many older youtuber could learn a thing or two from him, if his usual content is delivered in a similar way too.

  6. Anytime I’ve found myself Overplaying FFXIV or hell any game for that matter, I usually do a week or two break from it. Im a casual anyway so im always switching games out anyway. But FFXIV is just one of those games I’ll always come back to.

  7. So, I disagree with large swaths of this video for numerous reasons, the biggest one being this: he’s a kid. I don’t take too much of what he says as serious because he’s extremely young and clearly doesn’t know how life works. For example, in the beginning segment, he talks a lot about how COVID, and school being canceled was a huge determining factor in driving him to FFXIV and consuming a lot of his time, money, and attention. My question is, where were his parents in all of this? I get he is 17, but for 2 years it sounds like they had 0 impact on his life. I am NOT saying they needed to control him, I am saying they should have been guiding him. Look, COVID and the lockdowns threw everyone through a loop, but family is family and his folks should have been a lifeline and continued to offer advice, mentorship, and community to him. If he spent all this time being a content creator and on FFXIV, they should have taken an interest. If he burned all his savings doing this, they should have taken notice, he is a minor.

    Next, his burn out on FFXIV seems more akin to external factors more than FFXIV itself and his first two points highlight this. His point that the “Nothingness of Endwalker” seems to come from he was experiencing burnout from being too unrealistic about his content creation, and the toll of COVID lockdowns. Again, the fact that he’s a kid and doesn’t have a lot of life experience and self-awareness (and this is NOT a dig by the way, it’s just a fact, he is young, youth lacks self awareness no matter how mature they are). He meandered through the post-Endwalker content because he was too concerned with content creation, he was so absorbed with FFXIV because of COVID and not doing anything else, it’s not a fault of FFXIV (I heartily disagree with his OPINION about the Ultima Thule story content btw, he can have his opinions and feelings, that’s fine, but they aren’t factual).

    What I largely get from this video is this kid leaving FFXIV is it’s all on him, NOT FFXIV. And I admit I have issues with content in FFXIV. I am currently on break myself. I am NOT part of the FFXIV defense force. I personally think FFXIV needs to address the addon issue better. But in regards to what I am hearing from this kid, his leaving FFXIV is all about his issues with not handling COVID well (which I attribute more to his parents because he is a minor and his guardians didn’t do their parental duty better to handle the situation in a better way) and diving way too hard into content creation and all in all not recognizing these burn out issues. Instead, I hear him deflecting these issues back onto content issues with FFXIV. I do think criticism against FFXIV is fair, but this video is from a kid who doesn’t understand life yet. I hope he eventually learns and reflects on these things more though.

  8. He found FFXI. The real reason jk jk. I have had static issues too though like that in the past. I did stop playing FF14 though after 5 years straight when I got back into 11 though a few years back again

  9. I essentially “quit” after the second half of Stormblood and never continued after the trailer of Shadowbringers told those Ascian lies. Now I don’t need to participate in those two farce expansions thanks to YT showing the cutscenes for me.

  10. I get this, I suffered with this through WoW in a way. It was a bit different as the problem was constant chores thrown at us as opposed to a content drought. Maybe a lack of meaningful content? Either way, I had guilds die, friends leave, and it was hard. I actually like the content drought here as I can balance playing other games more. I definitely feel for Lokidum and other struggling players though as I feel I've been in that same situation.

  11. This comment is over an in progress video – maybe you will talk about it at a later point I haven’t watched yet.

    The first 10 minutes sums up why I never would adventure myself into the “pro gamer” or “content creator” world. I respect and appreciate all time, effort and balls you guys put into making this into your living, but this is not for anyone. Something I hardly believe a 15 year old has any clue how brutal and cold this can be.

    YouTube does open some new opportunities but it ain’t for anyone and everyone. More so when some on your audience is so vocal about their own expectations and preferences.

    I guess it was wise on him to accept defeat and move back to his life before the pandemic. For a 17yo kid, he still has a long ways to learn about life. What he learned on his YT career is a huge lesson, but I’m happy he is ready to expand his horizons to what he feels better for himself.

  12. I kind of agree with his problem with the 'no consequences for the Scions' bit at the end. The fact that FF4 was a large influence on the story had me ready though(FF4 being the original bring back everyone who died game). I don't think they needed to wipe out every scion, but say, Y'shtola had a good story reason for the 'Traveler's Call' failing. She's been brought back from the dead twice. Or Thancred being disperesed the longest. I really like EW but the scions getting off scot free was a bit much.

  13. Back in WoW Classic days until mid-WotLK is when I had the best MMO large experience in life. Our guild was a 100+ active group, at any given day or hour you had folks to play with. We did all dungeons, raids, content Blizzard tossed on us. We did most of original Naxxramas (stopped at that one dragon right before the Lich King). We beat hard and we beat ourselves hard. But this was nothing.

    We met in person, many many times. 80 of us would travel across country to have a weekend as a large group of friends. We would crash someone’s place and spend the night at the fire pit doing barbecue, talking rubbish and having a laugh.

    We posted guide videos, silly videos, troll videos. We posted written guides, jokes, news.

    We raided in game, but we also hang on Ventrilo (old schoolers, sorry) talking about math, science, biology, politics, economy. We helped younger ones with their lessons. We learned a lot on investment and technology. We reached others about what we knew and this information exchange shaped many life’s.

    This was what made this group so unique, so incredible to be part of. And something I cherish that is now long gone for well over 10 years. I still talk to some of those folks, but everybody knows life happens and we all moved on. On to our next adventures and to whatever life throws back on us.

  14. I do agree with the endwalker story it felt too safety net like it was made for feels but there was nothing to really feel in the reality of the story.. I hope they make more shock scenes that leave more to the stories impact

  15. Mad props to Lokidum for recognizing when something isn't working for him and making a change. I just don't understand the mentality that people have to play a game forever until they die. Literally nobody plays Space Invaders every day for the past 44 years. And I don't see a distinction between an MMO and an arcade game, or any other game for that matter: regardless of the DLCs and expansions, people will get tired of a game. People got tired of Everquest, got tired of Anarchy Online, got tired of Lineage 2, got tired of City of Heroes, got tired of Final Fantasy XI, got tired of Age of Conan, got tired of World of Warcraft, got tired of Final Fantasy XIV, got tired of Overwatch, got tired of Call of Duty, got tired of Battlefield, etc., etc.

    Nothing lasts forever. Interests change. And that's okay.

  16. I just wanted to say I do see what he means, and I totally get your criticism against FFXIV that you've mentioned qt times. Don't agree with all of it but that's okay. As much as I wish the game is perfect, it's not. Very good game though imo

  17. I think some of the issues on FFXIV are also similar to the MCU. Where we were all in for 10+ years and loved it. But with Endwalker and End Game that journey came to. Nice conclusion.

    Do I really want to hop onto another 10 year story arc?

    Granted Marvel phase 4 has been mostly garbage so that's easy to give up. The FFXIV new story so far has been just as good as ever. But it's still a lot to buy into.

  18. Played the game since September 2013. Loved the story. Gameplay, dungeons, raids, characters etc.

    Something happened to me after I finished 6.0. Was such an emotional trip completing the storyline. Was so enjoyable with a lot of roller coaster ups and downs.

    My mother passed away in August 2013 and FF14 helped me cope with that. It took me away from the harsh reality of real life. Onward to May 2020. I lost my job of almost 30 years and spiralled me into a major depression. FF14 helped me cope with that and during covid, kept me from going off the deep end.

    Then on Augest 2021 I lost my older brother. It was damn hard. I had to focus all my attention to dealing that. I pushed my self to getting everything done with my brother. Everything became somewhat stable. I was taking a break from FF14 until 6.0 dropped. I played the hell out of that game and loved it. Was such a great ending.

    I started to lose interest during 6.1. The story didn't give me that same feeling. It felt stale and boring. I started to getting a serious case of boredom and started playing so many other games. Horizon Series, Elden Ring, MLB the Show got my attention.
    Then Xenoblade Chronicles series. Still playing part 3.

    So basically I quit FF14 unofficially. Basically a long break. I did log in every month or so just to check in and chat but quickly logged out.

    Seriously think SE needs to refocus on dungeons. I found them to be fun and excited.

    I hope to come back full time 7.0.

  19. Thanks for taking a look at my video and sharing it with your audience! It's not a video that I expected to do anywhere near as well as it did, and the fact it is reaching all sorts of people is quite humbling, and seeing channels as large as yours reacting to my content in somewhat surreal. Either way, thank you for all the kind words and encouragement throughout. Cheers!

  20. Personally myself after playing endwalker I still think shadowbringers has the best story do I think the endwalker story was bad no I still really enjoyed it was there parts where it could have been better yes definitely there was definitely some parts where i was just groning and even skipped some parts cause i just wasn't enjoying that story at that moment eg the garlemald part was a real let down for me i really didn't enjoy that part of the story like I've wanted to go to garlemald since i arr and we finally had the chance to go there and was just meh was just disappointing tbh
    but It was a Satisfying enough Conclusion to the hydaelyn and zodiark arc

  21. I think this is the problem of "burn out" especially if you are a content creator. And when you have somewhat a negative feeling toward the game, any negative outcome will just pill up more and more therefore eventually you quit the game. It's kinda like a good steak for a steak lover, it gets boring if you have steak all the time. sometimes simple taco for a change wouldn't hurt.

    I think that happens to many people, especially more for content creators. I find it funny (but I admit I was one of them) that viewer has some sort of "expectation" toward the content creator to react the way the "viewer" wants or thinks, which can put the burden on the creator. That is why so many people will cry if you skip MSQ lol. That alone can distinguish the flame of passion in content creator work for a game. Not to mention the zealous radical toxic fan base (that EVERY GAME has, not just 14) kills the mood of playing the game for me.

    I myself got a burnout of 14. I still sub it, I play maybe once or twice a week. I fall into the "I gotta play it and find my reason to log in to the game" feeling. until recently I just tell myself to STOP, and play something else. And I am a lot happier, and in a funny way, I LOVE 14 even more by NOT forcing myself to play it because I try many other games, I start to remember the good and the bad of 14. And I am excited to return maybe on 6.5 (or the new 4-man savage level dungeon) for getting ready for 7.0. Meanwhile, gets to play so many different games and just enjoy the ups and downs of life lol.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Bryan. Keep up the good work!

    Sorry for long post and weird English, I am an ESL (english as a second language)


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