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#ffxiv #richcob #discussion
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"He had to do the work." Ok, but he was also privileged in a way that most players aren't. I guess one could argue that he put work into building a platform that allowed him to do this. But that's kind of beside the point, to me. I think people probably just feel that IRL advantages shouldn't be reflected as accomplishments in-game.
I believe big content creators coming to FFXIV has a much smaller influence on people coming to FFXIV.
This is an exhibition of the content presented in an entertaining fashion. Nobody wants to watch a streamer do a month of 5 hour prog days. But a quick run-through of content only about 5% of the player base will attempt – much less clear – is an excellent showcase for both the content creators and the content. If you can't be happy for Rich, at least be happy for Todd, Rin, and Happy as content creators. They now have a larger platform to display their excellent content. Be happy for the Ultimate community, who will possibly get an influx of players. Be happy for XIV's encounter designers, getting their work displayed on a grander stage.
I think the backlash is because Asmogld is getting "carried" so people are perceiving all the new wow refugue creators getting special treatment. Because some maybe getting that and some are putting in the effort.
Rich did the work and used his credibility to get a group together that gave him the best shot at clearing the content. If he was afterwards claiming how easy it was, or that anyone could easily do it and basically been a jerk to others over his clear, then the negativity would be warranted, but he didn't to my knowledge, he's just been legit excited that he was able to clear just like anyone else who was able to clear it.
I think we all knew that a small group of people would call it a carry no matter what Rich did.
It's best to ignore those people because they'll never be satisfied.
I'm a new player myself and I think it's great. Most of the community is awesome. I think the vocal minority will always find something to complain about.
Honestly I watched the clears and think he did honestly well and worked for his stuff. I'm glad he was able to clear it. I myself would love to try this kind of stuff but I do suffer from social anxiety and cant real put myself into the community without feeling that overwhelming fear of failure, and not having people to run with is a major factor to for me.
I think the real issue is Rich cleared with a all star team. That team was stacked. But still congrats. It's just a game people stop the hate.
I've been working on UWU (the easiest, I know) for a few months now. I'm in a group that's fairly casual, we just do 3 hours twice a week. I will say this, running with other people who have cleared before is easier in that they tend to mess up less (the already put in their time practicing and getting good at the specific mechanics) and they usually know the newer strats that are usually a bit less convoluted than the older strats and a little easier on the group as a whole. Basically, you put in less time repeating things because someone else messed up, and problems tend to get identified and fixed faster just because more people are familiar with not only what is happening but what should be happening and isn't. That said, you still need to be able to perform yourself and do it consistently. I'm not great at the game; I'm not complete trash, but my dps parses are lukewarm and nothing to write home about, and I mess up a lot when I'm distracted (which can happen pretty frequently because I have super sensitive hearing and processing issues with auditory stuff). But even with that I have a shot at clearing UWU (which, I know, the easiest ultimate by a mile.. but look, gotta start somewhere) as long as my group sticks together and we keep grinding away at it.
It is a large advantage to have a group of veterans who are going to stick it out with you. But it also doesn't mean you don't have to work for it.
I have not seen the kill, becausse tbh i do not care, but social capital is a thing. Yes techincally a streamer buys their clears / kill with their fame via exposinf less known individuals to more people (due to said streamers higher social capital). That said as far as i understood it he did not just die to the first mecahnic and just let the others do the rest of the fight. Streamers (famous ones) have it far far easier getting a raid group together, yes, but this is no different from how other famous people might get a better treatment at a restaurant just because of who they are. (e.g. some movie star). I don´t like that aswell, but that is the reality we live in. Social capital helps immensly with networking.
EDIT: Gaming should be fair and it was, because like Brian said, what gaming did is equalize the differences in social and economic capital (for the most part). As Brian said correctly a rich kid could still suck at a video game. With the advent of social media and streaming platform however social capital is what is managed, not skill or economic capital. It does not matter how good you are at a game. What matters is how you can connect to other people. How funny you are or how witty etc. How good you can entertain them and then after you build up your social capital the usual rules that apply to capital apply. The more you have, the more you will get unless you really mess up.
This debate is Childâs play to crush. Every MMORPG Raider ever has left a Guild for another Guild because they had things ON FARM that your crap Guild couldnât clear. In essence, Rich got a similar carry to that. He grouped people who had knowledge of the fights and the rest was on him. If he did the ârestâ correctly he earned the clear.
Wait, so let me get this straight⌠Someone (Rich) completed a piece of content in a MULTIPLAYER video game and is receiving tremendous amounts of hate for it? What a world we live in đ
The fact that annoys me is that rich himself knows he had an advantage, yet fanboys have to go in and overly defend him saying that having those players doesn't mean anything even when rich himself knows it does. I absolutely have nothing against rich clearing like this, what bothers me is people saying he had no advantage.
Guess I don't really understand the envy. Some people are going to have access to better groups. Whether that's through fame, luck, whatever, I'm not gonna be butt hurt about not being in that group. Some things I can control, but choose not to do so. I don't have a T3 connection to the internet. I don't have some specially built 'gamer' computer, although mine isn't bad. I also don't live, breathe, and spend every waking moment studying mechanics. I'm not 23 years old with reflexes of steel. Mine are more like a Slinky. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they're just a tangled up mess. And I can live with that. If I don't get a particular title, pretty sure the world will keep spinning. And if it doesn't, I'll do what I always do. I'll blame the tank đ People are gonna people, that's just the way of things. I used to be a whale, and my money supported platforms that other people played for free. And they STILL complained about people who spent money on the game, even though it was to their advantage.
I played WoW back in the day but the friend I always played with moved away and my gaming pc was killed by a windows update so I never got a new play to keep playing. I was playing ESO for the longest time but recently because of Asm and watching other people play I decided to switch over to playing FF XIV and Iâve been having a lot of fun in it. I havenât reached Heavensward yet Iâm still doing the missions after the end to the vanilla game, doing hard primals and dungeons which has been fun and using Duty Finder has been good for me. During certain group missions there were a few wipes but it has been rare cause most people I match with know what they are doing and I watch videos before hand so I know what to do. Hopefully Iâll get into Heavensward soon so I can play as Dark Knight and get more into the story cause where I am at now is lagging some. I only switched over cause of videos Iâve seen and people I watch play and I was burnt out on ESO.
This is so stupid. This is why I hate Twitter. Bunch of dumbass idiots who think theyâre Harvard grads fighting âinjusticesâ
I don't have any sort of nuanced view on this. He's got a following. When he puts out that he wants to do something, people hear it. Get over it, adult babies.
I don't like the guy, but even if he didn't put in as much work as your regular player, he wouldn't be here if he didn't work hard as a streamer
I'm glad he is loving the game.
Twitter goon opinions are the few I don't respect .
Some people are just miserable people and hate on others and look to spread there misery. I lack empathy so Iâve never been able to put myself in other peopleâs shoes and it has cause problems in my life with friends, loved ones and relationships Iâve been in. Iâve seen some people in FF XIV be horrible to others and seen some elitist people but overall it seems more rare compared to a lot of other communities in gaming Iâve been apart of at one point or another. I use to love Destiny and raiding but in Destiny 2 the community completely changed and raiding with randoms became harder and people were so much more toxic so I left and found other fun game and cool people to run stuff with.
The world is quickly filling with people who have two major issues. 1. They can't mind their own business. 2. They can't be happy unless they have something to be unhappy about.
Congrats to Rich. I hope his future clears drive the people I mentioned above even more insane.
It blows me away that people are upset about a social icon having an advantage in and MMO⌠which is inherently a social gameâŚ.
This is one of the many reasons I stay off Twitter. It is a very negative area where unhappy people have to find something to complain about. Who cares what someone else did and what advantages they had to get there. If you keep trying to fight for things to be equal in a world where it will never be you will always be behind and unhappy. Focus on yourself and your enjoyment.
Almost anyone currently right now clearing ultimates are getting âcarriedâ in one way or another be it by guides or people who have cleared in their partyâŚ.. just be happy for the dude people. He got a lot of joy out of it whatâs wrong with that?
This entire conversation from the anti-Asmon, anti-Rich is disingenuous. These opinions are so buried in disingenuous bullshit, it's stinking up the whole room and anyone with a functional nose can smell it. It's kind of embarrassing that these people are trying to convey these opinions as something they're not.
Iâm going to speak as an outsider (WoW refugee) who is not at that stage of the game yet. His video is amazing to watch for several reasons to me.
1. The guy giving instruction is so calm and encouraging it boggles my mind as Iâm used to seeing/hearing people scream/talk over one another
2. Rich took the instruction and followed through and he was very appreciative of everything
3. If I am ever fortunate to be at that point in the game, I can go back to the video and watch it because one guy is calling everything and I can try to pick up what he is saying and apply it to when I play.
He showcased the fight and some of the excellent community ffxiv has. That is a + for anybody looking to get into the game
How dare he use his contacts and reputation to put together the best raid group he can, it's not like that's what any other raider forming a group does……oh wait that's exactly what everyone trying to form a good one does.
People need to stop moaning and actually listen, Rich admitted he was lucky to have the group he did but made a point to encourage people to give content of this level a try.
LOL who cares if it's a carry or not?! I honestly don't see how anything Rich or any streamer does affects your personal playing experience. Who cares if it's not "fair?" It's entertainment. Ya'll do ya'll. If you're like "Oh but it ruins to prestige of ultimate clears" then you need actual life problems to concern yourself with because if you're butt hurt by this then your life is easyyyyyy! People just like to whine about everything!
I think Rich did well, was he Carried? Yes and no, he did listen to call outs and yes he had team up with people who also cleared, I can understand the side of jealousy when they have tried to do Ultimates and the static breaks cause they give up. NA players do give up a lot and kick the player who struggles in doing mechs not giving him a chance like they gave Rich. Famous streamers get a big privalage in this, however the others players can see ultimate fights are not so bad if we were new as Rich is, so by saying this their is still hope for you to try. Don't give up on yourself, I have been struggling to get help with Savage to get these ultimates active, I'm happy for Rich, but sad for myself, because I'm not Famous to get that help, but then again. I don't want things to be handed to me, their is just no accomplishment feeling in that.
Anyone who thinks that Streamer privilege got Rich his clear is either selfish or jealous. If I wanted to clear this raid I would seek out people who have done it before and ask them to take me. But I wouldn't walk in blind. I would know how to play my class, and i would have a basic knowledge of the mechanics. That's not getting carried that's putting in the work. The only difference is that Rich had a larger pool of players willing to join him than a non-streamer would.
Additionally it takes a lot of understanding and specific gear sets and melds to complete the fight due to level scaling. All that is work Rich had to do some of which was probably off stream. When a streamer makes a living showing everyone their gameplay anything they do off stream is never considered. But there is a lot of work there being done. Anyone who thinks becoming a big streamer is easier then finding a group for this raid has a huge misunderstanding of what streaming entails. And regardless preparing for and learning the fight is still a requirement.
pretty sure rich did that clear with his fc mates, so his fc is full of alpha's and that is his fault?
Hold on this is on Twitter? OK so its just babies being babies and I don't have to care. Cool.
Just like irl, people with connections get the best positions (here achievements). It sucks irl and it kinda sting in game too. Do I care? No really. But I don't applause the guy. He was carried and that's it.
Some buy clear, some get carried, it doesn't change my day.
Does it cheapen the glory upon the achievement tho? In my eyes yes. If for others it becomes a motivation to try it, then good for them đ
I feel like most YouTubers are on the side of Rich, while most of Twitter is against him.
But overall, yeah I share the same opinions you have here!
I watched days and days of wipes. He personally wiped the raid HUNDREDS of times and kept learning. He 1000% deserves this.
I'm honestly getting tired of all this drama… I just love watching former/fellow WoW players enjoying the other game I've enjoyed at the same time (I've been playing FFXIV since ARR beta, during that time I was doing ToT and farming pandaria dailies with all my alts);
Have always had this rough relationship with both communities OUTSIDE THE GAMES so I'm just enjoying myself and also the cool people I meet in-game, any community outside has been quite aggresive that I really don't want to engage with at all (even in FFXIV subreddit they couldn't even take a dumb ancient meme, like a chuck norris joke, they all got super aggresive; and I prefer to not mention WoW forums at all… everyone knows how those are)
I'm genuinely happy that Rich is playing the game (and it makes me genuinely happy every time he mentions that he loves this game) and that he cleared UCoB despite not having done that myself, that doesn't affect my experience and that's it; that's all I got to say about this matter.
Why do people care lol. You can play the game any way you want why are people so pissy about it
People talking about privilege, have an open mind: Asmon, Max, and Rich have brought more attention tot he game than ever before. You may not like how but you can't deny that they are helping to build the brand, exposure and life of the game overall. Every OG FF creator has seen growth and the player base is exponentially growing which pushes devs to bring more content we ALL can enjoy. People literally get excited to want to try these raids because of what they are doing.
Yep. My anxiety is one of a few things holding me back from raiding, it's to the point where I'm more comfortable just logging in, leveling an alt then just crafting a bit. Doesn't stop me from being happy for rich clearing. Not going to get my panties in a knot because somebody else cleared a fight
I think it comes down to personal aptitude and the aspirations of what every player thinks is a real accomplishment. What they conceive ought to be revered or not when it comes to success is purely ones own opinion. Congrats to Rich he didn't do anything wrong imo
Haters are just a bunch of losers who weren't destined to be winners. Background characters deserve their place in existence.
At the end of the day, if you are anything but happy for someone's success, whether it be streamer, gamer, co-worker, etc, I feel bad for you. I bet no one in these comments can tell me how Rich clearing UCoB negatively affected them in any rational way.
Hereâs the thing. I have a problem putting myself out there sometimes so it feels like more work to try to find a static. That is no oneâs problem but my own. You canât blame others for something you donât do. So I find it ridiculous that people want to hate on something that they probably didnât do themselves.
I do not watch Rich Campbell not did I watch this event, but here is my take. Grow up FF XIV community.
There are only 2 reasons that makes any sense for why people would get this mad over someone getting a clear. 1) They have over estimated the content, meaning that they believe Rich did nothing and the other people 7 manned the fight, proving it's not that hard. Or 2) They are upset that it only took him 40 hours to clear which is faster than they did.
To the first I say, I'm sorry your glass ceiling has been broken. To second I say, get good. Meaning, he went in with 7 people who knew the fight already, so the only one slowing downing the progression was Rich, so his clear time was only limited to how long it took him to learn the fight, and if you're upset he learned it faster than you the only thing anyone can say is get better at the game.
That's all there is to it, accept that it's just not that hard, or that you need to get better at the game.
Remember when people were hyperbolic about "WoW people will destroy the community, they're all toxic and will ruin my game."? Bad news over reacting friends, the toxic has always been here. This is it, right here. Invalidating people's success for purely arbitrary reasons. I see stuff like this a win. People see Asmon and Rich do things, they want to do it. For example my PotD queues dropped from 4-8 minutes to less than minute the day after Asmon announced he was working on the Necromancer title. People saw it, they want it, they need to farm Aetherpool levels so they're spamming floors 50-100 and I have absolutely benefited. Rich cleared UCOB. Do you want to clear it too? Check Party Finder, bet you a bunch of people want to as well. Go get it while it's hyped.
Ok, so I am a wow player, we sell clears of hard content. While we are tons cheaper than most, we feel it gives players who may not have access to or the skill to be part of a higher end raid guild the chance to experience the content and gives them a chance to see what playing at that level is like. We enjoy them a great deal and their pleasure and fun reminds us why we play too. I actually don't find buying a clear to be anything strange. It's really tough for people who are either not skilled enough as players or don't have the massive amount of time to put into a game to get to that skill level, or don't have access to a guild (FC) that will help them grow to that level, or don't have all of the above and just seem to get pushed to the side. I believe that as a high end guild lead I can offer these folks a chance to enjoy the drama of the high end (and the pain!). Yes our guild makes money doing it since that helps pay for the stuff our raiders need (in wow thats food flasks augments etc). The pleasure they get out of getting their title is wonderful for us as raiders. Plus many times they remain as a part of our community which just brings more enjoyment to all our players. There are so many pro's to this and not so many con's. If the higher end raiders just keep to themselves (like in wow frankly) it a becomes a them vs us community (like in wow). FF don't do that, help players enjoy the content like we do! In FF I play a black mage and am terrified to try hard content because well I'm not that great. Thankfully I have friends in FF who showed me amazing patience and took me into hard content, watched me die, teased me gently and gave me great pointers to help me be a better player.
I loved richcob. The only thing that made me sad about it is just wishing I had a friend group or something to attempt ultimates with. A lot of groups have lofty requirements or weird hours they do statics. I spent weeks just scouting through forums and the primal discord just to find a group to do them with. I'm only sad at how hard it is just to find a static. A little salty he didn't have to do a Savage test before hand. I had one of those recently where a group had me clear E9S with them, we opened pf and got a few more randos. We cleared in around a couple hours and I was feeling good, they said I did well but their plans were mid E12S and ultimates the week after so we agreed that might be a bit to jump into that quick but I think they were just being nice and didn't want to take me into a fight 7 of them in the static had already half prog'd. And it took me ages just to find The right group to get vetted and forgotten. Makes me just give up on the idea of doing ultimates till Endwalker tbh. But I'm happy that I randomly learned and beat E9S because I'd been having trouble finding pf or discord groups for plenty under savage 9. Was so fun, wish I knew people that did savage personally.
You know I come from a place of love… but this drama is so frustratingly boring. I can only imagine these complaints coming from people who have not had to compete for work. I'm not interested in hating on them but man… they're in for a rude awakening when they hit the job market.
It's also coming from a scarcity mindset, which seems pervasive in gamer culture. I'm a filthy casual but are there honestly only like 12 people who know how to clear ultimates?