FFXIV: 6.5 Special Site Updates 14th September – Beautiful New Images!

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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker

Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
“Sanctuary’s Heart” Album
Song : Oblivion
By Masayoshi Soken

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


29 thoughts on “FFXIV: 6.5 Special Site Updates 14th September – Beautiful New Images!”

  1. Ohhh I like that. It does remind me of Suramar, as well. I loved that aesthetic and city and really wish they had figure out how to phase it so it’d be a properly capital city without the hostiles

  2. Remember when they said time passed quicker in the first? Years went by when the scions were put into comas and placed in the first. So surely everybody is going to either be dead or much older now considering how long its been since we've been to the first right? Or are they "the developers" just going to ignore the fact that time moves faster there, and it'll be like we never left instead? Im guessing they'll completely skip over that detail based on rynes appearance here, would have been interesting if ryne was now a grown woman and other characters were a little older, to reflect the lore they mentioned about the passage of time.

  3. I have a concept whether it right or wrong. I do not care, but it is just a thought. I feel that they are going to use the remaining flood of light to destroy the darkest of the 13th, which the 1st and the 13th will be fully restored. There are times from the Dark Knight, Reaper, and Black Mage have little Easter Eggs to the next expansion of 6.5.

  4. the MSQ still looks like a glorified FFIV crossover. As someone who didn't play that game, the MSQ does not interest me whatsover. The Alliance raid looks interesting though, and I've found that story far more compelling.

  5. That Lunar Subterrane boss is a reference to FF4's boss, the Dark Elf. I also love how the teleportation panels are identical to the ones found on the final dungeon of FF4. This expansion is really a fanservice to all FF4 fans out there.

  6. As much as I appreciate the msq and how much others love it, I prefer the side stories in this game. I also just prefer self-contained stories, so the formula of MMORPG stories is not really what I'm here for anyway. Still like the characters etc, but just like the grounded stories and comfortable little side stuff you can do in the game. That's what I am looking forward to when I can get into StB when it becomes available to me.

  7. Sadly.. its only 5 things to do really on 3rd october.. an ex trial to prog. Lets be real with any kind of coordinated grp half a day will be enough… a dungeon ppl will enjoy 1 time and then get bored of because again ffxiv refuses to inovate.. and then.. an alliance raid that will suffer the same fate..

    I forget the other 2 things cause they were so inconsquential..
    I am basically praying now that endwalker changes… bevause i cant personally hold out on conent anymore.. its soul destroying.. my friends are either gone or are gona quit. The pf is so toxic because all the good player's either quit or dont use it..i just wish this game had something to keep people busy.. anything.. its so boarng.. maybe we get lucky.. they throw us a curve ball in relic grind

  8. The gear the MCH is wearing in the screencap of the Lunar Subteran is the aiming gear from Anabeisos; pretty sure the SGE is wearing Lunar Envoy or Credendum tome gear, the WAR I'm not sure, but it's prolly crafted gear.

  9. The myth around The Heaven of Water is "To create the river which runs through the Heaven of Water, Nymeia melted a star, to which Thaliak added the essence of knowledge and then poured it forth from his Ewer."

    Seems like 2 ways connect for an arena place, could be a miniboss/trash than I assume we'll have to go forward/water will take you away to a gazebo, probably another fighting place, and after that we can see 2 ways on each side going up to the big fountain thing where we'll probably fight Thaliak. I think this is only 3/4 of this heaven though, probably a bit more behind the camera.


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