The Dead Ends Dungeon Theme (Of Countless Stars) – Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker OST

Dungeon of The Sea of Stars.


18 thoughts on “The Dead Ends Dungeon Theme (Of Countless Stars) – Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker OST”

  1. Honestly one of my favorite tracks in the game.
    The mixture of Drums & Bells hammering home the Despair of Thousands of Civilizations and what it did to Meteion and her sisters,
    But the final element that brings it home is the Harp, A final Glimmer of Hope that you and your companions carry into the Dead Sun where All things End and our Defiance of Fate, For Hope will Shine Again!

  2. Not only my most favorite dungeon, out of all the expansions, but also my favorite dungeon music. When I had first reached it, I was hoping to hear a remade version of "Within the Giant", from FFIV, but when this started up, I was like whoa wait a minute lol. This track is so unbelievably beautiful. I love how it starts, and the way the piano comes in with the bells, and drums, just too perfect.

    The design of the dungeon was so beautiful, especially the third part. The colors were so wonderful, the gold, white, and blue. The second part of the dungeon was my most favorite though, because it looked like part of the world, in the comic I had drawn in school, so it was almost like seeing it come to life in a way, which further inspired me to redo, and finish it.. I had actually created the main character, as my avatar in Final Fantasy XV Comrades, back in 2017 lol.. He was a Neo Viking, space explorer/bounty hunter, and lead singer/guitarist of a Rekkr Metal band, called Drengr lol. My friends said he looked like Cloud, and Lightning's older violent delinquent brother. His name is Einar, but due to the joke, I made his call sign "Styrmir", which is just storm bringer in old Norse.🤣

    Also the cyber-looking gear you get in the PVP area, looks like it comes from that world.

    I've always liked reading the lore in dungeons, and they were nice.. But the way they were done in this one, just wow! along with how Meteion describes each world.. I also liked how she was very much like the Maenad, of Final Fantasy IV. I go in this dungeon a lot with the trust party, because I love reading them.. I don't know how many times I've done this dungeon now, but I've actually geared out 3 jobs lol.

  3. A beautiful blue planet ravaged by a deadly plague that warped the people's very forms into hideous amalgamations, the state of it's environment rendered almost completely uninhabitable. The convulsing and decaying flesh screamed in agony, pleading for their own to release them of their tormentation, a fate worse than death. But as time went on, it's people looked towards their own kin that played host for the disease as the malefactor of the outbreak. Til there was none, those who were still alive were but utterly broken in spirit, and so was the world.

    Tessera : Edifices surmised to be abandoned residences found. No extant life-forms detected. Deadly plague or extreme environmental degradation likely to have led to mass extinction. End of report.

    The homeplanet of an advanced civilization saved from a disease, only to be engaged in a civil war between it's people, with seemingly no end in sight. They who wishes to seek liberate themselves from the lifes they were binded to, no matter the costs. In exchange of achieving peace, weapons in hand with fire in their bellies. But one would ask, "What was the point of it all? Was it all worth it in the end?". They would be hesitant to indulge you in your curiosity, but you were met with an eerie silence, pierced by the chilling wind. The answer had died along with them, and their aspirations.

    Okto : Star found in state of violent conflict. Contact succesfully made with inhabitants, but deployment of weapons of mass destruction resulted in total annilhilation of local population shortly thereafter. End of report.

    There had existed a star, it's surface encumbered in a golden radiance, a planet without conflict, one might call it the "Perfect Paradise". But at what costs? It's people had long forgotten the exuberance and sorrow of the difficulties to overcome in their lifes. What they had achieved with little to no efforts, were but lost to a lack of enthusiasm. And so they looked forth towards an solution, creating an creature that would deliver them from their ever-lasting prisons, bestowing upon them an gift. Painless, captivating, and so it all ended in a flash of light. They would then slumber in peace, never to be awaken as they found fufilment in their final exit.

    Tria : Evidence of large population centers akin to cities recovered. No extant life-forms found–only their lingering essence. End of report.

    ( Added note, was the actual name of the last planet even mentioned at all? If so, I'd love to correct the mistake I've made of confusing Tria for it )

  4. Fun fact the Japanese subtitle for this dungeon is "最終幻想" which directly translates to "The Final Fantasy". ShB did something similar with Amourot being "Terminus Fantasy" but The Dead Ends' one is literally "final fantasy" which is amazing.

  5. This amazing song is somehow enhanced by Meteion's voice delivering her lines throughout the dungeon.

    Also I got to say I just love the third zone, the one with the "happy apocalypse" , where everyone is just going "I'm so happy, I have nothing but joy, sadness and hardships do not exist anymore, please kill me now cause the world is just incredibly dull", it is super dark and twisted and funny at the same time.

  6. The part that gets me the most is the end of the second boss. When the lone soldier fires all the artillery and you see the city in the background consumed in flames.

    I pray we strive hard that we never see that in our current days.

  7. Really loving this dungeon theme, its sad and melancholic, but have notes of hope in it. It really sounds like with all of that struggle of burden that on WoL, we still keep going no mater what.


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