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#Politics #Commentary #Drama
Not to be that guy, but the idea that XIV is a more popular game right now happens to be factually untrue. It has a better public opinion, but it's still only got maybe half the playerbase that WoW has, not including the number of people subscribed to the Warcraft Classic or Era servers.
Also worth mentioning your take on the hyper-sexualized female characters in XIV is just wrong. You can make a slutty catgirl if you want, but the game doesn't railroad you into doing that in any way, and the number of armor sets that allow you to look that way are a small minority of the total available glamours. Not to mention you can also make your hyper-sexualized catboy as well so it's not a one-sided affair in either case.
People generally like playing a hot character, arguing with that is just taking the side of being wrong in most cases.
Obviously this isn't the primary focus of the video content, but you made a point of pointing these things out and they simply aren't correct.
0:29: 🎮 The video discusses drama in the Final Fantasy 14 Community and its popularity compared to World of Warcraft.
6:01: 🚫 A popular artist was banned from a fan event due to liking and retweeting transphobic, racist, and genocidal tweets.
11:17: 🎮 Female gamers want more diverse and less sexualized character options in video games.
16:29: 🤦 The video criticizes a person for spreading misinformation about a singer being fired over tweets, and also discusses the issue of gatekeeping in the fan community.
21:53: 🎮 The video discusses the lack of resonance of a certain YouTuber within the Final Fantasy 14 community, as well as the cancellation of an appearance by a popular vocalist at an event.
26:44: 🤔 The video discusses the misinterpretation of a South Park episode and the creation of unironic memes by conservatives.
31:38: 🎮 The video discusses a game with a diverse and accepting player base, and criticizes the content creator's colleagues.
37:29: 🎮 Controversy surrounding a celebrity's gaming activity and alleged hacking.
42:25: 👎 The video criticizes conservatives and their beliefs, claiming that conservatism preys on young people to shape their moral systems in a negative way.
Recapped using TammyAI
Yeah Xans super wrong about gear in 14. Like 99% of it is actually very not sexual. And the few that are are also often not gender restricted lol.
Youd think that right wingers would love a game played almost exclusively by pedophiles.
Theres so many cute glamours, I like walking around in my blue yukata with the black tube top and black cargo pants. A lot of people like to use them for cosplays and stuff too. Plus, there’s a lot of thotty male glamours too lmao
The Garleans are more like techno Romans than nazis, but they are still fascist.
FF14 has so damn many different transmogs and many of them are long flowing dresses or Pants or even overalls and stuff. Can you slut it up? Of course you can and many do but the options are there to look like a damn Queen or whatever if you wanna. To claim otherwise shows you only look at the slutty ones ^^
Me everytime a conservative starts to talk about video games: mashes X to doubt.
Will xanderhal ever cover the red vs blue debate?
ooo xan just got past the medium expansion and is now getting into the goodshit
Watching this girl lowered my iq by several points
Hearing rightoids complain is like listening to brass being scrapped against a chalkboard. Its painful to listen to since they don’t know what they’re talking about.
In my experience the Splatoon fanbase is the most gay and trans and women friendly gaming community I've ever been a part of. Everyone was celebrating Henry Kissenger's death, when Trump lost the election everyone was making posts celebrating, there are constant posts about trans rights, gay rights, and women's rights. Constant posts making fun of conservatives. Constant positivity and uplifting one another. And whenever other people make posts that say "stop being political" everyone else responds with "no :)"
Lmao it's amazing you guys need to play Splatoon!
You play this game to Shadowbringers and are under the impression that all the female gear is “slutmogs”? And now you want us to take anything you say seriously after BLATANTLY LYING about something all I need to do is log in to see is untrue? What an ass clown.
She is very pretty/
My man, look up what a Leitmotiv is.
That's a short musical phrase which is representative of a character within a broader musical composition.
It is not the same as a theme or jingle.
A Leitmotiv is really specific to composition and ideally permutates in different contexts to reflect moods or relationships within a piece of music that features several motifs which interact in order to present a story.
Themes are free-standing pieces of music on their own, which are associated with a character or concept.
Those appear mostly in visual media where a character doing stuff is represented by visible action and spoken dialogue.
A theme could however have movements taken out that later appear in other contexts as a Leitmotiv.
13:09 Japan raised the federal age of consent to 18 from 13, but every prefecture had age of consent laws that brought it up 18 or so by then. Important note, things weren't that bad in Japan pre change, but yeah the insane reaction from the right was embarrassing.
Friendship ended with Answers.
Now Footfalls is new best song.
"Ate a stick of butter to trigger the libs." I'm just like, she's crazy for thinking that will trigger anyone, but her doctor lmao
Xan as a ffxiv player since 2017 I do have to correct you in saying that this game has the least amount of revealing options for women of any game I’ve ever played and I think most of the playerbase agrees. There are skimpy options but there are way more modest ones. And everyone knows a Limsa catgirl wearing drindls corset top and 2b boots is a dude behind the screen. That’s all, enjoyed your video 🙂
13:07 I most certainly believe that this is true, but does anyone have any reference points or major conservative figures speaking on this? All I could find was pedo chuds in the comments of videos over the AOC raise.
Ah, the very woke FFXIV, where the main mascot character is being progressively whitewashed. All female characters look like barbies. The only queer characters are a dialogueless NPC that appears for 2 weeks a year and some 2 guys in a throwaway quest from 10 years ago. No to mention spineless politics that are afraid to say "fascism is bad" straight up
I love Final Fantasy. I haven't been able to play 14 but I'll try it someday. ESO is the only MMO I play now. Also you can tell Melenie is acting.
I play xiv for 10 years and I joked constantly how I was waiting for the day some idiot screams woke in xiv 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I mean no disrespect to the FF14 fanbase, but the games legit puts me to sleep which makes the idea that someone would be offended by it so strange to me.
32:46 The Quartering doesn't just make videos in his basement… he pees there, in a floor drain, when his wife goes to get pizza without him. He also gets drunk and makes videos where he simps for Musk & Crowder.
Listening to to her talk is like listening to a literal Harpy and not the ones that sing the annoying screeching kind that everyone hate equally.
I can't believe Amanda Achen sang Answers, that's so cool that they've kept her this whole time! Susan whomst?
"Blue-haired landwhale feminist who's never worked a job" man, it's weirdly nostalgic hearing these 2015-era anti-SJW 'insults'
Imagine being transphobic in FFXIV, LMAO! The devs are going out of their way to gender unlock so many items. I've seen so many Hrothguys in the Wedding and Spring dresses. More than I think I've seen catgirls in them.
Me reading the title like: “FINAL FANTASY… X equals ten, one before five… FOURTEEN!”
Xan im so excited for you to play shadowbringers and endwalker. If you think ffxiv is woke now just wait!!!!
Melanie Mac'n'cheese
Leftists constantly shame quarteeing for being fat and now get triggered when we calm them blue haired. How tolerant 😂😂😂
FFXIV is a game about humans rebelling against religion by killing gods. Of course the right-wing hates it.
Grifting and awful politics aside, anyone else think her voice is annoying as shit?
Man. She'd be pretty cute if she wasn't so stupid
So… she really needs to think… feel… hope… wish… is what you're saying?
Well, the songs aren't ruined for me, but I can understand why they would be for many.
People can be quiet about ffxiv keep politics out of it
It's very funny when evangelicals support radical zionism, they would at the very least be spat at in Israel.
I mean like literally the birthplace of anime. Year totally sounds like a place that would be like super right-wing. Not to say they're obviously isn't right-wing people there. But i'm just saying like Have you left your bedroom have you been to asia
😂😂 I hate to break it to your lady. I am part of the intolerant left and we don't stand for shit
Come on Xan, not all of us catgirls have super revealing glams! D:
I was expecting this to be about that old Hero Hei video from around when Shadowbringers came out (which similarly completely misrepresented everything talked about), but it seems this is about the more recent controversy, rather than the Viera controversy.
Also, FFXIV is actually pretty good about providing options that aren’t ridiculously fanservicy? Aside from the early game armor, and the free swimsuits, you kinda have to go looking for revealing outfits.
Aside being a con, the entire video she just sounds like a bunch of disjointed tweets but in a human form
W melonie mac booom
Melonie Mac is a fantastic youtuber! She definitely is amazing
The fact that she keeps bringing up how leftists are all basement dwellers while being friends with Basement Floor Pisser Jeremy from TheQuartering truly boggles my mind.