The Best Ways to Farm the Moogle Tomestone Goetia Event || FFXIV

Hi friends! This guide is for the Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Goetia event which is taking place during patch 7.05 (Oct-Nov 2024). Feel free to share in the comments which methods of farming you prefer!

Event details:

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0:000:28 How to Access the Mogpendium
0:282:59 Weeklies and Ultimog
2:593:52 Fastest option
3:534:30 Good time to complete Alexander raids
4:305:41 Another Quick & Efficient Method
5:417:51 Best Value Methods (also open to low lvls)
7:529:06 It’s Rival Wings Time!
9:069:31 Great for Low Levels
9:3210:52 Cozy Methods
10:5211:37 Castrum Meridianum – Cozy or Quick?
12:2813:15 What will you be farming?


45 thoughts on “The Best Ways to Farm the Moogle Tomestone Goetia Event || FFXIV”

  1. Speaking from personal experience of my treasure dungeon runs yesterday, if you know what you're doing on Blue Mage and run some basic healing spells in healer spec w/ basic instinct and mighty guard, you can also solo with a bit of effort. supposedly you can do it solo on warrior as well depending on the bosses you get (not all of them are solable), but i didn't try that.

    of course, you don't HAVE to do the dungeons. the only requirement is getting in. you can die at that point

    Spent about a mil on maps after burning my remaining special maps from the last couple mog events, and also got about 2.2 mil in mats back as an added bonus. …as long as they sell, anyway.

  2. my very first weekly for two chars were: Fist of the Father and Cuff of the Father
    both chars way above lvl 60, so it is random still but something Alexander related per my guess

  3. Yeah as a free trial player I can confirm the pvp is not available 😭

    But yeah very helpful! Will check out those gates, as they sound interesting 👀👀👀

  4. For those that disagreed with Aitherea during her gil making vid (I'm not one of those), this is a good chance to make gil off of treasure maps since the market will require more than normal. Ive been out of thr game for a while so i forget when map day is.

  5. I'll likely do the "Rival Wings in-between GATEs" thing I did last time, but only after doing my roulettes because the odds that I get the dungeons/raids that give mogtomes is higher than most because I haven't unlocked anything past Heavensward (so doing Normal Raid roulette? Yeah, always going to be Alexander, lol).

  6. Thanks for this, really hyped that the ultimog is treasure dungeons. Also, completely second your recommendation for anyone who hasn’t done the story of the Alexander raids to take the time and do that while this event is live. They are some of the most atmospheric settings in the whole game IMO.

  7. It might be in combination with staying inside for a certain amount of time, but I died in a treasure dungeon with around 20 minutes left and it still gave me mog credit!

  8. Meridianum, Praetorium and Porta Decumana all fall under Main Scenario in the duty roulette so if you're looking to level a DPS alt job, during the event queue times seem to be as low as 5 minutes at peak times , so something to consider if you're wanting some extra exp on top of the tomestones.

  9. This was the event that made me fall in love with Prae Prae! Now I spam Praetorium, Ocean Fishing, and run GATES in between! The challenges have been fun too! I love how this brings so many people back into the game! Thanks for the video!

  10. I maxed out a stack of mogtomes last event just by doing my weekly and minimog each week, doing daily frontlines/msq rouls and by doing a few gates each day. Unless you're wanting to stockpile maps or mgp, you really dont gotta work toooo hard to farm these.

  11. Rival Wings queue on Primal has been active for about 14 hours each day of the event so far starting from 1pm EDT for those looking to play on NA! Would recommend traveling to Primal before 8pm EDT, as the Data Center has been experiencing congestion from around 8pm-9pm EDT since the Moogle Tome event started.


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