Ironmouse statement / Laid back FFXIV Gaming Stream

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24 thoughts on “Ironmouse statement / Laid back FFXIV Gaming Stream”

  1. The whole investigation took multiple weeks and somehow the talents didnt know anything was coming, which tells me that the talents had probably been told WWAAAYYY back to never mention anything about the vshojo scam thing and that a seperate security thong would handle everything. In which case they (most of the talent, not all) didnt know nux got involved for several weeks until the video came out…. basically showing it was managed even worse then we thought

  2. Ok you know what. This is easier.
    To the spergs here who don't understand how this works. Even if twitch or vshojo TRIES to go after this he wins on 1st amendment journalism protections
    Edit: let alone the transformative value of the commentary for copyright infringement

  3. "I didn't want to cancel anyone"
    Ummmmmm, are you living in a fucking bubble!? Cute anime girl with an army of simps says some guy hurt her and she doesn't think her fans would try to publicly execute him!? Either she is a liar, extraordinarily naiive, or an idiot. Wtf?
    "I was worried about him too!" Then why didn't she delete her tweet or make a tweet about NOT ATTACKING HIM!? I call bullshit on that. Unless she's just THAT BAD at understanding how the toxic cesspool that is twitter works.
    "Never about the phishing thing" wait, what? This makes zero sense. Her statements on that shows me how apathetic they truly were to the whole thing because most likely whag she's saying is, they were upset and were mad Nux didn't take the video down and didn't care about his reasoning for it.

    Also, she contradicted herself. "Didn't want to confront Nux because of anxiety"
    "I don't shy away from anything that makes me uncomfortable"

    Also, she just really doesn't seem sorry at all for her public statements. She's waving them off by basically saying, "I don't see myself as an influencer, therefor I shouldn't have to gake any responsibility"

  4. My entire issue with all of this is that, no one besides nux straight up.owns up to what they did wrong. And apologizes for it like legitimately say I'm sorry for what I did.

    Instead excuses are given or things are said to lighten what they did wrong.

    Let's not forget that nux himself was a victim to this doxxer so it directly affects him. No one takes into consideration his side. Vshojo only took into consideration how they felt.

    It feels very salty that he is the only one to properly apologize in full and publicly, which is what I think is the right action to do and not in private because of the public defamation of nux.

    All in all if they handled it like mature adults and swallowed there pride and apologized properly I think that it would be better for everyone.

    No matter the things that were going on in the backround as mouse has said. Nux is a victim too.

  5. When mouse first got picked up by VSJ, I remember she made a big deal about the company being 'talent first' and nothing was going to change because she can still say and do what she wants. I also remember thinking that was nonsense, but I still stupidly hoped it was true just because I really liked mouse/the talents before VSJ got to them. Now that I know the talents do as they're told and are afraid of messing up their relationship with the company over not falling into line… the magic is gone. I liked how VSJ talents felt less plastic and corporate, but now to me they're just scuffed holoX.

  6. Kinda sounds a bit like maybe the girls are being played, I wonder if the doxxing was actually an inside job, someone in the company trying to cover their tracks by manipulating the girls into not communicating to avoid pieces being put together…

    Or alternatively, law enforcement or something of the sort suspects it is some insider but hasn't figured out who they can trust yet… Or, I dunno, it seems that there really is only enough information to make it sound like not only we're not getting the whole picture, but also part of the picture we are getting is actually a lie but it's not clear which part yet….

  7. (Sorry this is so long and I just subbed to you)
    While I appreciate what IronMouse is doing with her apology and empathize with her to some degree. She makes too many excuses immediately after her apology’s and the way she frames it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

    It almost feels as though she’s saying I’m sorry but I’m not really the one to blame at the same time which is alright but she says it so badly it comes across wrong.

    And the whole we’re all new to this we didn’t know is sorta BS anyone who’s been on the internet more then a year knows going to Twitter is never the right call unless you’re trying to cancel someone or start war/drama.

    They all have been influencers/streamers long enough to know what you say and do effects you’re community and their response.

    Silvervale and Nyanners have fun clips but seem really shallow so don’t worry about her blocking you.

    To summarize I appreciate her doing a stream apology and emphasize with her but it wasn’t handled well and her piling on 30 excuses didn’t help it feel real. Bring up that she had a past disconnect with Nux seemed very out of the blue as well but hey those are just my 2 Cents.

    And I’ll try to look ahead but even if I forgive I don’t think I’ll ever forget.

  8. I can at least give credit to Ironmouse in that she was the only talent to actually bring it up on stream instead of sweeping it under the rug, certainly beats Silvervale smashing the block button the moment any dissent comes her way.

    That being said she had absolutely no idea what to say and it ended up being a jumbled mess, at least it seems like the drama is over now.

  9. Calling the bad audience members "subhumans" seems a little counter-productive if you're hoping for deescalation and avoiding the more deranged people on your side from adding fuel to the flames….

  10. I don't think you people realize what was going on. The phishing only happened in October and only saki fell for it. Vshojo's cyber security team had the fake sites taken down pretty quick. The doxxing group behind it has been active much longer. They've doxxed a shit ton of people with other methods. Some of Vshojo are victims. Nux didn't even get that guy arrested. That guy is a minor, making it difficult to prosecute.

  11. Hm, Athena doesn't sound like she's being constructive; sounds like she's only making the drama worse. I understand she herself might be acting from a strongly emotional position and shit from the stuff she mentioned, but yeah, she shouldn't be casting stones while she's, as she put it, "breeding demons" herself.

  12. My two cents, though I only heard of this drama just today…it kinda feels like none of the VShoujo girls watched the video entirely first, watched and just assumed things, intentionally brought things out of context, or was told about stuff of the video by someone else with the wrong info? I watched the video when it was out about a week ago, but personally, I don't see anything wrong with it. He's just making a PSA about a doxxer sending out phishing emails and to throw caution, managed to miraculously caught him with help of the police and went ahead to gloat on it online, which is Nux just being Nux. I was actually much more impressed that 2 weeks was all it took to notice this problem and address it, and it was good on him to remind people the internet is a huge and scary place. This wouldn't have blown up even if they left everything as it is with the original 'Thanks Nux' tweet and nobody would have noticed the more than 6 months it took for VShoujo to even publicly acknowledge (with a big ?) this because the whole saga just opened up multiple cans of worms.

    Then again, I don't really watch much VShoujo stuff (typically just skipped if it comes up), but I do on occasion watch one or two of Nux's videos when youtube autoplays the next video (and that's how I got to this channel, from Genshin, to Nux's new video and the part 1 saga in this channel). That said, I do have a new-found respect for Nux and how he handled the situation. While he did come back sounding pepped up as usual, it could be possible he is just suppressing everything to make sure he sounds okay. That said, VShoujo should come out with a better official statement. The one from the CEO (Gunrun was it?) sounded more like an excuse of "Not my fault" even though all the facts are presented on the table..

  13. Tinfoil hat/conspiracy time:
    VSHOJO deliberately hired/met/are hackers/doxxers and did nothing because the hackers/doxxers were giving them more info and leverage against the talents at their agency. Essentially, they were deliberately keeping info about the doxing website under wraps and also shutting up any and all who had concerns about this (ie Nux) so that they could get more Intel, more money, and more leverage over all clientele while also hold a metaphorical gun to the talents' heads "if you don't do what we say we have all your info/will cut you away from all ties with the company" sorta stick.
    Again all conspiracy/tinfoil hat, no actual proof, so take this with a grain of salt.

  14. "The last thing I ever wanted to do is hurt anybody" – person who sent a hate mob at Nux in an attempt to make him lose his livelihood in a coordinated manner with many other well known vtubers while the company that runs you lies about him, while literally none of them had any reason to do so… Yeah sorry if I don't believe anything coming out of your mouth. You don't get the benefit of the doubt when you do what you did. You did it because you wanted to hurt him. That's what the action itself shows.

    Those apologies are all absolutely bullshit.

    Nux still has yet to be shown doing anything wrong. I mass unfollowed vshojo and will not interact with them again. No need to send hate their way, they're not worth it.


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