Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Trailer Reaction!

AHHHH! New expansion next year! Let’s gooooooo!

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4 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Trailer Reaction!”

  1. Erenville is the bun boi and the Mamool Ja are the tribe we've seen before. There are a couple in the black mage questline and some in the blue mage quests as well. And there's a bunch haning out in Upper La Noscea.

  2. My favorite thing about this trailer is that all the scions seem to be doing something THEY enjoy, instead of saving the world:

    1. You're fighting tough beasts
    2. Estinien has a soft spot for kids and he's surrounded by them
    3. Y'shtola is seeking knowledge in the ruins
    4. G'raha enjoying local cuisine
    5. Thancred cosying up with the local women
    6. Urianger enjoying a drink while keeping tabs on his friends

  3. The hype on this is so real. For years in FFXI they teased going to the new world which was the homeland of the mamool ja (they are an FFXI beastman from the Treasures expansion) and when the game went into maintenance mode I figured we'd never see it. So hype lol.


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