Sony fanboy is triggered Final Fantasy 14 is coming to Xbox Series X|S & says Xbox fans wont play it

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24 thoughts on “Sony fanboy is triggered Final Fantasy 14 is coming to Xbox Series X|S & says Xbox fans wont play it”

  1. It’s time to tuck away my ps4 pro back in its box. I will soon have no use for it in the near future. I’ll be enjoying FFxiv on XSX next year💚

  2. yeah it makes alot of sense for square enix to make there relationship with microsoft stronger since itll not resrict there creative freedom to an outdated box and ff 16 perfomance problems wont happen again

  3. Yeah a final fantasy fan wont play final fantasy games just because some final fantasy fans have moved to xbox doesn't mean they now don't like final fantasy, if I look on my xbox final fantasy are the only games I've kept the rest all get deleted after I've had my fun or completed them.

  4. hello Turboverse tbh SquarEnix desperately needs the sales as Ponies bleat plenty but don't BUY Games unlike Xbots whom Play More Buy More and are always more positive as XBOX Delivers Quality Content at affordable prices making Gaming accessible to MORE people mike drop

  5. They thought Sony had a stranglehold on Square Enix but Phil came in as he always does & delivered for his fans.

    I don't care about Final Fantasy myself but I have a lot of friends who do.

  6. What I don't understand that FFXIV was never exclusive to PS, anything that is on PC is not "exclusive" its "also on". Any game that is on PC also is not "exclusive".

  7. This is a huge deal because the original version of FF14 originally started as an Xbox360 exclusive. Shithead Don's leadership and his bad attitude towards Yoichi Wada and their requests was the big blow to the relationship between Microsoft and Square Enix. Japanese business culture is very big on respecting the previous decisions of the old guard, so you KNOW Phil put in a lot of time and effort to repair that rift.

  8. Playstation fanboys go crazy every time a once 3rd party franchise goes multiplat. In the PS3/360 era Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Tekken 6 went multiplat, PS fanboys cried. Now Persona 5, Yakuza/Judgement Series, & FFXIV are coming to Xbox Series S/X they're crying again saying Sega/Atlus & Square – Enix are "betrayers" because these once exclusive games are now multiplat and lost those bragging rights for a pointless console war.

  9. i bough my girlfriend a ps5 to play ff14 with me since im on pc but she wasnt too happy about that and she wanted a xbox i was sad she wouldnt play it with me and she said that she was sorry but she prefred xbox and she said "if only ff14 was on xbox" MWAHAHA >:D

  10. Final fantasy 7 remake isn’t even finished yet, we’ll see how everything shakes out next year. My thought is they’ll wait till everything’s out, then bundle everything up for cheap on xbox

  11. As a PC player and that has been looking at this Plastic Wars from a distance, this is a Sony trend.
    -Sony: "Here is $ to keep this game out of microsoft for 5 years"
    -Square: "Niiice, ok ok you got it Daddy Sony"
    5 years later
    -Square: contract is up Daddy, more money?
    -Sony: "Not right now, working in keeping more games away from the competitors"

    -Microsoft: " Is it ok if i can play now Square?"
    -Square: "As long as you pay me like Daddy Sony. But SURE!"
    -Microsoft: " Sweet, one condition…
    No more exclusivity, it is so dumb. Let players play where ever they want"
    -Square: " Yea you know what yea, the more players the more $ we make. Daddy needs to change his ways, he is so old school and obsolete"

  12. Gaming since 93. Owned PS1 and PS2 but i swear to god I won't ever undestand Sony fanboys. By far the most obnoxious fanbase in all gaming since 1994.

    Its the only fanbase that gets incredibly pissed when a game (third party mainly) that was previously exclusive hits another platform. PC gamers don't care if games are also playable on consoles, its better for the dev. As long as the PC version is great, we are fine. Xbox gamers accepted games getting to PC and even other consoles. Nintendo fans have no problem when games like Octopath Traveler, Triangle Strategy and more hit PC and other consoles…

    Its like they find more joy in knowing that other fanbases won't access certain games than in playing those games themselves. They also have this strange tendency into thinking japanese third parties should somehow "pledge allegiance" to the brand and never publish their games in other platform. Brands like Resident Evil, Metal Gear, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Persona… they get pissed when ports of these games are announced. Let alone first party games on PC. They absolutely DESPISE that and want that initiative to bomb.

    I'm like chill out mate! you were able to play that game on your Playstation years ago. Why so triggered?


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