WoW VS FFXIV: A Comparison of Games I Love

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36 thoughts on “WoW VS FFXIV: A Comparison of Games I Love”

  1. Both games have their high points, I also felt that what I missed about WOW was the community of the guilds and for the statics, progression and farming, as well as the social aspects of it and mostly talking. I feel FF14 has an amazing story and that alone has a way of loving it all the more, but the community is friendly and kind, I just feel that it is harder to find a free company that isn't about glams and social parties… I don't mind the pugs, they are great, but I miss very much the WOW guild structures that had a good balance. I feel I arrived late to the FF14 party for the few that do the static runs and those that have that community feel.
    I hope things work out with your friend, sometimes time heals and misunderstandings get resolved and they realize that the friendship and time are priceless. Best of luck or faith or both.
    Great job editing, I loved the video add in, transitions and the like.

  2. Man don’t take that friendship for granted … make it right today don’t wait … I came back to the game bc of my friends from 20 years ago .. they are family it makes your experience so much more fulfilling … make it right my friend .. good luck to you … great video

  3. One very important thing about the "in-game purchases" is that FFXIV doesn't HAVE them in-game. They are never advertised and you never feel pressured to pay anything, hell, you might not even know a cash shop exists if somebody doesn't tell you. The store also asks you like 5 times if you REALLY want to spend money. Meanwhile WoW, Destiny and most MMOs nowadays just have paid store right in the game's main menu.

  4. First I want to say that I sincerely hope that you're doing okay, man, and that you've found some peace in the happy memories you have of both games. There's just something that becomes a part of us when we play and a large part of that is the friendships we make along the way.

    I'm glad that you've had an excellent time in Eorzea, and I hope that you continue to have some awesome experiences as the story continues to evolve and you discover more and more of the hidden gems in the side content! (also, 10/10 WoL!). As someone that only flirted with WoW for a bit, it's real interesting to see the comparison between the strengths and weaknesses of the two games, and I think you've done an excellent job showcasing each objectively. I can't wait to see more from you 🙂

  5. I agree with a lot of what u said on the video except on the graphics department… WoW from launch till now in Dragonflight is terrible tbh. It’s all flat, 2d graphics that makes u feel like you’re playing in an episode of Spongebob and is very off putting imo. Where as FF, even from ARR but especially from HW onwards is at minimum an 8/10 in the graphics department. Other then that, it was a very good vid 👍

  6. Good comment on the buying boosts in each game – I agree that people are way less tempted to buy the job boosts in FFXIV since the story is so good. I guess in this case we would be talking even about each job's story quests for your alt jobs, and they are quite good as well (which ended in shadowbringers and became role quests, but even so…) i just simply dont desire to buy a boost nearly as much as i did in WoW for my main job especially.

  7. Personally, I dislike WoW. I don't harbor ill will toward the game or anyone who enjoys it, though.

    I will say, though, that your take is one of the best I've heard about both. It's very obvious that both games are very important to you, and you crafted this video with affection toward both. Quality content.

  8. FFXIV even has a built in system to dissuade people from buying boosts. Thanks to being able to level all jobs on the same character if you start leveling a new job you will get a 100% exp bonus to help catch it up to your highest leveled job, cutting the leveling process in half.

  9. I love both of them as well, I stop having fun in one, ready to play the other and vice versa, it keeps both games fresh. I find with wow I have WAY more junk I have to go through for collection purposes, so I have like 30x the time played in wow compared to ffxiv, but it’s nice to have multiple games I can play depending on my mood.

  10. I feel you with the friends aspect of playing…really any MMO. I started playing FFXIV right when 2.0 launched and had a Free Company fairly quickly. We were pretty tight up until mid Stormblood, then the FC just kind of fizzled and people went their separate ways. The person I used to play with on a daily basis ended up moving to Korea, and I have not seen him online since. Now, I've been trying to find an FC that I feel like a part of, but I just haven't found it yet. I don't really have "FFXIV friends" to play the game with anymore and it sucks because it makes me not want to play the game as much due to that. When I log on now, it's mostly playing a single player game with dungeons thrown in.

  11. Beautiful vid! You describe the differences between the games magnificently. Hit the nail on the head. I'm sorry that you had a falling out with your friend. :/

  12. I’m a FF14 player through and through, but I hope dragon flight marks a new era for wow and gives them something they actively wanna go back to. Regardless of what you prefer, everyone needs a game they can call home at the end of the day

  13. I think it’s kind of weird when WoW veterans talk about how early gameplay is slow and kinda boring looking at FF but I don’t understand how it’s any different. Yes, starting off a new class in FF starts slow but so is starting an alt in WoW if you were to compare the two experiences.

  14. The ceaseless crying when you talk about "Flow" during the music segment simultaneously got me to laugh and relive the trauma behind the context of that song. I still remember my sibling asking if I was OK because they could hear me sobbing from my room. What Sokken and Ishikawa accomplish together using music and writing is just unparalleled.

  15. 11:33 i laughed hard and i know i shouldn't… Been playing FFXIV for nearly 3 years and still going. Played wow back in the end of BC till Ulduar, and again at the end of WoD till 6 months in BFA. Not returning with all that stuff that's been going on. But let's not forget that SE is not a saint in any way either as a company. But i really feel that FFXIV is closer to my tastes nowdays. Nothing tells me that i need to log in to play, i feel relaxed and i really like the fact that being a casual in this game is not frowned upon. Have fun with the game and be well o/

  16. Well done video, I'll explain a couple of things about FF14
    The general slowness for the ARR story is pretty much there because they are basicly setting up the whole lore for you they have made it better but there is only so much they can do. Combat is the same as they have made it much better but again only so much they can do for that, but in fairness all this holds up what the expansions set out to do and they did it very well.
    When i played WoW the first time (6 months after it was released) people were much more friendly, hell a stranger made me a nice red shirt that i still had until i stopped playing entirely during BFA, i skipped both mists and warlords. There was a sense of elitism now compared to back in the day when there still was some but there was always groups that you could find to have fun with.

    A larger issue i see now that came on early on in WoW (but infintsimly smaller) was how they treated old and limited content. The opening of the bug kingdom (forgot the name) was a fun little server get together that everyone could help with in some form or another, naturally they can't really do that again the same way but when only one person per server could get the mount by the end it just seemed such a bag choice, FF14 does have somethings that are very hard to obtain after a certain time but never limited to one person (baring the old feast pvp rewards).

    FF14 wants you to go back to the old content and trys to keep it relevant to you, from weekly tomestones to getting new but updated variations of dungeons they really want nothing to waste or as little as possible.
    WoW had garrisons, huge invasions, the weapons of the heroes from the game itself, but most are useless or non exsistant outside of the expansion they are in. Hell what i came back for BFA i wondered why my weapon was all greyed out and even after beating legion i still didn't know until i found out there was a story cutscene that was so important to the story that i will never get to see i just said, nope i'm out if that is how its gonna do i'm not giving them money.

    in short FF14 respects its roots and you time and never kicks its old content away entirely, WoW is like disney with child actors, kicked to the cirb the moment they grow slighty too old.

  17. The 2.5 GCD is always the point all WoW people bring up. Its STARTS at 2.5 as a base. Gear brings down that timer depending on how you spec you sub stats. dont know why all Wow folks seem to believe it will always remain 2.5. That isnt how progression works.

  18. I've been playing XIV since ARR launched, pretty much. I think you captured that bittersweet feeling, through nostalgia and relationships very, very well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It's… weird to play the games in a different way after life changes, but I'm glad you still are. That means something too– as there's so much more to experience.

    Cheers friend!

  19. Ehm, nice comparison but.. calling FFXIV first zones unpolished and rough while a moment ago mentioning the low polygon count and unupdated graphics of Elwynn Forest is just biased. If you leave the nostalgia out of it, the FF starter zones blow WoW's starter zones out of the water in terms of graphics, even compared to the later zones of WoW.


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