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#1 highlight of this patch was the book falling, i'll die on this hill
If we go by the same order established on this tier of the 24-man raids. The last god we will fight is Oschon.
The god of wanderers, vagrants, and EXPLORERS.
Just leaving this here.
Also… monkeys tend to be vagrant-like don’t they?
Skipped cs for new ally raid like I did for all the other raids xD 8 and 24 mans
Spoiler theory:
i'm conviced the opo opo is one of the other gods
I was a bit frustrated with the multiple wipes due to that one mechanic on the final boss on the raid, but otherwise I had a great time.
Adventure plates? You mean lewd plates?
My dumbass live-streamed the unlock Quest
Love this patch! The MSQ was a great start to a new story with some character moments I really enjoyed, the alliance raid is SWEET, and the new pvp is super fun. And, of course, the most important update: Adventurer Plates! It's clearly the most important feature in the game now.
Some great use of FF4 themes in the overall story.
I've been playing SMN so much in PvP and it's soooo fun I agree, I adore just popping Bahumut in a half health crowd and just 1 shotting everyone and then if theyre not the 20000 damage dash combo will finish them off lol
wait for baldie, he'll hate it
Thanks for the take. I really love hearing how people are having fun with the stuff I’m having fun with. This is the first patch experience after catching up with msq and more that I expected. I still got so much to do besides patch contents like leveling all to 90 or some side areas but spending hours in pvp XD Glad to see you having fun and again thanks for sharing your fun experiences and those make my experiences even better!
worst mmo patch ever. even the selfie patch in wod was better
im definitely not a samurai main.
It’s the first time I got into PVP and I’ve been loving playing my MNK, being an annoying skirmisher who targets mages who can move across the field easily.
I also thought Deryk was super sus. I don't think he's a villain or anything, I expect him and the opo opo to be the 12 also. I think Deryk is probably Althyk, and the opo opo could be Nymeia.
Why they lure us there I couldn't guess though.
something i did when i did the alliance raid was give some of the bosses nicknames
Bygerout as Bob the Builder
Rhalgr as Mr Myiagi
Rhalgr add LeRusso(from karate kid)
Azeyma An Exotic Dancer
and ofc Thals Balls
This patch has the only dialog option in the entire game I liked.
During the Aglaia questline you get asked by Deryk if you like going on adventures with friends or by yourself. Graha Tia is with you because hes so desperate to cling to your hip. You get the option to say "Friendships nice but I think I prefer flying solo (paraphrase)" while looking Graha dead in the eye and you can see his heart shatter. After Shadowbringers and Endwalker repeatedly annoyed me by forcing a narrative onto YOUR CHARACTER about their relationships with Emet and Zenos it was so nice to finally tell a character to go screw.
I'm super happy with the MSQ, because if you had asked me to choose 2 scions and an Endwalker character to join us on the patch MSQ going forward, I would have chosen Estinien, Y'shtola and Vrtra, so I can't wait to see where the story goes from here.
Haven’t tried everything yet, but going to go off on a limb and say, PvP…..is the MvP this patch.
I just saw the worst adventurer plate today…
the MSQ is going exactly where I wanted it to go, so I'm very satisfied lol
I had a whole plan for what to complete first and pvp wasn't one of them. I ended up playing pvp for the so many hours. I already got all 3 goro mounts and some of the gear sets lol. Loving the pvp changes a lot.
First impression: wow KEKW
Yknow Im a healer main and I really want the chiton from this raid bc its sexy and BACKLESS but
but but
The tank chestpiece has a shimmery sheer cape that, blessedly, for hrothgar and au ra, has the cape split straight up the middle so your tail doesnt clip thru it like every cape in the game.
So I will tank next tuesday.
PVP complaint! I have nothing to spend trophy crystals on tbh.
After the wonderful shb late allagan sets I was expecting some gud shit for Endwalker but no. The trophy crystal gear is recolored hw lv cap gear.
Some of the weapons are cool but theres no mount for trophys or emotes or like anything compared to wolf marks so I hope that changes in 6.2 when the new season drops.
As someone named Derek, I've been purposefully pronouncing his name as "Der-eek". Makes me feel better.
6.1 was a fantastic patch.
Guessing either Deryk or his monkey is Oschon in disguise, between his lone wanderer schtick and his intimate familiarity with the phantom realm. I don't think it's a coincidence that he stands right in front of Oschon's sigil when you first speak with him there.
What job are you playing? how do I get the beast hunters saif as well?
I need help!
I don't trust deryk either
Pvp is more fun than expected, kudos
X-Death is a bitch he wants to control the void yet my boy us better than this fool!
Hmmm once going back, Dyrks oppo oppo isn't walking around as a minion like at the beginning like the other animal vessels.. I'm sure he is one of the gods and the oppo oppo is vessel