Sodapoppin Reacts To FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker – Official Cinematic Trailer (+ SHADOWBRINGERS)

Sodapoppin Reacts To FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker – Official Cinematic Trailer (+ SHADOWBRINGERS)

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49 thoughts on “Sodapoppin Reacts To FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker – Official Cinematic Trailer (+ SHADOWBRINGERS)”

  1. 'sounds like a dmca song'
    …. Dude, FF14's team makes all it's own music, they don't BUY shit.

    Also dude, you play WoW, your expansion and most of the expansions leading up to it WERE shit, and your opinion on what's good or not became invalid the moment you showed your lack of understanding on what a fucking FOUNTAIN was.

  2. I'm glad this man will never join FF. We really don't need people like him asking stupid fucking questions about how fountains and magic work. magic in video games? NO!

  3. If it's Japanese, it's DMCA. Lol It's just a matter of whether or not they decide it to be. They're usually swift AF. I put up a Youtube video of me fishing in FFXIV the other day with the Orchestral version of Fisherman's Horizon from FF8 and they literally claimed that shit the minute it was up. It was even an Unlisted video. I'm sitting here like "How the hell did they even find it if it doesn't show up in anyone's search?" Nothing escapes Nihon DMCA.

  4. Stupid lol 😂 trying to make real life logistics in the trailer but hasn’t played final fantasy at all so judges it bc his shit game can’t actually have a imagination so he bashes a good game for his shit game makes sense

  5. you all fell for the ultimate troll… considering that soda is one of the biggest weebs out there, and also a master troll. reminds me of that time when he made all the kpop stans mad over his tweets

  6. This is a funny meme. He hates everything because it doesnt make sense to him. I guess he doesnt know what fantasy means, but weird that many of the WoW game design (the game he plays) doesnt make any sense either.

  7. Game is named final fantasy wow vet seeing a water fountain statue pouring water. How does that make sense that's not realistic. Also watching final "fantasy" casual doomer wow Stan hating on every mmo even his own what is new.

  8. Really Soda? You're mad at fountain with its base in the water completely sumerged, and uhdrr the base could be a hydraulic system. You know systems that move water. Yet in WoW you prob say one of your fave zones is Nagrand(99% of wow players agree first time in Outland Nagrand is so beautiful) but floating rocks with water falling out of them eternally doesnt piss you, but a mechanically functioning statue pisses you off because you have the brain of a thrid grader and dont understand how a fountain works. There are zones in wow with abandoned ruins with fountains that still work. Which wouldnt make sense. Not lets talk about the beautiful art work how tjat city almost gave an atlantis ancient greek vibe. Lets talk about how dumb having a mechanically sound fountain is.

  9. To me it was kind of jarring aswell the first time I saw it, but then I remember how hard I cringed at Sylvanas in every cinematic shes been in, so then I realized that this is pretty badass. Now I prefer this and all other final fantasy 14 cinematics to WoW (other than Wrath of the Lich King and Warcraft 3 cinematics) simply because Sylvanas has tainted it all in cringe. The cat boi still causes it though, but unlike Sylvanas yelling "for the horde" in the bfa trailer I won't skip his part.

  10. Local man shocked to learn about the existence of fountains, more at 11!

    Gonna say it gave me a legitimate laugh though seeing some people in his chat yell "furry" at the cat people when they went from watching a dude play a game with a bunch of actual furry races. Like, have some self-awareness.

  11. I like Sodapoppin a lot, he's a good guy.. says what's on his mind, etc. I'm sad that he doesn't give FF a 'college try' (may not be the best verbiage considering Soda).. but I understand that he really enjoys WoW (from time to time, not always).. and if he has found something that he enjoys, more power to him.

  12. OMG. This probably takes home the most idiotic reaction i have ever seen in my life. Seriously, people follow this guy? That's 100 times absurd than understanding how the fountain works in this trailer.


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