The FFXIV Iceberg has some pretty wild stuff on it, and since I only really started going hard on FFXIV in 2019 there’s a lot of factoids I’m curious about. This was pretty fun to watch.
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#FFXIV #FFXIVIceberg #FinalFantasyXIV
I have had retainers bring back gear that list a crafter's name.
In Everquest there was a GM Jail in the 1990's
Yugiri dark lore, the original VA was murdered by her partner along with her kids
Sin Eaters make the bread rise in the oven
That tam-tara hard thing was fucking freaky
I heard it just fine, Iquite literally don’t know what it would sound like if it didn’t have any sound there, if that was the intent of that iceberg bit
If Reaper weapons aren’t unique because there are Scythe transmogs, then I guess Gunbreakers don’t have unique weapons because Machinists have two gun blade transmogs. Not to mention the Dark Knight’s nodachi Transmog eating into the uniqueness of SAM, etcetera.
Yeah you can see Retainers out in the world! I'm not sure how they work, but I've seen them dressed up in different outfits!
I tried the fattest cat Skalla the other day coz my character is a catboi. Have him eat sth to get well fed buff and the cat will appear in the mobs after you defeated them
Hey! imma Au Ra
reaper also have action skills for the job so yeah 🙂
20:30 Exarch is Graha from the future he came with the tower with the Ironworks version of Alexander
some of these are kinda wack and a huge stretch imo
During Heavensward, i think it was, my father got pulled in the GM Jail. It was so unexpected we almost got scared lol