FFXIV Live Letter 6.2 All Island Sanctuary Details (So Far)

so much new content coming for Final Fantasy XIV & this feature is one of those that will be delightful to try out!

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5 thoughts on “FFXIV Live Letter 6.2 All Island Sanctuary Details (So Far)”

  1. I didn't know you were coming back to FFXIV! I've been so busy for over a month so I haven't been able to see what you're up to. It's been the move from hell, so coming back to see you actually interested in the game is amazing! If ya need help with getting back into the game I'll be available (eventually)! If the game ever bores you again don't be afraid to take a break! I know the game isn't your style and I'd hate for you to feel forced to play what you don't enjoy! My advice: take it slow! Enjoy the game at your own pace! Foster a community! This is an mmo, the best part is the socialization! A good example of a streamer who plays into this strength is Cloudie Mcdoom, a new FFXIV player who also loves Final Fantasy. And has a similar energy to you. After watching him I realized that FFXIV is the best as an experience. Whether it's story, raids, or whatever. Basically, have fun! Do what YOU wanna do! FFXIV is perfect for that. You just gotta make it your own. Anyways, hope to see ya soon! For now, I gotta get back to work. The house won't unpack itself! x) Love ya Glory! Keep doing what you love! Whether it's diablo, v rising, evil dead, or whatever catches your fancy! I'll always stick around. Even if I can only lurk. ♥️


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