FFXIV Fanfest 2023 in Las Vegas, NV – A Vlog

Been a minute since I’ve had the chance to make one of these. Behold! My vlog experience attending FFXIV Fanfest. I added Japanese subtitles on the off chance that anyone on the Sqenix dev team decides to give it a watch.

This was actually my first weeb-con experience. I had never been to any anime conventions or anything like that up until this one, and I never attended a fanfest before this one, so it was totally fresh. As mentioned in the video, it wasn’t all bad, but it could’ve been so much better. I’m used to there being feedback channels in LAN discords from Splatoon, but alas, all I can do is shout into the void and hope that the corporation hears me.

While I am able bodied, I have read and listened to the accounts of the disabled people who were treated like dirt at the event. Though I don’t expect a lot of people to watch my little vlog, I still want to provide links to disabled people’s experiences in the hopes they’ll be heard: https://twitter.com/Ahzuvi_txt/status/1686180159370776576

My friends are what largely made the trip worthwhile. I got no merch, didn’t get to do all the activities because the lines were atrocious, was too short to see anything!!! Though I guess that last one isn’t Sqenix’s fault.

All in all it was still a good time. All I ask is Yoshi-P. Idk what the budget is for y’all and renting out venues but please. Choose better venues for the con itself, and most importantly the orchestra concert. This is not just from me, but every other band/orchestra kid who attended. The venn diagram of FFXIV players and former band/orchestra kids is practically a circle.

Maybe I’ll write my full thoughts in a twitlonger or tumblr or w/e, idk, either way soken ily 💖

Song 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN75XzJCOtE
Song 2: To You – Skule Toyama https://soundcloud.com/skuletoyama/to-you
Song 3: Bamboo – Nostalgia[PNTSS0304] https://soundcloud.com/pinkneontokyo/bamboo-nostalgiapntss0304
Song 4: Snow in Miami – Wavelord https://soundcloud.com/djwavelord/wavelord-snow-in-miami


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