After finding out that Rich Campbell showed interest in casting for FFXIV PVP and the new PVP updates that have just come out per the live letter, I took this moment to talk about some exciting possibilities for the future of FFXIV if Yoshi P and the dev team have the resources to create a competitive working PVP scene.
Original tweet:
Rich Campbell’s Video:
Savix’s Video:
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Don't normally pvp but I plan to try it out since just playing long enough can get me some prizes
I think I recall SE saying they don't plan to officially sponsor world first competition because then they have to do the work to make sure no one is using add on. I wonder if they have a similar feeling with pvp
I don't get if with the new system you still get wolf marks to spend in cool pvp glams. But we'll I imagine there'll at least be a replacement
Same ^
The hits just keep on coming, imagine if XIV somehow built a healthy PVP scene to go along with it's other recent explosions in popularity, it would gain a new appeal for get another whole new demographic. No joke I can forsse another NA data center getting added if things keep trending like this and servers actually become available.
They need to fix the pvp in order for it to be considered fun first, before even thinking about trying to make it something viable for esports.
And frankly, i would rather they spend more resourses on things they are good at, a game that try to please everyone ends up pleasing no one.
Rich has my vote
Am I alone here and actually hoping that Final Fantasy never get a competitive PVP environment? It’s toxic and can ruin games and it would ruin this one. I think esports is everything to Final Fantasy strives to not be and I don’t want to see that change
Man, I just watched Rich on State of the Realm (MrHappy's podcast) and that guy is an absolute blast. I gotta say I'm so glad that all these WoW streamers keep coming over. We're getting more and more variety in the FFXIV community. Pint's guild-enslaving video was great. Preach delving into RP was a blast. Scripe consistently getting his mind blown over things is so much fun. I'm excited to see what else all these players are gonna bring to the table. Rich as the caster for PvP would be great
To be honest I don’t want anyone to cast ffxiv pvp even if the new pvp game mode good.
I want to see minion championship
Well, the whole idea is kinda putting the cart before the Chocobo. While I agree the changes look good, are they enough to add to the dozen or so PvP enthusiasts the game has had in the past? If so and some community driven events, like with world first, arise that would be great.
with all the ex-wow pvper n commentor that join, this will be interesting how the ff14 competitive side would be. look forward to see what happen
Rich looks like a man who gives really good hugs.
Rich could do his own community day pvp matches and cast them.
Was the same with the HGC casting team for Heroes of the Storm. Their tournament series was actually REALLY good, on par with the best of Riot/LoL and the casters were insanely good at their jobs, I used to watch more HGC than regular TV. Then Blizzard just fucked them in the ass and burned the whole thing to the ground in one weekend. Just unreal. I would love to see PVP in FF14 reach the point that they could have a real tournament series and I think their new approach of delinking it completely from the PVE side is the right way to do it.
i didnt know nothing about that, now i see them like there were rats abandoning wow ship, they should stick together and work for wow be better…now they want to be part of ff14 cuz they neeed to pay bills, they are just actors they dont love shit.
Rich is such little weirdo, but damn he is awesome caster.
PvP will never have toxicity seperated out of it lol, it's a nice dream but it'll never happen.
Oh god please no….