FFXIV: The Story of Alexander Recap

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24 thoughts on “FFXIV: The Story of Alexander Recap”

  1. While I appreciate the video, I personally found the Alexander story boring AF. Honestly, the only raid stories that have captivated me to any degree are Return to Ivalice and Eden…with Eden being WAY at the top because a lot of the Return to Ivalice stuff felt just marginally better than Omega to me. The start of the resistance storyline was also pretty darn cool but quickly lost my interest when they tried to get me to engage in grindy content. I know some people love these sorts of grinds in games but I personally can't stand them and would much rather play a different game or even replay the story on a different JOB for a new experience.

  2. Interesting little tid bit is that the horn that Dayan is holding, which powers alex, is from 1.0. We acquired it during the main story of 1.0 for Travanchet who turned out to be possessed by an ascian. During that 1.0 story arc it was going to be used by the ascian to cause another calamity by summoning two serpeants which would cause a realm wide flood, but instead Travanchet (Same character model/name from 1.0) gave the horn to the original people who summoned alex. Its not clear why it was given to them however, but interesting to see if it is part of some master plan that will be fulfilled later.

  3. The ending with all the closing time loops, especially the final one with the founding of the Au Ra tribe, really paid off what was a pretty lackluster story until the final tier. I still enjoy Alexander's story overall the most for the raid series.

  4. I am slowly but surely making my way through the MSQ via NG+. I have not touched that content since 2013. I have only gone through the MSQ ONCE, and being that Endwalker is the conclusion to what amounts to a decade-old saga, I figured I'd… get a refresher. I'm really enjoying my time with it. I have read a good chunk of the lore books, and going through the story with the lens of both hindsight and knowledge of the world makes for an interesting experience.

    That said, my time is somewhat limited, so I am not sure I'll be able to get through all the MSQ-adjacent content such as 8 and 24-man raids and whatnot… Which is why this recap comes just in time!

  5. I'm gonna throw out my crack theory here – Alexander is the most powerful primal and will be integral to resolving the Hydaelyn-Zodiark story arc in Endwalker. The Alexander raids will become required content like the Crystal Tower 24-mans did.

  6. Nice recap! Omega and Coils would also be a good idea as we were advised that we should all go back and do them again before Endwalker ( if you're not already planning on doing them! ) Other than those I'd love to see a Eureka story recap from you Haps!

  7. I'm not sure the Aura's name is pronounce "Mide" like hide. I always thought since Aura can have Japanese sounding names that her name was pronounced "Me-dey". That's how a name like Mide would be pronounced there. shrug

    What a crazy amount of detail they put into the story in this game. Love it.


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