Yes, I did… as you can see in the title of the video, I indeed skipped the story. And you might think WHY!?… Well, let me explain it to you, in this video.
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If YouTube haven't removed dislikes on videos, I'm sure this video would have had 90% dislike …
I'm not mad, i'm just disappointed.
I just skipped too. FFXIV has too many text to read. I prefer ESO Story where All quests have voice acting. the problem with FFXIV Questing is that you expend too much time reading and less playing. The only story I cared was Heavensward wich have dragons. After that I just skipped all my way to shadowbringers. Reading MSQ only works if you are in up to date with the game ( that means you dont need to rush anything) but honestly I had some bad experience when it comes to social interactions wich required me to rush stuff up. just to play with a Free Company.
I was playing the game at a normal pace but 90% of the players (on my FC) already are into Endgame (fully leveled all jobs and stuff) I started leveling a gathering job to "work" for the FC. but they told me "Rush all your way to the max level" so I got really pissed and decided to fuck with the story. I just wanted to play with friend together. but in order to do so I was "forced" to rush to LV cap.
The problem with MMORPG in general is the insane lv cap they bring with each new expansion and the more levels the more skills you have. I think MMOs should have a lower level cap (LV 50) and less things to press like GW2.
Well…I spent 387hrs playing FFXIV. Between ARR through Heavensward. Did the entire MSQ for both, ran Raids multiple times, dungeons of course and did a good majority of side quests. And I can honestly say that HALF that time was spent reading. Which is fine for most, but for those that don’t have alot of time due to real world issues, it kind of sucks. But it’s all preference. Overall, FFXIV just wasn’t my thing after HW. I enjoy WoW’s world more, I enjoy WoW’s characters more(granted not as fleshed out as FFXIV), I enjoy WoW’s overall aesthetic more, and simply put i have always found myself more immersed within Azeroth. To each their own tho! GLHF all!
Do whatever yo want, but imo theres no need to make a video about it. we get why, we also get how you ruined a ton of good content, but maybe you cant enjoy it anyways.
Thanks for this. I 100% everything in the base game and ARR…kept quitting during Stormblood and had no interest to deal with SB or Shadowbringers at this point. I have no regrets.
Ok this is not a negative comment on my part but I have to ask… how can you say you're not into the lore of final fantasy if you don't want to be in the lore to begin with. And I mean this in the most friendly way possible, because that's the only phrase that left me puzzled. You clearly in general don't enjoy reading and following hours and hours of plot and you just see it as a wall standing between your and the "epic" endgame, a to-do list instead of a book. So the phrase doesn't make much sense to me.
Could have just said "Never cared to begin with, here's what you get if you skip". I don't wanna sound like I'm saying you didn't even try, but let's be honest, you approached it in a certain way from the start.
Honestly I'm currently doing endwalker story and I have more than 20 days played but if I was starting the game rn with all the knowledge I currently have I would skip story 100%. While I agree with what people say that the story gets better and better it's still not worth. I haven't enjoyed story at the start of the game and after so many hours I still don't like it. It's not like I don't enjoy other story games because I love lore from witcher, elder scrolls or warcraft but the ffxiv story would be much better if it was just shorter straigh to the point.
do what you like play like you want but don't write a review since you didn't play the game.
Nice vídeo. I dont understand why people care so much about others skipping ARR. Honestly i tried to play FFXIV 4 times and always ended boring and leaving.
Now you made my mind gonna skip it
you are right. thats about it
Finally someone said it. Not everyone wants to go through hundreds of hours of story. Especially when you have alot more irl things going on and all you Wana do is play
I think it's a WOW thing im similar. I have been looking for a mmo but I can't be fucked with the quests im fine with doing them but reading soo much text or sitting there like a idiot for like 3 min straight for nothing important to happen most of the time. I think D2 did a good job explaining the mission while you do i. I don't feel like reading a book the size of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring just to know that a race of turtle people are mad and wan't to summon a old god that I will kill and forget about in 5 quests or that I need to investigate people disappearing in ESO and many others. Good to see other people think a similar way and it's so odd people that like to play a MMO for the MMO content keep getting attacked for trying to enjoy a damn game
What is your outfit! love it
Skipped most the start myself brother, feel exactly the same as you
Gameplay Andy’s, all of you. We are so different, that I can’t even begin to comprehend. Oh well.
I did the same thing. I love the lore and world-building of the FF series in general so much, but ARR was draining so many precious hours, and I couldn’t stand the repetitiveness. So, at level 50, I am focusing solely on play experience as a dark knight, and then at 70 I will hop back into the story for ShD. I adore this game.