Pint does the best trial in FFXIV…

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16 thoughts on “Pint does the best trial in FFXIV…”

  1. 5.2 to 5.3 really turned Elidibus ' character around, he was really lacking in depth beyond being a mysterious manipulator in the background prior to Shadowbringers

  2. The exarch's monologue towards the end is incredibly important, because the paralel's with Azem's stone shows the wol is the wol because they've been azem before, and one day they might not even remember their adventures as the wol (due to reincarnation or even old age or whatever), and yet they will be that version of themselves because they have been the wol before that. It's a never-ending cycle.

  3. I started to play WoW back in Cataclysm and I always heard people saying again and again how amazing was WotLK. When I was playing Shadowbringers I remember I thought "Oh…so that's is the feeling to play the best expansion ever made while it still the actual content!"…And I did't want it to end. Even now, after Endwalker ShB is incomparable.


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